You have found the newspaper English section of the site which has worksheets related to different articles and mass media. There are currently 39 worksheets in this category with more being added regularly. This particular worksheet uses a newspaper article to get students to think about traffic police. It includes a range of activities including a true or false section, a role play, and a writing activity. If your students are not quite at this level yet, consider an alternative worksheet to use in your classroom.
Newspaper articles are a great ESL resource. You can use them to introduce vocabulary related to a particular topic, start discussions, and even when talking about reported speech with learners of any level. Sometimes you will have to create your own article or story rather than using something from an actual newspaper. This will ensure that it is written at a level suitable for your learners and focuses on something you specifically want to work on in class. With more advanced classes, you can encourage your students to read English newspapers outside of class and even submit ones that they think are interesting for you to consider using as part of a lesson. This gives students more practice as well as some input on the content of their course. Additionally it allows you to determine what they are most interested in. If and how you include newspaper English in your lessons is entirely up to you and depends a lot on your students.
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This game introduces how to SPOT FAKE NEWS. Students observe different pictures and titles, then discuss whether they think they are true or fake. After this, the teacher will reveal the ...
This board game can be used as a follow-up activity when studying the topic of Press, News, Mass Media, etc. The game aims at making headlines from a list of random words. Before playing ...
This is a newspaper article about the new words added to the Oxford English Dictionary in October 2019. There is a multiple choice and fill-in quiz after the reading. Topics: Star Wars, politic ...
Based on an article I found on CNN, this is a worksheet about Australia's national day ("Australia Day") and the criticism it faces every year. It includes a reading comprehension activity, vocab ...
Newspaper article about the Netflix streaming service and its current challenges. Current affairs, the media world, reading comprehension, graphs, TV series, seasons, British and American English ...
The tasks encompass after-watching exercises for listening comprehension of Bones series (The Proof in the Pudding-S05E12). They are designed for either in-class or extra activities for advanced l ...
Many of my students heard about David Bowie, but didn't know a lot about his work and his importance for the British music culture. So I started with the video ( Australian accent), then the arti ...
This is a reasonably simple lesson to run, which my students seem to enjoy. Students work for a tabloid magazine, which is suffering from poor sales, because it is very boring. They must come up w ...
The Oxford English Dictionary have just announced their latest additions - this time it's more than 500 words, phrases and meanings that have entered into common use over the last 10 years. I hav ...
Centres around a short reading on 'homeless spikes'. Spikes are being used to deter homeless people from sleeping in city centres and new ones have just been added in Manchester, UK. Includes a ne ...
This news worksheet was made for Chinese students, but it will be also good for any other ESL students, who are interested in this topic. The first part is reading, the second part is a trans ...
I wanted to discuss freedom of speech, limits of humor, etc with my intermediate/upper interm. students and created this class in a rush because all we can hear on the news lately is about the Fre ...
The information gap consists of one version of news reports (3 news reports)and one version of advertisements ( 3 ads) on city events, the two versions are followed by information transfer, senten ...
The BBC publishes weekly news round-ups summarised in Emoji form. This worksheet takes the simpler articles from several weeks' worth of summaries, and asks students to match the headlines / snipp ...
I wanted to find out more about this issue after having read the summary of the AI film in one of our coursebooks. I found this article and worked out a multiple choice task for it. Before reading ...
This worksheet has been created for classes of students studying for a technical degree. It is meant to help them learn more about the various sources that are used in their exam. They often deal ...
I've just prepared this worksheet based on Obama's speech on Nelson Mandela's death to work with one of my students today. It should be precedeed by some brainstorming on his life. You can find th ...
An article about the Japanese island of Okinawa, well known for centenarians and healthy life, which seems to be seriously disturbed by the presence of Amercian troops. Reading task to practice vo ...
This ppt contains the parts and definitions of the sections in a newspaper as well as some newspaper templates. Students can understand each of the parts and then create their own news based on th ...
How to make learning the passive voice fun? Create and shoot the news! First of all let your ss recollect thematic parts a newspaper consists of. Then give them examples of the news/parts of the a ...
This activity is designed for a warm-up while studying passive voice. At first students can be asked to speculate about a picture of a kidnapped girl. After that, they are supposed to form sentenc ...
This is a writing task (I personally used it for a test) that deals with news reports. This worksheet introduces the situation when a picture by Renoir was stolen, some details of the theft and gi ...
This worksheet helps with the very necessary skill of reading and comprehending employment ads. Included is a list of common abbreviations found in ads and what they stand for. Introduce this to ...
This worksheet will be helpful if you want to teach your students speak real every-day English and use active vocabulary at a high level. Unlike traditional vocabulary sections, that provide only ...
A speaking activity for advanced learners about the last Spanish Goya Awards Ceremony which has created a great controversy. It includes a reading with some questions to be answered. The article i ...
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Newspaper English?
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