Learning vocabulary is essential for learning any language, but it can be difficult to memorize without resources. Busyteacher.org offers 14,321 printable vocabulary worksheets in several different categories, all of which are great for you to use with your students.
Vocabulary is a key component in helping students with word building. More often than not, students become stuck when speaking about their interests or jobs because they don’t know enough vocabulary to express themselves. Using these worksheets as a resource will help them build sentences as they learn to use the English language with ease. When used as homework assignments, these worksheets will make sure that students continue to use the words learned in the classroom at home, and get the extra practice they need to progress in their learning.
These worksheets can be used in the classroom in many different ways. Role play is one effective way to teach vocabulary: you can place students in a specific scenario and have them use the vocabulary on these worksheets to act out a relevant situation. Another effective way to teach vocabulary is by introducing the vocabulary words in a game setting, such as a matching game, a bingo game, or a team-based game.
The worksheets below come in many different styles. Some include cartoon characters to identify colors, some are simple fill-in worksheets, some are song worksheets, some are quizzes, some are in list form, and you'll also find many other types . This variety gives you a lot of options for creating a dynamic and fun lesson, and your students will appreciate the variety, too.
The worksheets are also grouped into “recommended,” “most popular,” and “recently added” categories – and they're also level-specific, ranging from beginner to advanced. This makes it easy for you to determine whether or not a given worksheet can be used in your lesson. If you're not sure about what a certain worksheet contains, just click on the thumbnail to preview the entire worksheet before downloading it.
You don't have to register or subscribe to download any worksheet. They're all free to download, and free to use in your lessons. Plus, every single one of these worksheets is created and submitted by fellow ESL teachers, which means they're tested and proven in real ESL classroom environments. In fact, if you have a vocabulary worksheet that you've found to be especially effective in your lessons, you can submit it to BusyTeacher.org. At the bottom of this page, click on “Submit a worksheet” to upload your worksheet for other ESL teacher around the globe to use!
Become a part of the BusyTeacher.org community, where you'll find 14,321 vocabulary worksheets to download and use in your lessons every day! There's no limit to what you can do when you make our worksheets a part of your lessons, so start by taking a look at the recommended ones below.
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Make A Word Scramble:
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This Christmas song by Billy Mack from the romantic film "Love Actually" forms the basis of this worksheet aimed at comprehension and listening skills. It provides an excellent warm-up f ...
The video-based worksheet helps pre-Intermediate students to explore traditional US Christmas decorations. The tasks rely on images and matching strategies. The video-based assignments aim to ...
On this simple worksheet, young learners color the toys and learn about Christmas and the elves. This worksheet is helpful to develop vocabulary skills.
This grammar guide contains five pages of idioms and expressions connected to the weather. It includes definitions, example sentences, and a few illustrations. In alphabetical order, exa ...
Real-life stories focus on the good things that are happening in the world. Uplifting and powerful, this conversation-based lesson with comprehension and discussion questions, vocabulary ...
This Christmas-themed worksheet is appropriate for B1+/B2 level students and aims at developing listening skills and expanding the vocabulary. It also includes a list of questions for di ...
The picture presentation will help your students to learn the text of the song "This Land Is Your Land" by Woody Guthrie by heart. Before using it's better to listen to it on YouTube to ...
Suitable for beginner to intermediate English learners, this worksheet contains pictures of common foods and a word bank to match the food name to the picture. There is a total of 40 wor ...
This test is to improve comprehension and is based on text from a sports section. It concerns philanthropy and language about family life. It includes fill-in-the-blank exercises and a w ...
Students watch Episode 1, Season 1 of "Gravity Falls" until Part 4. It's about 20 minutes. This video activity is suitable for A1, A2 students. It includes comprehension and vocabulary a ...
Students learn some interesting facts and information about the famous 19th-century writer Charles Dickens, the creator of some of the most well-known fictional characters. This fill-in-the-bl ...
Use this activity to practice Thanksgiving related vocabulary. Students complete the sentences by filling in the blanks. Words include Thanksgiving dinner, turkey, stuffing, mashed potat ...
This text is adapted from the NYT and provides information and language practice for upper intermediate students. It includes two reading comprehension exercises. It can also be read to ...
This lesson teaches vocabulary and expressions about American Thanksgiving. The language has been graded as 70% A1, 16% A2, making it ideal for every level and comprehension. It helps pr ...
The worksheet helps students to develop speaking and listening skills in business and/or professional settings. Video-based tasks introduce common strategies with tips on ways employees ...
In this activity, students must ask questions to determine whose schedule is being talked about. (For example, Does this person have history on Monday?). Students can work in pairs, in s ...
Muhammad Ali was a famous boxer. Where was he born? What was he known as before he changed his name? When did he retire? Students use resources like the internet, library books, or magaz ...
The activity was created with the objective that students express their opinions about their favorite foods, taking into account healthy food as well as junk food and the vocabulary they use t ...
Use these Thanksgiving Meal Flashcards
to teach, revise or practice the vocabulary on Thanksgiving. It includes bright photos of Thanksgiving dinner, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes ...
This 2020 Updated PowerPoint presentation has two parts. Part 1 helps students easily understand forming adjective clauses/relative clauses. It introduces relative pronouns like (who / w ...
This PPT presentation is about school subjects, including using the preposition ON + THE DAY OF THE WEEK, REVISION OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS, and PRONUNCIATION. It also contains instructions. I ...
Learn some interesting facts and information about the famous British writer Charles Dickens, born on 7 February 1812 in Portsmouth, England. He is the author of a large number of well-l ...
This worksheet helps students to develop listening comprehension. Students learn about the history of Guy Fawkes Night with the help of short videos. The worksheet includes vocabulary focus, a ...
What time is it, please? The sheet contains two easy board games to practice the vocabulary and expressions that relate to telling the time. Players roll a dice, move the number of spaces and ...
Suitable to introduce related vocabulary before speaking to students about personal situations, worries, and hopes, this worksheet contains introductory and informative Covid-19-related ...
1 9,571Pre-IntIntAdv
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