Teachers can always use some new ideas so welcome to the present continuous page which has not only worksheets, but also several articles and warmers that you can use when teaching this topic. For this topic, there are now 399 available worksheets which you can print out as they are, edit, or even just use for ideas when creating handouts of your very own. This Present Progressive worksheet is perfect for young students. It consists of two exercises; in the first exercise students complete sentences with present continuous verbs and then match those sentences to the pictures in part two. This is a great way to check not only their comprehension of the tense but also of vocabulary words and sentences. The images are so cute; your students are sure to enjoy them. If you’d like to make changes, simply edit it to suit your needs. If you are teaching older students or think another activity might be better for your students, just look through the rest of the section. There are plenty of worksheets to choose from.
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Grammar theory can be very boring, especially for very young learners who struggle to remember the rules. Things can be easier and more meaningful if we present them in a story. Vera's walk in ten ...
Lesson 7 in this 24 part series of exercises is almost all about gerunds which are very common in everyday usage and these different exercises will show your students just how much. I've also snu ...
This is an interesting way for practicing the progressive present tense, reading and answering about the paragraphs, learning about our environment too, analyzing what we can do for helping our pl ...
This boardgame is designed for students to practice using present continuous. All you will need is a dice and some counters. Students take turns rolling the dice and moving along the board accordi ...
This song is an easily understandable duet. The worksheet is divided into five activities, mostly requiring simple past and gerund; The 1st and 2nd exercises are to fill ...
This worksheet is really helpful for reviewing house and clothing items and shapes related vocabulary items. It's also appropriate for the present continuous practice. It's suitable for elementary ...
It uses the song "Creep" by the British band Radiohead to work on present simple, present progressive and past simple tenses. This is the uncut version so if your students are sensitive to bad lan ...
This is a fun video activity to practise using the present continuous (present progressive) tense. The video shows Mr Bean doing various activities. Learners must watch the video and describe the ...
This is a song activity that can be used to practise or/and revise the present continuous tense. Moreover it is a differentiated listening activity for three levels. The levels are indicated with ...
This is a quick task about winter which you can use as a time-filler or lead-in. Includes a typical watch and answer task as well as a description of the process. I have also put a picture t ...
This presentation can be used for elementary students to practice the present continuous tense. First children revise the verb to be. The dragon helps them to do it. The kids easily remember the f ...
I give students the worksheet with faces/no description face up and we try to identify the feelings. I photocopy the sheet with feelings identified on the back. We go through a number of feelings ...
Tips: -Ask the students to rearrange the pictures. - You may ask them to draw the lines to connect the sentences. -The questions can be asked like : What is the boy doing with spade? (They should ...
Verb tenses are tools that English speakers use to express time in their language. You may find that many English tenses do not have direct translations in your language. That is not a problem. By ...
I have designed this game for the first session of my class. It includes these topics: action verbs, food, and toys. The grammar focuces on present simple and present continuous. Divide your class ...
Students find it difficult to differentiate between future forms. When you make it clear and teach them to visualise the situation it's easier for them. 1) A dark cloud refers to the be goi ...
This is a powerpoint presentation that I made using website resources that will hopefully help you introduce future tenses and your students learn about future tenses and practice exercises online ...
This file includes some vocabulary items related to the activities children do at the playground, such as swinging, sliding, skating, etc. The grammar focuses on present continuous. Hope it helps.
This worksheet uses present progressive and clothing vocabulary. The communicative purpose is to describe what other people are wearing if students lose a friend or family member in an English spe ...
This is an English test where teachers can asses the present continuous tense with vocabulary related to places and activities in town. Firstly, the students have to do a matching activity. Then, ...
This is a useful lesson plan about the present continuous tense. It also has worksheets and games, and a nice warm up. Make sure students are using the correct form of present continuo ...
The worksheet contains a dice with pronouns and another one with common verbs. It is meant for a speaking activity. Students roll both dice together and then make a sentence using two words they s ...
18 47,471ElemPre-Int
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Present Continuous?
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