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ESL Articles
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This English resource will help improve a child's spelling of commonly misspelled words. There are 12 spellings for students to learn. Students put the spellings in alphabetical order and then ch ...
The worksheet can be used for ESL or middle and high school. It takes the student through the actual process of writing an essay. It tell the student what should be in an introduction as well as ...
This is a newspaper article about the new words added to the Oxford English Dictionary in October 2019. There is a multiple choice and fill-in quiz after the reading. Topics: Star Wars, politic ...
This is a vocabulary gap-fill worksheet to help young learners retell a short animation film about Three Little Pigs and Santa. I hope your students will enjoy this activity as much as mine ...
This is a game based on Marck Hancock's maze available on his website. Students have to find the path through the verbs with the same pronunciation: e.g. cooks - visits - helps. It aims at helpin ...
This is a lottery game for helping my students to practice the vocabulary from unit 1 Q Skils book one. it is suitable for adults and teenager students and you can use it too if you want to check ...
This is the second part of a set of activities. I designed different activities for one of my favorite songs. This set is composed of two files: a listening comprehension one and a questions for ...
This is the first part of a set of activities. I designed different activities for one of my favorite songs by Dave Matthews Band. This set is composed of two files: a listening comprehension on ...
This worksheet is for practicing vocabulary related to Unit 1 from book Q Skills second edition. It is suitable for teenagers and young children that use this material as for practicing vocabul ...
Rihanna hit song from 2008, "Don't Stop the Music" is full of Present Continuous examples. The worksheet I prepared is a fill-in -the-blanks activity for beginners. Students are supposed to use t ...
This is a holiday survey of 8 questions useful when you would like to engage all of the students in a group to report on their holidays. This is also a tool to ask and answer questions in Past Si ...
Here is a template wherein a student (or the teacher) can record the type of grammatical errors that the student has made in his/her composition(s). This will enable the teacher to clarify the sp ...
This activity explores different listening compreension strategies. Since this song has a very fast pace, I suggest teachers explore one strategy at a time in order to lower students' anxiety. Th ...
This version of the song uses three different listening comprehension strategies. The teacher needs to be aware and explain each part to students so they won't get lost. I recommend teachers to d ...
Newspaper article about the Netflix streaming service and its current challenges. Current affairs, the media world, reading comprehension, graphs, TV series, seasons, British and American English ...
Word formation is a part of the international exams such as FCE, CAE, CPE. Timely preparation for these exams is an essential part of the examinee success. I start doing exercises on word formatio ...
It is a worksheet for children that I made in order to practice the verb "to have" using affirmative sentences, negation and questions. It is suitable for beginners and elementary level. I used it ...
This is a quick and easy exercise of adverbs of frequency. It has both the verb be and regular verbs, so the teacher should have already explained the difference in adverb placement. The student ...
It is an Oscar Speech for advanced level students. It is a very interesting listening exercise. It is very motivational and inspirational. It includes lots of useful vocabulary. This exercise can ...
This is an activity to fill in phrases related to dining at a restaurant. It is a series of words and phrases typically used in Restaurants. At the end students can prepare a conversation using th ...
KS1 Science - Identify & name basic body parts. This science worksheet asks children to label the different parts of the rabbit using the words from the word bank. There are also some fun fact ...
This exercise is about English and Geography. The teacher should choose the name of 12 different countries around the world. The students put the list into alphabetical order. With the help of a v ...
The cards can be used to review vocabulary of daily routine, frequency adverbs, free time activities, likes /dislikes using the simple present. Put the cards in a box/bag and ask students to choo ...
Irish Quest - Quiz for students to learn or check knowledge about St. Patrick, Ireland, celebrations around St. Patrick's Day. May be cut to pieces and put in different places in school. Students ...
1 16,826ElemPre-IntInt
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