412 FREE Crosswords/Boardgames Worksheets
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FREE Crosswords/Boardgames Worksheets

Combine English language learning with fun games and activities to make your classes more enjoyable for students. Consider using one of the 412 crosswords or board games from this section in your classes to help students learn and practice a variety of topics. For a pre-intermediate activity on the past simple, look at this crossword page. It is a fun boardgame that can help students practice saying past simple verb forms and asking past simple questions. You can alter the rules to make it longer or shorter and even change the words to encourage students to practice particular vocabulary. The most popular worksheets are Christmas themed so feel free to check those out too. These activities have been created by other busy teachers just like you and are all free and easy to print out for use in your classes.
Making English language learning fun for students will help keep them engaged in their lessons. Younger students especially enjoy learning games while older students are more likely to want a more serious learning environment, discount the usefulness of these types of activities, and see them as a waste of time. The number of crosswords and boardgames you include in your course will largely depend on how your students react to them but they have become very common and are an effective ESL teaching tool.

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What Are Crosswords?
A crossword is a word puzzle that normally takes the form of a square or rectangular grid of white and shaded squares. The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words or phrases, by solving clues which lead to the answers. In languages that are written left-to-right, the answer words and phrases are placed in the grid from left to right and from top to bottom. The shaded squares are used to separate the words or phrases. Squares in which answers begin are usually numbered. The clues are then referred to by these numbers and a direction, for example, "4-Across" or "20-Down". At the end of the clue the total number of letters is sometimes given, depending on the style of puzzle and country of publication. Some crosswords will also indicate the number of words in a given answer, should there be more than one. The horizontal and vertical lines of white cells into which answers are written are commonly called entries or answers.
Freebase CC-BY
Source: Crossword on Freebase, licensed under CC-BY
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"At the Beach" Vocabulary Word Search

Khonsa Syahidah
» Crosswords/Boardgames
  This fun beach-themed word search can be used in the summer season. It includes words related to "At the Beach" vocabulary. There are 15 words hidden in the puzzle. See if your students ...
1 Views 6,665 BegElemPre-Int
Farm Animals Lesson – Kids Lesson Plan

Farm Animals Lesson – Kids Lesson Plan

Raedmund Gibbons
  This ESL Pals kids resource covers the topic of ‘Farm Animals’.  The lesson provides the opportunity for young learners to learn new words, and phrases and form sentence ...
1 Views 10,618 BegElem
Halloween Picture Crossword

Halloween Picture Crossword

, , , Crosswords/Boardgames
  This colorful activity asks students to look at the pictures and complete the crossword puzzle. It includes the words: skull, skeleton, bat, vampire, spider, witch, cauldron, lantern, ra ...
2 Views 12,807 Elem
The Word

The Word

, , , Crosswords/Boardgames
  This is a video with an interesting poem. Students watch the video and complete the exercises: Circle/choose the correct adjectives, verbs, letter words, etc. It contains 7 exercises and ...
1 Views 5,686 Elem
Revise the Words Crossword

Revise the Words Crossword

» Crosswords/Boardgames
  This easy crossword was created for students from the 6th grade to revise and practice their vocabulary. The answers are provided.
1 Views 8,194 Pre-Int
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Exploring Food

Exploring Food

, , Crosswords/Boardgames
  There are eight activities on this worksheet about food: blanks exercises, matching exercises, analogies, word search, idioms, put the item in the appropriate box, mark the noun ‘c ...
1 Views 16,983 ElemPre-Int
Must-Know Scrabble Word Lists

Must-Know Scrabble Word Lists

Emily Shine
» Crosswords/Boardgames
  This PDF explores the top Scrabble word lists to learn in order to secure a HUGE scoring advantage. It includes two- and three-letter words, unusual hook words, Q without U words, words ...
1 Views 5,830 All
Family members wordsearch

Family members wordsearch

, Crosswords/Boardgames
  This quick and easy wordsearch is ideal for adult elementary students, children or teenagers. It's also perfect as an introduction, reinforcement or revision material and makes a wonderf ...
1 Views 17,943 BegElem
Tic Tac Toe (To Practice Any Tense)

Tic Tac Toe (To Practice Any Tense)

This is a great activity that you can use as a warmer, as a review activity or even as a filler. It can be used in ANY level to practice any tense for affirmative, negative or questions. It's a g ...
1 Views 33,387 All


, , Crosswords/Boardgames
This is a video with a special poem, called ´acrostic´. The first letter of each line spells out a new word. You can watch the video and do the exercises (Circle the correct verbs, ...
1 Views 10,482 ElemPre-Int
The Word

The Word

, , , Crosswords/Boardgames
This is a video with an interesting poem. You can make a lot of exercises: adjectives, verbs, letter words,… I’ve made 7 exercises and a crossword. But of course, you can change them ...
1 Views 8,440 Pre-IntInt
Believe Me or Not - Queen Elizabeth II (Card game)

Believe Me or Not - Queen Elizabeth II (Card game)

Ekaterina Shevchenko
, , Crosswords/Boardgames
Have you ever wondered why Elizabeth II is so popular? This simple card game will help you to learn more about one of the most popular monarchs of our time. You may use this game as a time filler ...
1 Views 13,970 Pre-Int
The Grammar Card Game

The Grammar Card Game

BusyTeacher Contributor
, Crosswords/Boardgames
This is a card game where students need to create meaningful sentences using the cards they are dealt. There are 5 main types: subjects, objects, verbs, complements and connectors. RULES: -At th ...
1 Views 18,968 Pre-IntInt
Third Person Singular Pronunciation Maps (Simple Present)

Third Person Singular Pronunciation Maps (Simple Present)

, , , Crosswords/Boardgames
This is a game based on Marck Hancock's maze available on his website. Students have to find the path through the verbs with the same pronunciation: e.g. cooks - visits - helps. It aims at helpin ...
1 Views 22,915 BegElem
Fall Crossword Puzzle

Fall Crossword Puzzle

Crosswords/Boardgames, ,
A fall themed crossword puzzle for young students that can read and write. It has twelve clues to guess from with colorful pictures that help the student solve the puzzle. The vocabulary includes ...
6 Views 27,672 Elem
Let's Revise the Words Worksheet

Let's Revise the Words Worksheet

» Crosswords/Boardgames
This is a crossword for the third grade, based on the textbook: Àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê. Ó÷åáíèê äëÿ 3 êëàññà. Âåðåùàãèíà È.Í., Ïðèòûêèíà Ò.À. (for the Russian learners). It can be used either as a grou ...
1 Views 10,592 Pre-Int
Summer Boardgame

Summer Boardgame

, Crosswords/Boardgames, , ,
Teach or revise summer vocabulary with this boardgame. Students must advance on the board with dice, when they land on a picture they must name it, spell it and or use it in a sentence. This activ ...
18 Views 38,507 ElemPre-Int
Monopoly Deal - Introduction and Vocab

Monopoly Deal - Introduction and Vocab

, Crosswords/Boardgames
Monopoly Deal is basically Monopoly, the game you know and hate, in the form of a card game, which you will come to love. It is Monopoly without tears, and it takes about a tenth of the time (20-6 ...
1 Views 10,063 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Common Sight Words - Complete the Sentence (1)

Common Sight Words - Complete the Sentence (1)

, , Crosswords/Boardgames
Common sight words are words that need to be recognised on sight. This 'Complete the Sentence' activity will help young students read these difficult words and also write them too. There are ten w ...
1 Views 12,683 Elem
Numbers Crossword

Numbers Crossword

, Crosswords/Boardgames
This is a very simple crossword that can be used to practise writing numbers 1-100. It is followed by a short activity that will make students think about numbers in a familiar context, saying sen ...
4 Views 22,361 BegElem
Where is Judy Going? Zootopia Board Game

Where is Judy Going? Zootopia Board Game

Adela Abd
, Crosswords/Boardgames
This board game is played after watching Zootopia. Students learn about Places in Town. It is expected that students can practice asking and giving information, such as "Where is she going?" and " ...
3 Views 20,985 BegElem
Election Words Lesson

Election Words Lesson

, Crosswords/Boardgames,
Check out HelpTeaching.com's lesson about election words, and then have students download and complete the accompanying worksheet. This is great during fall and spring election season in the Unite ...
1 Views 13,999 IntAdvExam
Common Verbs Word Search

Common Verbs Word Search

, Crosswords/Boardgames
What are some of the most common verbs in the English language? Students can begin to recognize those verbs with this word search. Challenge students to find the verbs, and then use the verbs in a ...
5 Views 42,225 ElemInt
Fruit and Vegetables Word Search

Fruit and Vegetables Word Search

, , Crosswords/Boardgames,
How many names of fruits and vegetables do your students know? Using this worksheet, students can learn the names of different fruits and vegetables. To enhance the value of the worksheet, encoura ...
4 Views 51,098 BegElem
At the Pool Word Search

At the Pool Word Search

, Crosswords/Boardgames,
Cap. Whistle. Lifeguard. Towel. What do all of these words have in common? They are all words related to the pool. Look at the list of words. How quickly can you find all of the words in the list? ...
4 Views 24,672 ElemPre-Int

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