Welcome to the section on countable and uncountable nouns. While native speakers have no trouble using countable and uncountable nouns correctly, second language learners may struggle to remember which nouns are which. Choose one of the 229 worksheets in this section to give your students some extra practice. This worksheet is popular with busy teachers and gives students more practice using many, much, few, and little. It includes some excellent explanations of the material and many practice activities. Some notes are not written in English but you can easily edit those parts to be in your students native language. If you do not want to use the entire worksheet, just choose the sections that will be most useful to your students and make a worksheet of your own. This worksheet might not be the best fit for your students so look at the other worksheets on this page to find the one that is. Remember that all the worksheets are free so choose as many as you want.
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In linguistics, a count noun (also countable noun) is a common noun that can be modified by a numeral and that occurs in both singular and plural form, as well as co-occurring with quantificational determiners like every, each, several, etc. A non-count noun (also mass noun or uncountable noun) is a common noun that is best identified by its syntactic properties, and especially in contrast with count nouns. The semantics of mass nouns are highly controversial. In English, mass nouns are characterized by the fact that they cannot be directly modified by a numeral without specifying a unit of measurement, and that they cannot combine with an indefinite article (a or an). Thus, the mass noun "water" is quantified as "20 liters of water" while the count noun "chair" is quantified as "20 chairs." However, mass nouns (like count nouns) can be quantified in relative terms without unit specification (e.g., "much water," "many chairs").
This practical worksheet is useful for practicing the difference between some, any, and a or an. The worksheet is colorful and easily understandable. It is suitable for young learners wh ...
This nine-page grammar guide of uncountable nouns is ordered by category (abstract nouns, diseases, food, liquids, feeling, gases, languages, particles, weather words, etc.), and nouns t ...
This noun quiz helps learners understand the different types of nouns. The point value of the nouns and pronouns may be changed. There are 14 questions: 1–10 are easy, but 11&ndash ...
This table teaches countable and uncountable, and quantifiers, using the words flowers and flour. It contains neatly organized boxes showing examples of how to use quantifiers and in whi ...
There are a variety of methods to teach students English by using songs, from listening comprehension to grammar rules. This short worksheet includes three defined activities involving a ...
There are eight activities on this worksheet about food: blanks exercises, matching exercises, analogies, word search, idioms, put the item in the appropriate box, mark the noun ‘c ...
This five-page worksheet contains five various exercises to practise the plural forms of nouns. Different levels. (countable and uncountable nouns, singular and plural nouns, regular and ...
Order of quantifiers. This grammar-guide contains a one-page chart and is a summary of the most common expressions of quantity, ordered from ‘zero quantities’ (not any, no, few&hellip ...
This is a grammar guide to revise containers, measurements, and quantities (a slice of, a cup of, a loaf of, a box of, a pint of, a bunch of, a glass of, a pot of, a metre of, a dozen of, a roll ...
This exercise can be used as a warm up activity about snack bar vocabulary. The students have to write the items from the box under the right heading. You can change this menu ...
This worksheet is made for students at a primary school level to learn about the differences between countable and uncountable nouns in the context of food. It contains practice for "Is there" and ...
This is a worksheet on quantifiers that consists of three exercises and is aimed at practicing how much and how many. Students should discuss the questions in groups of 4. Students are required to ...
Stop Game is a fun game for students of all ages! Your students have to select a letter to start and write the words of the six different categories (occupation, fruit, food, thing ...
A noun can be a person, place, or thing. On this worksheet, students must read each word and determine whether it is a person, place, or thing. This is a simple multiple choice worksheet designed ...
This is a worksheet that goes with a game I put together on YouTube on countable and uncountable nouns. The answers are included in the YouTube video. I designed it for elementary and pre-intermed ...
Extensive exercises with comparatives and superlatives. It also contins "some" and "any" with questions, negatives and positives. There is some vocabulary related to autumn and places around town. ...
This is an exam which includes exercises on sense verbs, countable and uncountable nouns, expressions with "have got", when to use "how much / many / a lot of / lots of / too and enough". It also ...
Straightforward exercise to practice the usage and recognition of singular countable nouns along with a, an or the. I have used this exercise a few times after teaching articles. Ask each stu ...
Easy, short gap fill worksheet to introduce quantifiers to ESL. While created for 5th grade, it could be used with a variety of grade levels as part of learning process for "there are, only, a ...
1) Look at the picture then complete the following sentences/questions with some or any.2) Turn the following sentences into the negative form. 3) Make questions about the underlined words. 4 ...
A kid-friendly worksheet that explains what countable and uncountable nouns are. There are examples of what both countable and uncountable nouns. It then provides an activity to put their new know ...
This worksheet uses present progressive and clothing vocabulary. The communicative purpose is to describe what other people are wearing if students lose a friend or family member in an English spe ...
This worksheet is appropriate for young learners. It's suitable for reviewing food related vocabulary items. And it's also useful for practicing simple present, count and non-count nouns ...
A, an, some & any with Jamie Oliver's 1 cup pancake with answer key. 1. Task 1: Ss watch the video & fill in the blanks. 2. Task 2: Fill in the blanks with a, an, some, any. 3. Task 3: ...
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Countable/Uncountable Nouns?
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