48 FREE Directions - Giving and Asking Worksheets
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FREE Directions - Giving and Asking Worksheets

Let’s talk about directions! This section has 48 worksheets devoted to directions and since other teachers have used them successfully, you can too. This directions worksheet is for students who are learning directions for the first time. First you will have to introduce the names of various places but once your vocabulary introduction and practice has been completed, you can use the worksheet to practice giving directions. Do not forget to test comprehension by giving students directions without telling them the destination and then asking them where they were directed to. Being able to follow directions is just as important as being able to give them. The first time you do this exercise, it is likely that a variety of answers will be sent your way so be prepared for a quick review too. There are lots of other directions worksheets available if you think your students require a different type of practice activity.
Directions can be challenging for ESL students to learn so the most important thing you can do in class is explain words and phrases thoroughly and then allow students to practice, practice, practice. When starting out, have phrases organized clearly on the board so that students can easily compose responses to questions. As students improve, remove this reference from the board and allow them to continuing practicing. Directions is a topic that will take several class periods to cover and one which also requires plenty of review time before exams so make sure your students have a good handle on the material before moving on to another topic.

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Comic Strips

Comic Strips

Hertin Riantini
•, Directions - Giving and Asking, ,
  A comic strip is a sequence of drawings, often cartoons, arranged in interrelated panels to display brief humor or form a narrative, often serialized, with text in balloons and captions. ...
1 Views 31,931 Elem
Everyday Instructions – How do I ask?

Everyday Instructions – How do I ask?

  This A5 booklet for adult beginners and elementary students is about helping to make appointments or phone emergency numbers. Instructional, it can be used for role-playing, with student ...
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Helen Close
•, Directions - Giving and Asking,
A map with shops,schools, etc. marked on. You can teach about the shops, school, services or directions. A list is provided with activities held at each venue. This is made up of Australian Englis ...
5 Views 27,145 BegElemPre-Int
Volcano Game, Past Simple and Directions

Volcano Game, Past Simple and Directions

•, Directions - Giving and Asking, ,
This ppt is a good game for your students to review past simple and directions. Divide your class into 2 teams. Students are going to choose letters by chance. Each question has got a point and if ...
14 Views 35,549 Elem
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•, , Directions - Giving and Asking,
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• » Directions - Giving and Asking
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• » Directions - Giving and Asking
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•Directions - Giving and Asking, ,
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•Directions - Giving and Asking,
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• » Directions - Giving and Asking
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•, , Directions - Giving and Asking
Here is a two-page worksheet for ESL learners at a basic level learning the names of places around the town. There are three different activities. First, students are asked to look at the pictures ...
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•, , Directions - Giving and Asking
A scavenger hunt is a game where you try to find certain objects or answers to clues. In this scavenger hunt you will use a mobile phone to give clues and hints to another team. This is ...
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•, Directions - Giving and Asking
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Giving Directions

Giving Directions

• » Directions - Giving and Asking
I use this worksheet to practise giving directions and using prepositions of place, to revise the names of places in a town or city. I have designed a map that can be used for pair work, asking ea ...
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•Directions - Giving and Asking,
This is a map of Manchester Piccadilly Station from English Result Student’s book, Elementary level and a worksheet for students to ask directions for different places. Instruction: divide t ...
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Giving Directions

Giving Directions

•, Directions - Giving and Asking
In this workseet, students will have a chance to create their own convesations about giving directions in town; it can be used to guide them to create a real conversation in their own cities. Here ...
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•Directions - Giving and Asking, ,
This worksheet contains extra practice when it comes to dealing with things inside the house, prepositions of place, as well as buildings and places outside the house, asking for directions etc. S ...
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•, , Directions - Giving and Asking,
This is a teaching tool that can be printed and laminated to keep for a useful resource. It includes a town map with streets (colour names), and shops, school etc. It has simple quiz cards to be u ...
57 Views 127,339 BegElemPre-Int
Places Around the Town: Prepositions of Place

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•, , Directions - Giving and Asking
Students should look at the map of a town and describe it using the right prepositions of place: on the left/right of ..., near, opposite, in front of, behind, between, in. This worksheet may be u ...
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•, Directions - Giving and Asking
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•, Directions - Giving and Asking
It is a pair work activity. Student A has to face the picture and explain it. Student B faces back to the picture projected, listens to the explanations and draws. Allow max 3 min to do the task. ...
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Getting Around: Questions

Getting Around: Questions

Worksheet for beginners to understand the use of 'when' & 'where' questions to get around. Simple exercises of time and place to encourage confidence in asking for help/understanding answers a ...
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