In this section you can find worksheets for any class about signs and notices. This worksheet was designed with adult intermediate and advanced students in mind. It includes all the teachers notes, handouts, and answer keys for students to complete the activity on their own or in pairs. This is one of the more complex worksheets on this topic but it is just one of the 15 available signs and notices worksheets. Look at other worksheets to find one you can give to your students. If you have related worksheets or activities, you can upload them to help your fellow busy teachers too.
Signs and notices are important especially if students are going to have the opportunity to travel to English speaking countries. If students are not likely to travel abroad, you may consider limiting the amount of time you spend on this topic while for students who want to study abroad or travel for work, you should make time to talk about signs especially road signs and text heavy signs. Signs that rely primarily on images to convey a simple meaning are often very similar from one country to the next but written signs and notices can be challenging for ESL students to understand because of the advanced vocabulary used.
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A notice is a written or an oral statement that contains the particulars of holding a meeting. When a circular is served among the members of the meeting to attend the meeting, it is called a not ...
This grammar-guide presents in a clear manner the most important punctuation marks in English, (full stop, comma, semi-colon, apostrophe, etc.), explaining their use and providing examples (page ...
A map with shops,schools, etc. marked on. You can teach about the shops, school, services or directions. A list is provided with activities held at each venue. This is made up of Australian Englis ...
This is a Power Point Presentation of the most common requests in class.E.g. May I go to the bathroom? May I come in? May I drink some water? Can you lend me...?) You can print them and have ...
This PowerPoint contains different signs that we can see in different places, such as shops, hospitals, restaurants, libraries, parks, museums, etc. You can encourage students to talk by asking th ...
Students can identify some signs and write sentences. It also contains some incorrect school rules and they have to correct the mistakes and rewrite the rules. If you want, you can ask the student ...
This printable is very useful if you want kids to keep track on how many books they have read so far in the school year. The circle on the left allows you to write the number and on its right is a ...
Two worksheets to help students learn how to read store signs for the hours and days of business. Also practices test skill for the BEST Literacy test. Questions include: What days is the busine ...
The crossword is intended to teach students clothes which are plural. Students are to solve the crossword on the basis of pictures given. It is suitable for elementary students- level A1. It can b ...
I came across this while preparing a lesson on culture. It's not my own work but it's a great activity [kindly provided by]. Participants in IDEELS simulations com ...
This is a short quiz, maybe for the beginning of your class. With this worksheet you can practice vocabulary (road signs and school rules), also grammar (must and mustn't) and writing sentences. S ...
The 3rd ws of this series about signs & punctuation marks. The students have to choose the right name of the sign or punctuation mark that they have learnt and revised in ws 1 & 2. The key ...
This is the 2nd ws of a series about signs & punctuation marks. After doing the 1st one, her the students have to find out the 30 words in a word search. The signs are given, but no names, so ...
This ws consists of 30 symbols (signs & punctuation marks) and 30 names. The students have to match the names and the symbols and write down the names under the crrect symbol. As a follow-up a ...
This worksheet is called 'Hoops and Yoyo: Office Notes' and it was generously provided by Hallmark. The 6-page printout is also available through Hallmark's website, and, as the title suggests, it ...
This teacher's room poster is called 'Mondays Are Like Broccoli' and it was kindly provided by Hallmark. This poster is also available for free at Hallmark's website, and it is 'presented' by all- ...
A worksheet to be used after discussing filling in forms in English and performing library application dialogues on the basis of this authentic library application card (which isn't my own, I foun ...
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