Learning vocabulary is essential for learning any language, but it can be difficult to memorize without resources. Busyteacher.org offers 14,321 printable vocabulary worksheets in several different categories, all of which are great for you to use with your students.
Vocabulary is a key component in helping students with word building. More often than not, students become stuck when speaking about their interests or jobs because they don’t know enough vocabulary to express themselves. Using these worksheets as a resource will help them build sentences as they learn to use the English language with ease. When used as homework assignments, these worksheets will make sure that students continue to use the words learned in the classroom at home, and get the extra practice they need to progress in their learning.
These worksheets can be used in the classroom in many different ways. Role play is one effective way to teach vocabulary: you can place students in a specific scenario and have them use the vocabulary on these worksheets to act out a relevant situation. Another effective way to teach vocabulary is by introducing the vocabulary words in a game setting, such as a matching game, a bingo game, or a team-based game.
The worksheets below come in many different styles. Some include cartoon characters to identify colors, some are simple fill-in worksheets, some are song worksheets, some are quizzes, some are in list form, and you'll also find many other types . This variety gives you a lot of options for creating a dynamic and fun lesson, and your students will appreciate the variety, too.
The worksheets are also grouped into “recommended,” “most popular,” and “recently added” categories – and they're also level-specific, ranging from beginner to advanced. This makes it easy for you to determine whether or not a given worksheet can be used in your lesson. If you're not sure about what a certain worksheet contains, just click on the thumbnail to preview the entire worksheet before downloading it.
You don't have to register or subscribe to download any worksheet. They're all free to download, and free to use in your lessons. Plus, every single one of these worksheets is created and submitted by fellow ESL teachers, which means they're tested and proven in real ESL classroom environments. In fact, if you have a vocabulary worksheet that you've found to be especially effective in your lessons, you can submit it to BusyTeacher.org. At the bottom of this page, click on “Submit a worksheet” to upload your worksheet for other ESL teacher around the globe to use!
Become a part of the BusyTeacher.org community, where you'll find 14,321 vocabulary worksheets to download and use in your lessons every day! There's no limit to what you can do when you make our worksheets a part of your lessons, so start by taking a look at the recommended ones below.
Create awesome-looking custom word searches in seconds!
Make A Word Scramble:
Instantly create custom word/sentence scrambles for your class!
Make A Double Puzzle:
Generate double puzzles your students will love - hours of fun!
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This fun Halloween-themed resource asks students to take a letter or combination of letters from each test tube to make a word. This worksheet will help a student's vocabulary and spelli ...
This listening and speaking worksheet helps students to develop listening comprehension. Students learn about the history and traditions of Halloween with the help of short videos. It in ...
This ESL Spelling and Writing Halloween worksheet is a lesson on homophones and homonyms and teaches students the difference between which, witch, and -wich. It follows a short animated ...
This grammar practice and listening worksheet focuses on the use of the Past Simple tense. The video helps students to check their answers. They observe the use of the tense and practise ...
This colorful activity asks students to look at the pictures and complete the crossword puzzle. It includes the words: skull, skeleton, bat, vampire, spider, witch, cauldron, lantern, ra ...
This worksheet introduces the concept of the smart home. The tasks are based on the video that explains what new devices are available and what benefits or drawbacks they have. Students ...
This worksheet provides information about the Japanese train system detailing its history. In addition to comprehension there is a vocabulary and discussion exercise. A video from YouTub ...
What is Samhainophobia? What are the colors of Halloween? Why are jack-o'-lanterns carved? Students read the facts about Halloween and fill in the missing words on this Halloween-themed ...
A super fun lesson plan with a link to an animated video to introduce vocabulary and expressions to talk about Thanksgiving. Perfect for vocabulary building and contextualizing language, ...
The worksheet is based on the video that discusses the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on global economy. The tasks focus on vocabulary and collocations that allow students to discuss econom ...
This seven-page worksheet is about money. There are eleven activities: match the prices and the words, write the price, match the words with the pictures, write a synonym/the opposite, m ...
This fun word search includes words that are associated with Benjamin Franklin. Students can try and find all of the words hidden in the grid. To make the exercise more interesting, see how many ...
This simple fill-in-the-blank exercise is perfect for students to practice the Past Simple tense. It is an extract from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling. Students fill in ...
The worksheet focuses on tourism and traveling habits. Students find out what nations travel most often and learn about popular destinations for international tourists. The activity help ...
Print the worksheets for pupils to work in pairs. One student reads the problem the second tries to find a solution. Students can take turns to discuss the problems in the worksheet and ...
This biography about Barack Obama can be used when teaching students about political and historical figures. Students carry out research and find out more interesting facts about the 44t ...
This new grammar guide contains seven pages of idioms and expressions connected with money. It includes definitions, example sentences, and a few illustrations. Suitable for different le ...
This worksheet tests listening and comprehension skills and includes the lyrics from the songs Lovely by Billie Eilish and In My Blood by Shawn Mendes. It is coupled with fill-in-the bla ...
This worksheet contains movie vocabulary intended to help those teachers who want to make their lessons more interesting by focusing on their student's hobbies, in this case, movies and ...
Students listen to the song on YouTube and fill in the blanks for comprehension and to engage in discussion on the supporting role of their parents, who also at one time had ideals, but ...
This worksheet is based on the first episode of this popular Anime series. It has a variety of exercises such as a pre-watching activity, true or false, matching words to images, general ...
“My Favorite Shirt” is a song written for teachers to use in the ESL classroom to practice CLOTHES. The lyrics include TWENTY (20) items of clothing: underpants, shorts, jean ...
This fun autumn-themed word search can be used in the autumn season! There are 20 words hidden in the puzzle, they include acorn, apple, autumn, chestnuts, chilly, cobweb, cool, crisp, h ...
Students watch and listen to a video about how to spot fake reviews. They listen for details and fill in the necessary information and match keywords to their synonyms/definitions. They ...
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