You have found the section of the site that includes worksheets on weather, climate and seasons. Right now 239 weather worksheets and activities are available for these topics and more are being added regularly in fact, you can add yours today. Here is a very basic worksheet for beginners on weather with nice clear images for each weather vocabulary word which will aid comprehension. You can even create flashcards to introduce weather vocabulary using the same images. For other weather material, including classroom posters, worksheets, and activities, look at the rest of the section to find the best choice for your students. All of the material on Busy Teacher is free and easy to download which makes lesson planning even easier.
Weather, climate, and seasons are all beginner topics so students will learn basic vocabulary early on in their ESL studies. These topics can also be included throughout the course in a variety of ways although you may need to introduce the topic with a vocabulary review. You can use seasons to talk about holidays and seasonal activities with younger students. With high school and adult students you could also use weather in discussion lessons to talk about global warming and natural disasters. There are many aspects to these topics and can therefore appeal to a broad range of learners.
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With this worksheet, students can practice their listening skills and comprehension. There are three exercises ranging from easy to more difficult. Students watch a video of a news item ...
This is a new worksheet with a video (PowerPoint converted into a video) called "Drops." The video contains a poem. There are exercises to complete the poem, plus, there are some extra e ...
This grammar guide contains five pages of idioms and expressions connected to the weather. It includes definitions, example sentences, and a few illustrations. In alphabetical order, exa ...
This is the first worksheet containing weather words. With six pages, there are nine activities for different levels: (blanks exercises, matching exercises, analogies, wordsearch, which ...
This is a short activity to revise the vocabulary about clothing and the weather. Follow the instructions and match the clothes according to what is the weather like. For examp ...
What's the weather like today? This is a powerpoint in which you will find some pictures of adjectives. I use this powerpoint before presenting 'What's the weather like today?' It helps students ...
This 14-page November worksheets collection contains everything about November: seasonal bookmarks, Thanksgiving clipart, coloring pages, Native Americal Day illustrations, November calendar, even ...
A fall themed crossword puzzle for young students that can read and write. It has twelve clues to guess from with colorful pictures that help the student solve the puzzle. The vocabulary includes ...
This is a very simple song and activity which contains vocabulary about weather, as well as some use of 'can' and 'going to' (informally contracted as 'gonna'). There are also some adjectives and ...
Special Education Daily Morning Work. This printable worksheet ncludes very basic vocabulary on days of the week, months, date, year, numbers, the weather, personal information (name, last name, a ...
The worksheet consists of a table where students should ask one another questions about the weather in a corresponding country. Great for developing speaking skills and teaching weather-related vo ...
A very simple A5 gap-fill to revise some basic vocabulary connected with spring and weather. It's based on a catchy song by ELF that I found on youtube: I used it on the first day of spring. Answ ...
Indonesia has two seasons, this worksheet will tell students what the seasons are, what people have to do and what the weather is like during the season. This worksheet begins with the dialogue be ...
This is a quick task about winter which you can use as a time-filler or lead-in. Includes a typical watch and answer task as well as a description of the process. I have also put a picture t ...
This is a worksheet about the weather. Students will learn the words connected to weather (cloudy, sunny, partly cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy, stormy, hot, warm, cold, freezing). There is a wordsea ...
This fun word search includes words that are associated with global warming. See if your students can find all of the words hidden in the puzzle. To make it more fun, see how many words they can f ...
Get ready for winter with this winter theme English worksheet! This resource was created for primary/elementary children. A Haiku poem consists of three lines and seventeen syllables and can be wr ...
This worksheet is appropriate for young learners and elementary students. It's suitable for practicing and reviewing weather related vocabulary items. And it also contains some questions abou ...
It is a unit of Tiny Talk 1A book - unit 1. We can use it for teaching kids from 4 to 6 years old. This unit is about weather and feelings in this weather. E.g., tt's raining - I'm wet; it's sunny ...
This is a worksheet based on the story book How's the Weather? It includes 2 listening tasks. Play the track 5 of the CD and have students do the worksheet. Hope it works.
I've designed these cards for units 4, 5, and 6 of Backpack 3 speaking practice. You can put the students into pairs or small groups and have them ask and answer. Hope it helps.
This worksheet can be used for revising weather related vocabulary and for teaching adverbs sometimes, usually, often, never. The students are asked to decide what the weather is like in fou ...
Print out different bingo cards for each child plus a call sheet. Cut out the call sheet and put the squares into a hat or bowl. Hand out one bingo card to each child (each card should be dif ...
This English resource makes a great introductory booklet for young readers and is all about the weather. It includes 8 pages with sentences and pictures to colour and can be used in any English la ...
This worksheet is for beginners (children mostly) who have started to learn vocabulary on topic 'Weather and Seasons'. Here you can find basic phrases and tips how to ask questions about the weath ...
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