With so many verbs to choose from, it can be hard to narrow down your focus. This section has 509 worksheets to practice verbs that can help you. There are flashcards, practice activities, and creative worksheets that can make studying verbs more enjoyable for you and your students. For a simple worksheet appropriate for elementary learners, consider this one that focuses on using the verb to be. It has a number of different activities that can give students the extra practice they need to feel confident using this verb. There are many other worksheets to choose from so look through this section to find something your students will enjoy.
Students will be learning new vocabulary words continuously. Beginners start off being inundated with unfamiliar words, intermediate learners consciously study more challenging words relating to a wider array of topics, and advanced learners increase their vocabulary mostly by exposure to more English material. Advanced learners have the benefit of being able to guess the meaning of words based on the context of sentences while other learners often struggle to do this. Verbs are an integral part of any language and as such there are a huge number of them. Another worksheet on this site examines over eighty words with the same basic meaning of the word 'said'. That is a lot of different words with very similar meanings and is a great way to emphasize the fact that learning a language is a never ending process.
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A verb, from the Latin verbum meaning word, is a word (part of speech) that in syntax conveys an action (bring, read, walk, run, learn), or a state of being (be, exist, stand). In the usual description of English, the basic form, with or without the particle to, is the infinitive. In many languages, verbs are inflected (modified in form) to encode tense, aspect, mood and voice. A verb may also agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object. In languages where the verb is inflected, it often agrees with its primary argument (the subject) in person, number and/or gender. With the exception of the verb to be, English shows distinctive agreement only in the third person singular, present tense form of verbs, which is marked by adding "-s" (I walk, he walks) or "-es" (he fishes). The rest of the persons are not distinguished in the verb (I walk, you walk, they walk, etc.).
This worksheet no. 18 practices confusing words. It's a fun way to learn or review your vocabulary. There are 9 pages, 40 exercises, and more than 160 sentences (homophones, phrasal verb ...
Young learners, students must identify the correct word and then rewrite or select the answer in that multiple-choice sentence. This worksheet can be used for revision or to introduce ne ...
When should you teach this lesson on subordinators, coordinators, and transitions? This ESL lesson plan download on subordinators, coordinators, and transitions is for students with inte ...
This worksheet is for elementary grade school and for beginners in learning English. It aims to improve and help students practice English as well as an assessment tool in teaching and l ...
This grammar practice worksheet focuses on the use of the Simple Past tense. It's all about simple past tense, quiz, question, practice, grammar, verb, multiple choice, etc. Students obs ...
When should you teach reporting verbs? This ESL lesson plan on reporting verbs is aimed at students with advanced proficiency levels (B2 level). To fully grasp the material, students mus ...
This worksheet no. 17 is to practice confusing words in a fun way to learn or review your vocabulary. There are 10 pages, 40 exercises, and over 160 sentences (homophones, phrasal verbs, ...
This worksheet is to practice some of the more confusing English words. It's a fun way to learn or review vocabulary. There are 9 pages, 40 exercises, and more than 160 sentences ...
This summary contains all English tenses. Regular verbs, ordered by time, Active Regular verbs, ordered by category, Active Regular verbs, ordered by time, Passive Irregular verb ...
This quick practice worksheet is for learning the difference between listening and hearing. It is geared towards ESL emerging English speakers levels A2-C1. It includes a gap-fill activi ...
This speaking lesson plan introduces facial expressions. Facial expressions provide non-verbal cues and information – nearly as much information as spoken words do. They can be dif ...
This lesson plan should be used with English learners at an intermediate level. Before starting, students should have a strong understanding of how to use the past simple tense. They should als ...
This worksheet No. 15 is a fun way to practise confusing words and learn or review the vocabulary. There are 10 pages, 40 exercises and more than 160 sentences (homophones, phrasal verbs ...
This lesson plan is designed for intermediate ESL students comfortable with forming sentences and completing activities. It introduces verb forms used after 'to wish' for wishes about th ...
Teaching conditionals can be a bit tricky. This means that they are more difficult to learn but especially important! This lesson is not recommended for beginner ELS students, but more f ...
This is worksheet has nine pages and more than 40 exercises to practice confusing words such as homophones, phrasal verbs, verbs vs. adjectives, nouns vs. verbs, etc. Easy to use, it's s ...
This worksheet helps students practice confusing words. There are 10 pages, with more than 40 exercises including homophones, verbs vs. adjectives, nouns vs. verbs, etc. In alphabetical ...
Learning can be fun with mnemonics. Irregular verbs, as referenced on this list (colored edited version) of Mnemonic Rhyming Groups can be used to form rhyming songs and to help ...
This grammar guide comprises stative verbs (state verbs). The first page contains a chart with the most common stative verbs ordered in categories. Page 2–5 has verbs, which can al ...
There are ten pages and more than 40 exercises covering homophones, verbs vs. adjectives, nouns vs. verbs, etc., in this worksheet designed for practicing confusing words. Suitable for differe ...
This worksheet tests listening and comprehension skills and includes the lyrics from the songs Lovely by Billie Eilish and In My Blood by Shawn Mendes. It is coupled with fill-in-the bla ...
This song activity includes three different exercises. In the first, students think and choose which word would work better instead of the one in bold, then listen and check. T ...
This is a listening activity for elementary learners based on a section of the New English File Elementary book, page 19. This was made for those who perhaps have never tried listening t ...
This is a multiple way of practicing English from listening comprehension to grammar rules. There are a variety of methods to teach students by using songs. Students can watch and listen to ...
This resource covers Past Simple, Passive Voice, Regular/Irregular Verbs, Gender equality, and Questions in the Past Simple tenses. It's a listening activity that helps practice the Past ...
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