For worksheets about restaurants and cafés, look no further. This is the page that has all 77 of the worksheets related to this topic. Many of the worksheets on this page are to help teachers conduct role plays because they can be a lot of fun and are good for practicing dialogues similar to those students may encounter in real life. This worksheet has six pairs of role-play cards that students use to have mini-dialogues about particular issues. In class, you will need to cover all the necessary vocabulary and sentence structures that are required prior to starting this activity. For a short exercise, give each pair of students just two cards but for a longer one, give each pair of students all twelve cards and make sure they take turns being the customer. At the end of the activity, students can share the result of their conversation or model part of their conversation for the class. This might not be the best activity for your class so take a look at the other available worksheets before deciding which one to use.
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This worksheet prepares cooks and waiter students to talk about their jobs. They choose from the sheet various possibilities corresponding to their jobs, for example, places, dates, ...
In this lesson, students review vocabulary and grammar at A2 level related to the topic of restaurants and menus. Classroom desks are arranged into six "learning islands" where the stude ...
This is an activity to fill in phrases related to dining at a restaurant. It is a series of words and phrases typically used in Restaurants. At the end students can prepare a conversation using th ...
This is a presentation which helps to read the text about places to eat in Britain. The exercises will help to check the understanding of the text. Then students practice the vocabulary and speaki ...
Tandem cards are a good possibility to practise dialogues. The pupils have to translate the sentences given. Partner A can control or help partner B because he/she has given the solutions for ...
This worksheet has 2 activities which focus on restaurant vocabulary. The first activity is a gap fill for a restaurant conversation and the second activity asks questions based on a fictitious re ...
This is a very simple fill-in-the-gaps exercise related to ordering at the restaurant. The words to choose from are above the text. I created it to teach ss how to order at the restaurant to later ...
This is a beginner level PDF file on the subject of ordering food in a restaurant. There are pictures of the food along with the words. Appropriate for both children and adults. Pairwork with poli ...
The worksheet I used for a restaurant role-play. It includes an empty menu and order pads. The main target is vocabulary but you can use it in any way you wish. My suggestion would be to get the s ...
This worksheet is suitable for the roleplay. It contains a snack-bar menu and some dialogues which serve as an example. There are also some fill-in-the-blank texts. Besides the worksheet is useful ...
This worksheet was prepared for students who are learning about various types of food, ways of cooking and cooking vocabulary. It can be used for students working in food cooking and catering. The ...
This powerpoint is a guideline for the teacher and the pupils, so they know what to do each lesson. It starts with an introduction of the project, shows some examples, and has an overview of what ...
This is a creative way to introduce currencies that are used globally to your ESL classroom. This powerpoint presentation is divided into three parts. The first focuses on identifying the currenci ...
This power-point presentation can be used for teaching and modeling how to order food in the class. It contains some pictures and names of different food you can ask your students to change the co ...
There are 7 dialogs which you can use in class. You can have your students memorize them so they can learn which expressions are used while buying food, ordering breakfast, seeing a doctor, bookin ...
This worksheet is useful for reviewing things in the restaurant such as: fork, spoon, knife, plate, bowl, vinegar, wine, glass, napkin, etc. It contains some true false statements and also a conve ...
Listening comprehension exercise (taken from: and plus phrases to be complete ...
This is a worksheet based on EFL video, My Town Phrases 1. It includes a gap-filling activity and it is designed for elementary levels, particularly young learners. First, you can ask your student ...
I designed this game for my 10-year-old pupils for revising the topic "Food". The worksheet contains 4 Menu lists(as in a cafe) and a set of money banknotes to cut out. Arrange your pupils (the ga ...
This worksheet based on the movie (English Today, Track 8, beginner, 00:00- 03:00) which is about making some food. It contains some questions related to ordering favorite food. It is appropriate ...
This worksheet is used for learning how to order in cafe. It contains 2 activities, first students are going to unscramble a conversation between a waiter and a customer( at the end they can act o ...
This worksheet is appropriate for reviewing countable and uncountable nouns. There is an activity which ask students to make uncountable nouns countable. Moreover it includes an activity where stu ...
This ppt was designed for a conversation class. I got some ideas I had during classes and a huge contribution I got from one of the worksheets I found here on web site (@fatima.moimeme). Basically ...
This worksheet contains 2 exercises and a roleplaying game. It´s made for beginners, but could be also a good practice for elementary students. In the first exercise students review the pric ...
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Restaurants and Cafes?
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