58 FREE Drinks Worksheets

FREE Drinks Worksheets

Welcome to the vocabulary section dedicated to drinks. There are currently 58 worksheets in this section. They are all free, printable, and easy to use in any ESL classroom; you can often simply edit them if you want to focus on certain vocabulary words or structures. Each worksheet includes a suggested level which makes choosing an appropriate worksheet for your students even easier. There are even some special activities, such as this PowerPoint game, which turns learning new vocabulary words into a fun game. It is very interactive and would be fun in an elementary level class of younger students. The first slide is all about pronunciation while the rest of the slides test comprehension through multiple choice questions. The whole presentation is very bright and colorful so your students will love it. If you are searching for a handout instead, browse through the rest of the section to find one that suits your needs. There are even more worksheets in the general food and drinks category so be sure to check there too.

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  • Complete Beginner (14)
  • Elementary (43)
  • Pre-Intermediate (25)
  • Intermediate (16)
  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (8)
  • Exam Level (2)
  • Suitable for All Levels (2)
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Healthy food vs junk food

Healthy food vs junk food

Gabriela Arely Nieto
The activity was created with the objective that students express their opinions about their favorite foods, taking into account healthy food as well as junk food and the vocabulary they use t ...
1 Views 21,208 ElemPre-Int
Is Coffee Good For You?

Is Coffee Good For You?

This activity is a discussion based on youtube videos about the effects of drinking coffee. The students firts will talk about the issue after watching the video in class and for homework they wi ...
4 Views 31,008 IntAdv
A Hot Drink (Coffee)- Supported Listening Activity

A Hot Drink (Coffee)- Supported Listening Activity

This worksheet is to be used with listening the audio "A hot drink" on this webpage: http://trinitypro.org/for-teachers/extra-listening-classroom/. You will also find a PDF with answers on th ...
2 Views 13,727 Pre-IntInt
Movie Worksheet: How to Make Tea the British Way - Anglophenia Ep 31

Movie Worksheet: How to Make Tea the British Way - Anglophenia Ep 31

Another Anglophenia episode is here. Watch the video and learn how to make the best cuppa the British way. This is a mostly speaking activity which includes some questions on the video. Also, it h ...
12 Views 16,520 IntAdvExam
Movie Worksheet: Why Are Brits So Obsessed with Tea? - Anglophenia Ep 30

Movie Worksheet: Why Are Brits So Obsessed with Tea? - Anglophenia Ep 30

Watch this video and find out why the Brits are so obsessed with tea. Listening and informative activity suitable for intermediate and upper-intermediate levels. Anglophenia is a great series on y ...
12 Views 17,630 IntAdvExam
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Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Benjamin Chapman
A fun ESL grammar exercise worksheet with pictures (food and drinks) for kids to study and practise countable and uncountable nouns. Write C for countable nouns and U for uncountable nouns. Useful ...
23 Views 86,707 BegElem
Movie Worksheet: Falling Down

Movie Worksheet: Falling Down

Daiane Zamoner
This is a movie activity to work with vocabulary related to restaurant. It's very interesting when teaching about food.
5 Views 14,824 Pre-Int
What's in Your Fridge?

What's in Your Fridge?

This board game is the second one in the series of "What's In Your..." games. It aims at revising food and drink items (apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, juice, coke/soda, sausages, chicken, meat, chee ...
12 Views 34,806 BegElem
Myths about Alcohol

Myths about Alcohol

If you lead the Speaking club, it is a nice topic to discuss. Students mostly share their experience and knowledge. Some facts could be logically understandable or you can use this link to discove ...
4 Views 16,143 IntAdv
Food and Drinks Interactive Boardgame

Food and Drinks Interactive Boardgame

This is an interactive board game which is aimed for teaching or revising food and drinks related vocabulary at elementary level. Students are asked to spin the wheel, count the number of spaces i ...
16 Views 158,939 BegElem
Wine Double Puzzle

Wine Double Puzzle

Unscramble 10 keywords about the overall-topic of 'wine'. Find out the final sentence by means of the numbered cases. I created this for a group of beginners (German) therefore I added transl ...
2 Views 7,028 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Food and Drinks Happy Families Game

Food and Drinks Happy Families Game

Vocabulary practice about food and drinks. Students have to complete this game of happy families, by drawing pictures of the words written in red. Then they can start playing the game in groups of ...
7 Views 24,356 BegElem
What's Missing? (Food Game)

What's Missing? (Food Game)

This is a power point presentation game "What's missing" based on food vocabulary. This game is suitable for starters: kids, teens, adults. The vocabulry used: coffee, fish, hamburger, banana, wat ...
21 Views 44,199 BegElem


This worksheet is planned for a lesson with the theme of food and drinks vocabulary. The teacher uses this worksheet to recollect  colors and teach food and drinks. 
6 Views 11,880 Beg
Tea Party

Tea Party

This worksheet is about how to make a cup of tea (a daily practice in the UK). It includes pictures of the things you need and a matching activity to teach vocabulary and then a set of instruction ...
4 Views 16,433 Elem
Favorite Foods

Favorite Foods

This PowerPoint contains the names and pictures of some kinds of fruits, vegetables, desserts, snacks, and drinks. It's useful for elementary students, specially children between 8-13. You can use ...
9 Views 14,112 Elem
Tea Vocabulary (Wordsearch)

Tea Vocabulary (Wordsearch)

, Drinks,
This is one more worksheet in the series devoted to tea and tea vocabulary. It's a wordsearch created with the help of this website and connected to the pdf presentation "Tea Vocabulary" and the s ...
2 Views 8,408 ElemPre-IntInt
Tea Vocabulary

Tea Vocabulary

, Drinks,
This worksheet is, actually, an addition to the Tea Song, a movie worksheet, which I had uploaded before. It's a presentation with the words frequently used when we speak about tea. Afterwards you ...
7 Views 11,921 ElemPre-IntInt
Song Worksheet: Tea Song (Yorkshire tea)

Song Worksheet: Tea Song (Yorkshire tea)

This worksheet is based on the video advertisement about Yorkshire tea. You can start with describing English tea traditions and the English passion about tea. Afterwards you could get to this wor ...
7 Views 11,685 All
Logic Puzzle

Logic Puzzle

A logic puzzle where students use the clues given to solve the puzzle. The first one has been done for the students. It can be quite challenging at some point and can generate a lot of classroom d ...
13 Views 32,717 IntAdv
You Are What You Eat - Intermediate / Advanced Reading Practice

You Are What You Eat - Intermediate / Advanced Reading Practice

This is a text about 7 most disgusting things that many of us eat every week without realising it :) There is a speaking warm-up activity, vocabulary practice part and two pages of the text itself ...
21 Views 39,139 IntAdv
An English Breakfast

An English Breakfast

Drinks, ,
In this lesson, students learn useful words and expressions that they can use when describing an English breakfast. Students have to label a photo.This worksheet is also great for getting students ...
19 Views 33,271 BegElemPre-Int
Food and Drinks, Likes and Dislikes

Food and Drinks, Likes and Dislikes

Pupils learn vocabulary for talking about fruit, vegetables and drinks. They can talk about their likes and dislikes, they learn and practise I like and I don't like. The worksheet provides adjec ...
39 Views 99,390 BegElemPre-IntInt
An American Snack Time

An American Snack Time

Enjoy a snack with your little students. They will discover a taste of America! They will learn a few words about food ( apple juice, peanut butter, sandwich...) and about good behavior ( please, ...
4 Views 14,528 BegElem
Drinks Worksheet

Drinks Worksheet

» » Drinks
This is a 2-page worksheet for teaching drinks related vocabulary.There's a picture dictionary which can also be used as a study sheet followed by an easy matching activity.The worksheet is availa ...
10 Views 12,549 ElemPre-Int

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