23 FREE Simile worksheets

FREE Simile Worksheets

In an effort to provide you with as many resources as possible, this is the section reserved for activities to help students learn all about similes. There are now 23 simile worksheets in this section but you can expect more to be added soon. Your intermediate students will enjoy this activity for practicing similes and idioms. All the materials you need are included even the lesson plan but you are more than welcome to adapt it to suit your students better. For example, perhaps instead of an introduction, you may choose to use it as a review. If you are interested in a different type of exercise, look at the other worksheets on similes. You can use the worksheets as they are or just use them as inspiration for your own.

A simile is a figure of speech. When introducing similes to your students, approach the topic as you would a new type of sentence structure. Focus on creating similes using one structure as a time. Sentences like “He is as brave as a lion.” use a common simile structure but you can also use “like” and “than” to create similes. By introducing one structure at a time, you can ensure that students understand the material before moving on. Besides having students create similes using common structures, test comprehension by asking them to explain the meaning behind their sentences. This is good practice because it gives them the opportunity to paraphrase which requires using synonyms and drawing on a larger pool of vocabulary.

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What Are Similes?
A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things by employing the words "like", "as", or "than". Even though both similes and metaphors are forms of comparison, similes indirectly compare the two ideas and allow them to remain distinct in spite of their similarities, whereas metaphors compare two things directly. For instance, a simile that compares a person with a bullet would go as follows: "Chris was a record-setting runner as fast as a speeding bullet." A metaphor might read something like, "When Chris ran, he was a speeding bullet racing along the track." A mnemonic for a simile is that "a simile is similar or alike." Similes have been widely used in literature for their expressiveness as a figure of speech: Dickens, in the opening to 'A Christmas Carol', says "But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile." A simile can explicitly provide the basis of a comparison or leave this basis implicit.
Freebase CC-BY
Source: Simile on Freebase, licensed under CC-BY
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Writing Similes - Father's Day

Writing Similes - Father's Day

•, Simile,
This can be used as a Father's Day resource and to practice writing similes. A simile is the comparison of two different things using the word 'like' or 'as' e.g. as brave as a lion. Students are ...
4 Views 24,959 Elem
Mother's Day - Similes (2)

Mother's Day - Similes (2)

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things that are alike in some way. This worksheet was created for primary/elementary children and asks students to complete the similes describing ...
9 Views 38,503 Elem
Mother's Day - Similes (1)

Mother's Day - Similes (1)

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things that are alike in some way. This worksheet was created for primary/elementary children and asks students to complete the similes describing ...
10 Views 32,603 Elem
Mother's Day - Similes

Mother's Day - Similes

A simile is the comparison of two different things using the word 'like' or 'as' e.g. as brave as a lion. This worksheet for primary/elementary children, asks students to write down ten similes ab ...
4 Views 19,933 Elem
As Mad As...? - Similes Matching Game

As Mad As...? - Similes Matching Game

• » Simile
Cut the worksheet  into tiles and then tell the students to match them so they create a proper simile. The first part of a simile is placed on the tile without an image, while the second part ...
7 Views 33,532 IntAdv
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Song Worksheet: Everything at Once by Lenka (As...As + List of Phrases )

Song Worksheet: Everything at Once by Lenka (As...As + List of Phrases )

This worksheet consists of two parts. The first one is the list of as…as phrases. I usually start with asking my Ss what they would compare such adjectives as “poor” or “e ...
8 Views 20,997 All
Song Worksheet: Everything at Once (Similes)

Song Worksheet: Everything at Once (Similes)

This worksheet is based on the song by Lenka called Everything at Once. It is aimed at elementary or intermediate level ss. It includes listening activities. Pupils learn and practise the structur ...
11 Views 27,709 ElemPre-IntInt
Song Worksheet: Everything at Once by Lenka (As .... as ....)

Song Worksheet: Everything at Once by Lenka (As .... as ....)

This worksheet teaches students the as .... as.... structure with lots of examples and a very good song. Students first learn the rule then expand their vocabulary. There is an external link added ...
10 Views 17,945 ElemPre-Int
Similes as...as...Flashcards

Similes as...as...Flashcards

•, Simile
Flashcards of the most widespread similes that will help your students master as…as… pattern. They might be used for various purposes from vocabulary presentation up to its recycling ...
13 Views 27,199 IntAdv
How Many Of These Similes Do You Know?

How Many Of These Similes Do You Know?

• » Simile
This worksheet is intended to test your knowledge of English similes. In some cases there may be more than one correct answer. These similes are used in everyday English conversation. Similes ...
8 Views 26,120 Adv
Expressions and Idioms Using

Expressions and Idioms Using "As...As..."

• » Simile
This worksheet is about expressions and idioms using "As...as..." (for example: As blind as a bat). The worksheet includes a matching activity and a gap fill. I recommend that you teach any of the ...
8 Views 27,301 Pre-IntInt


• » Simile
This worksheet practices similes in order to equip EFL students with more tools for writing descriptive paragraphs. It is aimed at elementary level students. It can be used as a follow-up activity ...
8 Views 47,779 Elem
Identifying Figures of Speech

Identifying Figures of Speech

Different activities where students are required to identify simile, metaphor, personification, pun and onomatopoeia. Students are required to identify and provide definitions for various figures ...
10 Views 30,421 Int
Song Worksheet: Everything At Once [As...As Structure]

Song Worksheet: Everything At Once [As...As Structure]

Tis song is a good way to repeat or teach the as...as structure and get to know more adjectives. You can divide it in two parts using the first part for explaning the as...as structure, while the ...
10 Views 17,775 Elem
Song Worksheet: Everything At Once by Lenka [Alternative]

Song Worksheet: Everything At Once by Lenka [Alternative]

it is a listening activity to practice as+adj+as pattern for talking about similarities. It contains a worksheet gap filling activity, some of the words were also supported by pictures for very be ...
12 Views 24,265 ElemPre-Int
Song Worksheet: Everything At Once by Lenka

Song Worksheet: Everything At Once by Lenka

I used it for teaching as... as... pattern along with similes.. I believe they enjoyed it very much.. I hope your kids will like it too. The song itself is quite relaxing too :) They also learned ...
11 Views 25,305 ElemPre-Int
Similes PowerPoint Presentation

Similes PowerPoint Presentation

A simile is the comparison of two unlike things using the word 'like' or 'as'. And in this presentation there are pictures for some of the similes. It is suitable for visual learners. This present ...
28 Views 47,971 Elem
The Animal World

The Animal World

This worksheet is very useful for elementary students who are having this topic, because there are lots of exercises to practice and to learn about our friends and little brothers - animals. I inc ...
27 Views 19,846 Elem
Song Worksheet: Everything At Once by Lenka [WITH VIDEO]

Song Worksheet: Everything At Once by Lenka [WITH VIDEO]

You can give the worksheet to the students and ask them to fill in the blanks with words that they know...ask them to guess..then let them listen to the song and as they are listening to the song ...
12 Views 18,514 All
Quick as a Cricket: Similes Worksheet

Quick as a Cricket: Similes Worksheet

• » Simile
Simple multiple choice worksheet to go along with the book Quick as a Cricket. Expands knowledge from the story for them to think of other animals that can be described using simple adjectives. Ca ...
11 Views 31,041 Elem
Comparatives, Superlatives, Similes

Comparatives, Superlatives, Similes

This sheet practises comparative/superlative adjectives and similes. It's a nice exercise which can be used as a quiz or worksheet. It has two parts. In the first part students have to fill in the ...
26 Views 39,414 Pre-Int
Idioms and Similes Quiz

Idioms and Similes Quiz

•, Simile
A multiple choice quiz to review idioms and similes. Guess the idiom/simile by looking at the pictures provided on top and then circle the right choice. This worksheet is specially appropriate ...
27 Views 45,033 Adv
Similes Printable Worksheet

Similes Printable Worksheet

• » Simile
SIMILES Level: Pre Int – Upper Int (maybe advanced) you'd have to use more complex similes. Time: I dare to say that it's possible to extend it to 90 minutes with any level. Aim: Students w ...
13 Views 39,417 Int

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