113 FREE Past Perfect Worksheets

FREE Past Perfect Worksheets

Welcome to the past perfect section. You can use this as a resource to find worksheets and activities or even just as inspiration when creating worksheets of your own. Since all the worksheets are free, easy to download, and printable, lesson planning does not need to take up as much of your time as it use to. There are 113 Past Perfect worksheets available to you in this section, as well as more tense worksheets in other subsections. Here is a sample worksheet from this page. It was designed with upper intermediate classes in mind and has actually been updated since it was first posted which shows that Busy Teacher is always evolving. There is just one activity which gives students more practice forming past perfect sentences without taking up too much class time. You might also want to consider using this as a homework assignment. To make things even better, the answer key is included so you can just start printing out worksheets now. For other tense worksheets, look through the rest of this section or others.

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GRAMMAR TIP:What Is Past Perfect?
The past perfect is a grammatical combination of past tense with the perfect, itself a combination of tense and aspect, that exists in most Indo-European languages. It is used to refer to an event that had continuing relevance to a past time. Comrie classifies the pluperfect (which is another name for Past Perfect) as an absolute-relative tense because it absolutely (not by context) establishes a deixis (the past) and places the action relative to the deixis (before it). In the sentence "A man who for years had thought he had reached the absolute limit of all possible suffering now found that suffering had no limits, and that he could suffer still more, and more intensely." (from Victor Frankls' Man's Search for Meaning), "had thought" and "had reached" are examples of the pluperfect. It refers to an event (a man thinks he is reaching his limit), which takes place before another event (the man realizes that he has no limit).
Freebase CC-BY
Source: Pluperfect Tense on Freebase, licensed under CC-BY
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Grammar Review B2 and C1 Levels

Grammar Review B2 and C1 Levels

Manuela Moraes
This PowerPoint presentation helps students review the time tenses. It includes some warm-up examples (teachers should prepare their own explanations), and three grammar exercises (with answers) ...
1 Views 20,359 AdvExam
Practise Active and Passive Voice. History of Central Europe

Practise Active and Passive Voice. History of Central Europe

The worksheet focuses on the Passive and Active voice used to create past narrative. The tasks are based on the video that lists the historical events and major changes in Central Europe in 20th ...
1 Views 28,266 IntAdv
Exercises on Past Perfect Simple

Exercises on Past Perfect Simple

• » » Past Perfect
Exercises on Past Perfect Simple I. Write the verbs in Past Perfect Simple. II. Write the verbs in Past Perfect Simple. Use the negative form. III. Complete the questions in Past Perfect Simple. ...
1 Views 29,927 IntAdv
Song Gap Fill:

Song Gap Fill: "My Girl" by Madness

Tom Leventhall
A lyrics gap fill of the song "My Girl" by the ska band Madness. (See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw-8AGRcyvk) The song contains a number lines in the past perfect as well as some inte ...
1 Views 22,010 IntAdv
Detective & Suspect Dialogue

Detective & Suspect Dialogue

•, Past Perfect,
This is a great dialogue worksheet for learners who have difficulty learning some grammar topics such as past simple, past continuous and past perfect. This worksheet is not suitable for young lea ...
7 Views 76,895 ElemPre-IntInt
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Past Perfect Tense Video and Worksheet

Past Perfect Tense Video and Worksheet

• » » Past Perfect
Watch a video lesson to help students learn about the past perfect tense, and then complete the worksheet to help them continue to practice using the past perfect tense. This actvity can be used i ...
5 Views 37,112 ElemInt
The Past Tenses Show Poem

The Past Tenses Show Poem

•, Past Perfect,
This is a little poem I came up with as a metaphor for the narrative tenses. You can use it as a poster or a fun handout for higher level groups. You can ask them why each metaphor is used and do ...
4 Views 29,807 IntAdvExam
The Legend of the Scarecrow (Past Tenses Revision)

The Legend of the Scarecrow (Past Tenses Revision)

•, Past Perfect,
This is a worksheet to revise the narrative tenses, namely the past simple, past continuous and past perfect. It allows students to practice their listening, reading, pronunciation, vocabulary and ...
8 Views 40,793 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Tenses Table

Tenses Table

This is an overview of the different tenses in English: present simple, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, past simple, past continuous, past perfect,  past perf ...
9 Views 51,440 All
Past Perfect Powerpoint

Past Perfect Powerpoint

Afni Yusuff
•Past Perfect,
This powerpoint provides complete explanation and examples of the  sentence structures. It also provides pictures and  differences between past simple and past perfect so students are ab ...
7 Views 29,508 All
Verb Tenses

Verb Tenses

Verb tenses are tools that English speakers use to express time in their language. You may find that many English tenses do not have direct translations in your language. That is not a problem. By ...
10 Views 30,044 Pre-IntInt
Movie Worksheet: Mr. Bean at the Hospital (Mixed Past Tenses)

Movie Worksheet: Mr. Bean at the Hospital (Mixed Past Tenses)

English Through Videos
This fun video activity is to practise using mixed past tenses, including past simple, past continuous, and past perfect. The video shows Mr. Bean at the hospital. Learners must combine two senten ...
17 Views 102,390 IntAdvExam
Tenses Revision Board Game

Tenses Revision Board Game

Students use prompts + the subject in the field they land on to make questions/positive/negative sentences. Applicable to all tenses. E.g., revision of past tense. A student rolls a 5 and makes a ...
17 Views 37,946 ElemPre-IntInt
Movie Worksheet: Describing Accidents (Past)

Movie Worksheet: Describing Accidents (Past)

English Through Videos
This fun video activity is to practise using various narrative tenses, including past simple, past continuous, and past perfect. The video has many clips of accidents, slips, and falls. Learners s ...
13 Views 56,659 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam
Tenses in Passive

Tenses in Passive

Mahboobe Tabasi
This is the worksheet I designed and used for teaching different tenses in passive voice. I found my students making mistakes in transforming the verb forms because in passive structures we s ...
8 Views 27,186 Int
Movie Worksheet: The Danish Girl

Movie Worksheet: The Danish Girl

silvia tarazona
After watching the movie The Danish Girl, students will independently work on a worksheet based on that movie. It features the third conditional, and past tenses, too. Additionally, they will be e ...
3 Views 19,211 All
Quote Grammar Message

Quote Grammar Message

My point is grammar. I love creating different grammar tasks. This time I’ve decided to come up with something special for checking my students’ grammar. There are 45 sentences, some ...
14 Views 39,235 IntAdv
Movie Worksheet: Krampus

Movie Worksheet: Krampus

Anastasia Melnikova
The pre-intermediate kids whom I teach absolutely hate fantasy movies and comedies, so I decided to engage them into the conversation and learning by offering a movie "Krampus: the Christmas evil" ...
5 Views 23,771 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Song Worksheet: Escape (the Piña Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes

Song Worksheet: Escape (the Piña Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes

Eduardo Bazani
Listen to the song and complete the gaps. You could use this worksheet to introduce past perfect. You can also use it to introduce contractions of modal verb and the verb to be. Suggested link to ...
5 Views 21,502 ElemPre-Int
Story Tenses

Story Tenses

This is a worksheet to practice story tenses: past simple, past perfect and past continuous. It suits intermediate level. It includes two tasks. The first task includes 5 sentences to be complete ...
7 Views 45,880 Pre-IntInt
Review of Past Tenses

Review of Past Tenses

Roberta Rohen
A thorough revision of past tenses and narrative tenses, with concept checking and practice. Here, students revise their knowledge of past tenses (simple, continuous and perfect), check functional ...
17 Views 36,492 IntAdvExam
A Hit-and-run Offense (Tenses)

A Hit-and-run Offense (Tenses)

This is a fictitious newspaper article about a hit-and-run offence. Students need to complete the text by put the verbs into the correct tense in the active or passive voice. Use to check students ...
22 Views 29,612 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Christmas Carol Reading

Christmas Carol Reading

I've used this when reading the story "Christmas Carol" By Charles Dickens with my students. It was useful to help retelling and also to remember details about the story. Although there is a movi ...
4 Views 22,904 ElemPre-Int
Practicing Past Forms

Practicing Past Forms

•, Past Perfect,
This presentation is an exercise for students to practice past forms (simple past, past perfect or past continuous), they have already learned. The presentation has slides with pictures, and sent ...
9 Views 17,899 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Past Perfect Worksheet

Past Perfect Worksheet

• » » Past Perfect
This a very simple worksheet for teaching or revising the past perfect tense at pre-intermediate level. There are 2 different activities in which students are asked to fill in the gaps with t ...
10 Views 51,871 Pre-IntInt

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