You have reached the section devoted to defining and non-defining relative clauses which are some intimidating phrases so you might want to leave them out of your introduction and focus on the important stuff such as how to form and use them. With 93 relative clause worksheets to choose from, you should be able to find something here that your students will like. Check out this great activity that students complete by working in groups and as a class. All the materials and directions are included to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Be sure to make enough copies of the first page; there should be enough cards for each student to make three sentences which means that one copy is only good for four students. If your class is quite large, you might consider thinking up some partial sentences of your own to add more variety to the lesson. This worksheet is perfect for upper level learners but if your students are at a lower level, you can adapt this or simply find another more suitable activity to use in your class.
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A relative clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a noun phrase, most commonly a noun. For example, the phrase "the man who wasn't there" contains the noun man, which is modified by the relative clause 'who wasn't there'. A relative clause can also modify a pronoun, as in "he to whom I have written", or a noun phrase which already contains a modifier, as in "the black panther in the tree, which is about to pounce". The complete phrase (modified noun phrase plus modifying relative clause) is also a noun phrase.
This lesson is designed for two sessions of one hour each. It features two scenes from the film "When Harry Met Sally." It includes grammar (a review of defining and non-defining relativ ...
One of the earliest maxims taught in writing to “Omit needless words!” This free ESL Lesson Plan focuses on shortening relative clauses, a practical way of eliminating unnece ...
How to teach relative clauses is a critical skill for an ESL teacher.
This lesson plan on teaching relative clauses includes definitions of relative clauses, examples of relative pro ...
This 2020 Updated PowerPoint presentation has two parts. Part 1 helps students easily understand forming adjective clauses/relative clauses. It introduces relative pronouns like (who / w ...
Match, choose, and draw. This worksheet is all about vocabulary, mainly all kinds of travel. Words like trip, journey, tour, voyage, and cruise can easily confuse students. This wor ...
This is a video activity to practice using relative pronouns who, which, where, and that. There is a YouTube video and a matching worksheet. Learners watch the video, look at the pictures, and com ...
The objective of the game is to use the target language (relative pronouns) to form the Qs provided in order to find and "sink" their "enemy's" battleship. Ss draw their battleships between 3 to 4 ...
Whole class activity. Cut,mix the sentences and give them to students.The students will stand-up and mingle trying to match the sentences in a meaningful way and also they will guess the correct r ...
The idea of this worksheet is to learn through a song that students surely might have heard on the radio, therefore to make beginners or elementary students realize they already know a lot of Engl ...
The worksheet consists of 2 exercises for lthe topic "complex sentences" (choosing the appropriate endings to the sentences and finding necessary pronouns). It will be very useful for the revision ...
Students are supposed to work in groups of 3-4 and complete the task. The task includes sentences like ' We like.... I wouldn't prefer.... Politicians are people ...". Students are supposed to com ...
This power point explains the differences between defining and non-defining relative clauses with the help of well-chosen examples. It makes it even more comprehensible through exercises. I hope t ...
This power point explains how relative clauses could be reduced together with suitable examples. As students get confused about this grammar subject, it shows them clear ways to understand it bett ...
I've used this when reading the story "Christmas Carol" By Charles Dickens with my students. It was useful to help retelling and also to remember details about the story. Although there is a movi ...
This is a worksheet for teaching or revising relative pronouns at pre-intermediate level. There are 2 different activities in which students are asked to combine the pair of sentences using a ...
Mostly the students have to face a lot of problems while using relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, which, that). They also work like connectors and conjunctions. This worksheet can be very usef ...
Pyramid is an American game show based on guessing words. It is perfect for esl classroom as it uses mostly relative clauses and it is pure fun. Show students a part of an actual show (I used one ...
This was made in response to the request of my teenage upper- intermediate class to 'watch Futurama' at the end of their 3 hour Saturday lesson. The first page is designed as a quick whiteboard/ a ...
Participial phrases can be very easy or very difficult. In this power point presentation I try to make it easy. In it, the "mysteries" of participial phrases are explained in a simple an ...
This is a a worksheet for teaching or revising relative clauses with prepositional verbs at pre-intermediate level.Students are asked to join fourteen different sentences by changing the second of ...
This is a pretty easy worksheet for teaching or revising relative pronouns and relative clauses at pre-intermediate level. There's an easy activity in which students are asked to fill in the ...
By using a "creation myth": how cats invented relative clauses, this fun-packed power point presentation aims to present or revise relative clauses. It covers defining and non-defining relative cl ...
This is a very simple and easy worksheet for teaching or revising relative pronouns: who, which and whose at elementary level. Students are asked to complete thirty five different sentences f ...
This worksheet focuses on the relative clauses. Both relative clauses: defining and non-defining. I hope you enjoy this worksheet in your lessons because the exercises are mostly based on re ...
Fun exercise to test historical facts and practice relative clauses. You can turn this into a game and give extra points to the student who knows the answer to every sentence in this game. Besid ...
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Defining/Non-defining Relative Clauses?
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