The third conditional section of the site now has 119 great worksheets for teachers to choose from. This 3rd conditional game is an example of what you can expect to find here. It is played as a class with students working in teams, tests students on the third conditional and challenges them to remember images too. There are a limited number of materials so this activity would not take much time to prepare but be sure to explain the game clearly before you begin. Students will get the hang of it after a round or two and then everything will go more smoothly. All the materials and instructions are included so download them now to review more carefully. If this game is not right for your lesson or for your students, look at other available worksheets and find something that your students will enjoy. It is important to consider the age and level of your students when choosing worksheets because a fun activity could flop if students cannot grasp the directions or concept behind it.
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This grammar guide is about conditionals. It contains all necessary and useful information on conditionals: zero conditionals, first, second and third conditional (standard + var ...
'English Conditionals' can be a tricky topic and most students do not feel confident about them. All that is required is practice. This easy scheme has examples and you can opt-in to downloa ...
This PowerPoint presentation has simple examples of each conditional clause along with a small picture related to a sentence. It’s best used with a written exercise on the most use ...
There are several tests for If clauses: type I, type II or type III. Students have to fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets, and have to find the mistakes and correct them. I ...
ORAL PRACTICE: This powerpoint is to be used to encourage students to make sentences with : If +present ............ subject + will+vb If + past simple ........ subject + would + vb If + plu-p ...
This scavenger Hunt includes a writing activity that revises conditionals and phrasal verbs. The other challenges are to take photos or videos of the students doing different activities. The gram ...
This PowerPoint presentation is perfect for summarizing what students know about all types of conditional sentences and it is also suitable for extra practice or revision. Inside you will find a ...
Your students might have seen the Avengers Civil War movie. This worksheet includes several sentences which are needed to be transformed into conditionals. Ask your students to add whichever sent ...
This worksheet is a good tool for working on collocations. Before listening to the song, students have to complete the gaps of the lyrics with the words provided. There are two other exercises, th ...
This is a basic mixed conditional gap fill worksheet which includes a simple breakdown of the form and some examples in colours, followed by the gap fill. Some of the verbs are given, others the s ...
This song is an easily understandable duet. The worksheet is divided into five activities, mostly requiring simple past and gerund; The 1st and 2nd exercises are to fill ...
The presentation covers the folowing points: zero conditional for facts , 1st conditional for something likely to happen in the present or the future, 2nd conditionalfor something ...
As part of the interdisciplinary program we have at school this worksheet is used to practice the use of conditional 2 and conditional 3 along with the first chapter about the French Revolut ...
After watching the movie Wallace & Gromit- A Close Shave, I decided that I can make use of the opposite of the situation happened in the movie and set a worksheet asking students to practice u ...
Ice breaker to get students to talk about the conditionals. Takes 20 to 30 minutes but can be stretched. Skills: speaking, listening and argumentation. Students are asked to present arguments ...
Intermediate- advanced worksheet for revision of the four types of conditionals. The worksheet starts off with a listening exercise (songs by Paul Simon and Beyonce, revising conditional typ ...
This fun video activity is to practise using past modals "should have.." and "would have..." to discuss past mistakes. The video describes the top ten stupid mistakes made by people. Learners shou ...
This worksheet about the conditionals contains a grammar overview, explaining the formation and use of the first, second and third conditional (by means of example sentences and schematic overview ...
I created this worksheet to have a little grammar revision with my students. It is dedicated to a new Marvel film "Captain America: Civil War". I like it a lot and learners enjoy discussing superh ...
After watching the movie The Danish Girl, students will independently work on a worksheet based on that movie. It features the third conditional, and past tenses, too. Additionally, they will be e ...
The worksheet practises different types of conditionals. It isn't a multiple choice test, so students will have to transform the whole sentences to complete the task. The test consists of 3 activi ...
It's been too long since I last uploaded something. Well, this time I bring you a worksheet about conditional sentences. The three different conditionals are explained and there are exercises for ...
In this PowerPoint presentation students learn or, depending on the level, revise the rules of zero, first, second and third conditional sentences. They also understand when to use each conditiona ...
This is a PowerPoint presentation, where all types of conditionals are described in details and with illustrations. Rules, structures and examples of usage are provided. Good luck!
I created this presentation to practice speaking with my adult students. It covers such sentence constructions as I wish I would, I wish I were, I wish I had gone, I hope, It's time and I should h ...
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Third Conditional?
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