For worksheets relating to comparisons, you have come to the right place. There are now 330 adjective worksheets available on this topic and they are all free and easy to print out for use in any classroom. This worksheet clearly explains the different ways comparative and superlative words are formed and even includes a couple practice exercises on the last page. You may want to create more blanks on the first five pages so that students can start practicing from the very beginning. Some teachers do not introduce the different types of comparative and superlatives right away. You could introduce just –er comparatives and then build on that by teaching students –est superlatives or comparatives that are formed by using the word more. However you choose to cover this topic in your class, Busy Teacher can help you. If for some reason you do not find what you are looking for, please create a worksheet of your own and then upload it so that other teachers can learn from you.
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In English grammar there are three degrees of comparison of an adjective. An adjective may simply describe a quality, (the positive); it may compare the quality with that of another of its kind (comparative degree); and it may compare the quality with many or all others (superlative degree).
The positive degree is the most basic form of the adjective, positive because it does not relate to any superior or inferior qualities of other things in speech. The comparative degree denotes a greater amount of a quality relative to something else. The phrase “Anna is taller than her father” means that Anna's degree of tallness is greater than her father's degree of tallness. The superlative degree denotes the most, the largest, etc., by which it differs from other things.
This worksheet has comparisons (comparatives and superlatives) between adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs. It is divided into four groups: Positive comparisons, negative comparisons, ...
The subject of this ESL lesson is animals in the ocean. It covers the grammar topic of comparatives and superlatives. It teaches new words and how to form superlatives. It includ ...
This worksheet is based on the song Landslide from Fleetwood Mac. The lyrics match The Chicks version better as they are easier to understand. Students listen to and watch the video and ...
The theme of this short presentation is height and visual representation. Two figures are used to demonstrate and practice various modifiers such as just, nearly, almost, etc. It is suit ...
The first page contains grammar rules for the formation of comparative and the superlative adjectives. The rules of making adjectives comparative are divided into levels: inequality, equ ...
In the following presentation, you will find the rules to form the Comparative degree of adjectives. All the rules and practice have pictures and extra examples for you to understand better. You ...
This worksheets lets students revisit the form of superlatives and their use with present perfect with “ever”. In the first exercise students complete a table with the correct compara ...
This worksheet lets students practise the form of comparative adjectives and adverbs, and using “as +adj/adv as” structure for comparing. In the first exercise students choose an adjec ...
This sheet works best for eliciting the rules of using both comparative and superlative adjectives. Students are required to answer questions based on information provided in the pictures. Their ...
We owe a lot of our military tactics, culture, and democracy to Ancient Sparta and Athens. This sheet looks at the contributions from both civilizations and allows students to reflect on ho ...
Word formation is a part of the international exams such as FCE, CAE, CPE. Timely preparation for these exams is an essential part of the examinee success. I start doing exercises on word formatio ...
If you want your students to have fun when you check up homework, then this worksheet is for you. They will solve a crossword puzzle and give you the real picture of whether they know these adject ...
The circus story has been modified slightly from the original text (source incl.) to suit beginner level students. Students read the story and then answer the multiple choice or true/false questio ...
This is a very simple worksheet. It contains the Rule of the Superlative form for students to complete. It also contains examples for students to understand it better. i.e The Burj Khalifa is the ...
Practising superlatives cards for pair work or work in groups of three. Give your students a chance to exchange ideas based on their personal experience. Cut out the cards which contain questions ...
This simple and useful worksheet can be used to assess comparative and superlative endings for base adjectives (-er / -est) to express degrees of comparison. Great to use in a grammar lesson on de ...
The table logically shows the differences between comparative and superlatives adjectives and how to form them. It also explains the use of 'more ... than' and 'the most ...'. My students find the ...
Extensive exercises with comparatives and superlatives. It also contins "some" and "any" with questions, negatives and positives. There is some vocabulary related to autumn and places around town. ...
It's based on the song "Masters of War" written by Bob Dylan, with activities to be done while listening to the song. Students will have to organize and complete lyrics as well as look for example ...
This fun video activity is to practise using comparatives and superlatives. The video contains lots of different clips on topics such as "The World's Deadliest Animals" and " "The Hottest Places o ...
Hello colleagues all over the world! This is basically a gap-fill text about dangerous animals. Usually I give them a little input about the animals before I give them the worksheet. I a ...
The aim of this worksheet is to ask and answer questions about your preferences in different areas of daily life. The pupils should work in pairs and ask questions. One partner has to ask, the oth ...
The worksheet has been created bearing in mind young students who have been taught the comparative form of adjectives. They will have to work in pairs, get information from each other and then com ...
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Degrees of Comparison?
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