Welcome to the numerals and dates section of Busy Teacher. Here you can find 338 related worksheets that cover these topics at a variety of learner levels. This worksheet has several activities that have been used to help beginners practice cardinal numbers. These games can all be played as a class or in groups; the rules are simple but playing certain games like Buzz can be tricky so you may need to adapt the game to suit your students better. There are also study guides, activities, and of course date exercises you can download from this section too.
These basic topics are introduced and covered in beginner courses but to start out with, students will be dealing with a small amount of material such as cardinal numbers and months of the year. Students may need some short review exercises from time to time to refresh their memories and of course more complex numbers such as very large numbers, percents, and anything with a decimal point should be covered with intermediate students. Students in business English courses may need more practice with this specific topic than the regular English learner so be aware of the needs of your students. Saying and comprehending numbers and dates can be challenging for students; they often find these topics complex and difficult even if they prove that they have a good understanding of the material by performing well on various exercises. Be flexible and assure your students that you can give them as much practice as they want or need.
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English numerals are words for numbers used in English-speaking cultures. Cardinal numbers refer to the size of a group. If a number is in the range 21 to 99, and the second digit is not zero, one should write the number as two words separated by a hyphen. In English, the hundreds are perfectly regular, except that the word hundred remains in its singular form regardless of the number preceding it (nevertheless, one may on the other hand say "hundreds of people flew in", or the like) So too are the thousands, with the number of thousands followed by the word "thousand". In American usage, four-digit numbers with non-zero hundreds are often named using multiples of "hundred" and combined with tens and ones: "One thousand one", "Eleven hundred three", "Twelve hundred twenty-five", "Four thousand forty-two", or "Ninety-nine hundred ninety-nine." In British usage, this style is common for multiples of 100 between 1,000 and 2,000 (e.g. 1,500 as "fifteen hundred").
This worksheet is for elementary grade school and for beginners in learning English. It aims to improve and help students practice English as well as an assessment tool in teaching and l ...
This 7-page worksheet on the topic ‘Numbers' has 9 exercises. It includes Write the numbers of the pictures; Write down the telephone numbers in figures; a Crossword; Write t ...
This grammar guide covers the topic of Numbers idioms. It contains eight pages of idioms and expressions connected with ‘numbers’. Including definitions, example sentences, a ...
What time is it, please? The sheet contains two easy board games to practice the vocabulary and expressions that relate to telling the time. Players roll a dice, move the number of spaces and ...
This worksheet includes objective-type questions about time, measurement, rounding, missing numbers, odd and even numbers, factors, and basic shape concepts. Students have to solve these ...
This easy worksheet consists of a board game to practise the key vocabulary and expressions about telling the time. Students roll a dice, move the number of spaces and read aloud the tim ...
This game is ideal for students who are learning basic English numbers. This Numbers Concentration game using the numerical and written form are matched up e.g. one/1, two/2, etc. The ca ...
The tasks help to develop students’ listening comprehension and are followed by a speaking assignment. The tasks focus on listening for specific information and can be used to work on Engli ...
Multiplication flashcards for 1-4 Grade. Multiply from 1 to 10. These are free printable cards in PDF. Made with http://flashcard.online/ app The worksheet can be also used to practice ordinal nu ...
This fun and interactive PPT has been designed for beginners. Your students should have fun with it and learn to count within one session! This PPT is filled with animations so the logic "pops ...
Word formation is a part of the international exams such as FCE, CAE, CPE. Timely preparation for these exams is an essential part of the examinee success. I start doing exercises on word formatio ...
In this worksheet, students will fill in the blanks of two conversations at a shop. After that, they will look into the language and vocabulary used in the conversations and analyze their meanings ...
Special Education Daily Morning Work. This printable worksheet ncludes very basic vocabulary on days of the week, months, date, year, numbers, the weather, personal information (name, last name, a ...
It's a quiz for kids with a lot of help (gaps to fill in and letters to help them). Quiz can be given as a revision after introducing numbers, an activity or an actual quiz to check if they know t ...
Ordinal numbers writing practice, in short form and in words. Not for identifying the order, but for practice in writing the form. This is a slightly nicer format of an identical content workshe ...
This is an adaptation of a "Spelling Calculator" with large numbers that I found previously. The numbers in the first column (only hundreds are used) are written in words and they have to draw the ...
This worksheet will help your students practise large numbers. I particularly like the last activity because it is about wild endangered animals. There is also a pair work and students have to swa ...
Practice big numbers by using different strategies from word to number, from number to words, or mutiple choice. Useful for elementary or pre-intermediate students to practice quickly and easily. ...
This worksheet is a fun way to help young, beginner students how to write the alphabet by working with numbers. Great for students who aren't familiar with the Roman alphabet. A fun way to enhance ...
This worksheet is a game. You will need a dice. Each kid will throw the dice on their turn. After throwing the dice, the kid will choose an animal and color and every kid will write the number and ...
This is a very simple crossword that can be used to practise writing numbers 1-100. It is followed by a short activity that will make students think about numbers in a familiar context, saying sen ...
This is an exercise designed for native Spanish speakers as is evident in the translation section. Don't underestimate the importance of numbers in your lesson planning. Many of the plurals are ...
This is a spelling worksheet for young learners (I used it with kids of about 7-9 years old). It consists of the following pages: first four pages are puzzles thar your students can put together t ...
This power-point presentation is appropriate for elementary students. This is helpful for reviewing numbers, school objects, family and body parts related vocabulary items. Hope you find it useful.
This is a listening activity that explores vocabulary and comprehension. There are some grammar points that can be explored, it's up to the teacher. First, there's a vocabulary exercise, followed ...
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Numerals and Dates?
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