There are a number of modal verbs so if you are looking for worksheets using be able to you are in the right place. For worksheets for other modal verbs choose another subsection and for all modal worksheets go to the main modal verb section. There are currently 13 be able to worksheets and activities in this section. This worksheet is actually an entire lesson plan on be able to, can, and could. It includes an introduction, presentation, and practice activities as well as the answer key and a suggested homework assignment. The whole lesson should take fifty minutes but you could also just choose certain sections to use in class. Download the worksheet to take a look at all the activities to decide if this is right for your students. Lesson planning could not be any easier! If you have already talked about modal verbs with your students, consider uploading your lesson materials; other busy teachers will appreciate your creativity and insight on this topic.
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This worksheet includes objective-type questions about time, measurement, rounding, missing numbers, odd and even numbers, factors, and basic shape concepts. Students have to solve these ...
Grammar exercise: teacher or pupil writes a sentence (from the grid) on the backside of the board. Pupils guess by making sentences. If he/she does one part rightly -it's a hit. If he/she does two ...
This is a PowerPoint presentation about the modal verbs. Includes usage rules with example sentences. Jokes from the website and a creative writing promp ...
Distribute a copy of one item to your students. They need to read the instruction and if everything is clear follow them. At the end of the game they should make a final decision of who should be ...
This is a powerpoint about "will be able to". It starts with a couple of question for revision of "can / could". It includes some examples for presentation of grammar topic then it goes on with di ...
Some pictures of unusual signs. I use it with modals. I put them in groups an show them the pictures. Then I have them create sentences using the modals to explain the idea of the sign. They ...
This is a worksheet in which my learners have to form a meaningful sentences to express abilities.Step one: they are going to look at the pictures in order to help themselves to understand the cla ...
Count and Spell English Numerals 1-10 With this PowerPoint presentation you can learn, teach or review cardinal numbers. Each slide in the presentation includes a number timeline. This presentat ...
Workshheet useful to revise some grammar structures such as modals, neither ...nor, condtionals types, had better, would rather and tenses. Students are given 20 sentences and a word that CAN'T b ...
This worksheet can be used to explain what modals are and how we use them (with many examples.) The road signs can be used to elicit sentences using modal verbs, for example: You can park here. Yo ...
The worksheet is about modal verb CAN which we use to express abilities. Here is the activity you can use for beginners who are encountering with modals for the first time. Students look at the pi ...
This is a worksheet for teaching modal verbs: can and be able to. There is a brief explanation at the top of the page followed by a simple activity in which students are asked to fill in the gaps ...
It's about the use of CAN/BE ABLE TO, including reading, writing and oral skills. Teachers can use it for presenting this grammar tip adn explore Sts speaking using their own experience. There is ...
Modals Test: Must/Have to (obligation), Don't Have to (absence of necessity), Can't/Mustn't (prohibition), Can (permission), Be Able to (ability).
his worksheet was originally created for a middl ...
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