Welcome to the Halloween page of Busy Teacher! There are currently 214 worksheets and excellent articles available on this spooky holiday. Planning your Halloween lesson just got a lot easier! Take a moment to browse through the section to find something that's appropriate for your class. Whether or not your students are familiar with Halloween, they are sure to enjoy the creative activities you do in class. You can make the experience more authentic by encouraging students to dress in costume and by handing out candy but make sure these are both acceptable at your school!
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Halloween Holiday, observed on October 31, commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films. Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, notes that while "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, whose original spelling was Samuin (pronounced sow-an or sow-in)". The Irish festival's name is derived from Old Irish and means roughly "summer's end".
This fun Halloween-themed resource asks students to take a letter or combination of letters from each test tube to make a word. This worksheet will help a student's vocabulary and spelli ...
This listening and speaking worksheet helps students to develop listening comprehension. Students learn about the history and traditions of Halloween with the help of short videos. It in ...
This ESL Spelling and Writing Halloween worksheet is a lesson on homophones and homonyms and teaches students the difference between which, witch, and -wich. It follows a short animated ...
This colorful activity asks students to look at the pictures and complete the crossword puzzle. It includes the words: skull, skeleton, bat, vampire, spider, witch, cauldron, lantern, ra ...
What is Samhainophobia? What are the colors of Halloween? Why are jack-o'-lanterns carved? Students read the facts about Halloween and fill in the missing words on this Halloween-themed ...
This simple fill-in-the-blank exercise is perfect for students to practice the Past Simple tense. It is an extract from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling. Students fill in ...
This game is perfect for Halloween. It consists on a speed-dating session with monsters. Each students will have a card to write information about themselves. This information will be randomly ch ...
This is an adaptation of the Christmas song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" that can be used for Halloween with an instrumental version of the original song. I give the students a photocopy or I s ...
This is a fun Halloween game. Students can enjoy learning body parts with Frankenstein. Color print A4 size cut outs for playing pin the tail on the donkey with Frankenstein's monster. Blind fold ...
Here is the worksheet of the song practice--Halloween Night "Halloween Night" is a children's Halloween song designed to give kids a gentle introduction to Halloween and the traditional creatures ...
First, students have to guess/look up the meaning of some words connected to Halloween or scary things. Then they have to complete the lyrics of the theme song of The Addams Family with those wor ...
This scavenger Hunt includes a writing activity that revises conditionals and phrasal verbs. The other challenges are to take photos or videos of the students doing different activities. The gram ...
This worksheet is based on 'Peppa Pig' cartoon Halloween themed episode. It starts from the beginning of the video below and ends at 4:29. It was made to revise Future Simple and Going To and to s ...
High quality beautifully illustrated flashcards that can be used for icebreakers, vocabulary building, storytelling, creating writing, presentations, cultural awareness and a variety of other thin ...
This fabulously fun Halloween lesson is based off an animated video of a natural conversation. One of the characters in the series is from India and doesn't know much about it. A very powerful res ...
A super fun lesson and animated video created especially for teaching ESL students vocabulary, idioms and expressions to talk about fear. Perfect for improving listening and boosting vocabulary, t ...
A fantastic lesson plan for teaching useful vocabulary and expressions to talk about Halloween. The lesson plan includes a link to a fun, animated YouTube video. An excellent resource for improvin ...
Young learners can use this worksheet to practice words related to Halloween and other holidays, as well as learn a bit about categorizing objects. Have students say the word associated with each ...
This worksheet is perfect for Halloween lessons. Students should watch the trailer first and then do some interesting exercises. It is full of Halloween vocabulary, so it will be quite useful for ...
This worksheet includes a reading task for Halloween. It is about the history of Halloween and what children usually do on this special day. It is designed for elementary and pre-intermediate stud ...
It's interesting to get feedback from students after watching the film. Students will have to answer some questions about the film. Some parts of the film are a bit scary so I used it on H ...
This resource was created for primary/elementary children. A Haiku poem consists of three lines and seventeen syllables and can be written on many themes. Students write their own poem based on th ...
This Halloween worksheet can be used in your classes as a fun resource during the month of October- the month of Halloween! It's a fun way to get into the spirit of Halloween that will help build ...
This worksheet can be used in your classes whenever during October- the month of Halloween. Teach children more about this holiday, superstitions, idioms, revise the vocabulary and have fun with H ...
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