184 FREE Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Worksheets
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FREE Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Worksheets

The transition from teaching one verb tense to teaching another isn’t always a clear-cut process. While it’s easy for most students to distinguish, say, the future simple tense from the past simple, it’s not always as easy for them to tell two similar verb tenses apart. One of the most common mixups is between the present simple and present continuous tenses - “I go” versus “I’m going” - which sometimes seem to be used in almost interchangeable ways. Throw in the fact that many other languages use these tenses according to different conventions than the ones used in English, and you’ve got a recipe for a lot of frustration and confusion.

Some teachers try to address this confusion by simply correcting students on the fly until they start to get the hang of the distinction. Other teachers use fill-in-the-blank worksheets to help  students see the contrast between the present simple and present continuous tenses. And still others focus on encouraging students to produce the tenses in realistic speech. Many teachers would agree, though, that the most effective approach of all is one that combines each of these tactics.

That’s why BusyTeacher.org offers 184 worksheets that help students see the contrast between the present simple and present continuous verb tenses. These worksheets address a lot of common situations in which students get confused about the usage rules of these tenses, so they can start to work out for themselves where the present simple is appropriate, and where the present continuous makes sense. With these 184 worksheets on hand, you’ll never run out of exercises for practicing the present simple and present continuous tenses - no matter how many class period is takes to make sure your students get them right.

BusyTeacher.org’s 184 present simple and present continuous tense worksheets approach these tenses in a wide variety of ways. Some are simple fill-in-the-blank exercises; while others invite students to match a list of pictures with the right tenses. Some lay out exercises or activities that help students learn the differences between these tenses - and still others can help you kick off games that’ll give students a break from board work.

And you won’t just find variety in the approaches these worksheets offer - they also pull their inspiration from a wide range of areas. Some of them just focus on simple sentences, so students can work with familiar vocabulary. Others provide examples of the present simple and present continuous tenses in popular songs and movie clips, and let students learn how native speakers (and singers) actually use these tenses. If you’re working through a unit on holidays or countries, you can probably find a worksheet that’ll fit right into that theme, too.

Our huge variety of present simple and present continuous tense worksheets comes as a result of our active community of ESL teachers all over the world. They’ve shared these worksheets with other teachers like you, for free - not even registration on our site is required to download, print, use, and share them. The only thing we ask is that if you’ve got a worksheet of your own that’s been a hit with your class, you share it with the community by clicking the “Submit a worksheet button at the bottom of this page.

Browse all the present simple and present continuous worksheets using our handy thumbnail view, and print off some that catch your eye. We’re sure they’ll be popular in your classroom, too!

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Present Simple and Continuous Chart for 5th–6th Graders

Present Simple and Continuous Chart for 5th–6th Graders

Cséke Nikoletta
» » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
  This chart shows the structural differences between the Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses. It's suitable for 5th-6th Graders and beginner students, who are just introduced to ...
1 Views 33,843 Elem
Songworksheet: Someone You Loved (L. Capaldi)

Songworksheet: Someone You Loved (L. Capaldi)

, , Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
  Studenst listen to the song on YouTube and complete the lyrics with the instructions in the chart for each blank. The blanks correspond to verbs in the present simple (inc. to be) and pr ...
1 Views 15,325 BegElemPre-Int
Song worksheet: Someone You Loved

Song worksheet: Someone You Loved

, , Present Simple vs. Present Continuous,
  After watching and listening to the video of Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi, students then complete the lyrics by filling in the blanks. This sheet covers the verbs in the Present Si ...
1 Views 14,491 BegElemPre-Int
Present Simple or Present Continuous Exercise

Present Simple or Present Continuous Exercise

Bianka Molnar
, , Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
Great for homework or in-class practice, this exercise teaches students to choose between using Present Simple or Present Continuous verbs. An answer key is provided.
1 Views 30,776 ElemPre-IntInt
Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Worksheet

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Worksheet

Novi Rezeki
, , , Present Simple vs. Present Continuous,
Both the present simple and the continuous tenses are some of the most fundamental aspects of grammar. We use and hear these tenses every day, so it's important to understand the differences ...
1 Views 186,822 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
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Speaking About Now, Before Now, After Now Question Worksheet

Speaking About Now, Before Now, After Now Question Worksheet

Antonella Arista
, , , Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
I created this worksheet to help students revise a variety of verb tenses and practice forming questions and answers. I used it in secondary schools as well as in adult conversation classes and it ...
1 Views 22,387 Pre-IntInt
Present Simple or Present Progressive Video Activity

Present Simple or Present Progressive Video Activity

English Through Videos
, , Present Simple vs. Present Continuous,
  Watch the YouTube video. Look at the pictures and the sentences written on them. Choose the correct grammar to complete the sentences. Use present simple or present continuous/progressiv ...
1 Views 14,532 ElemPre-IntInt
Movie Worksheet: Describing Pictures, Infographic

Movie Worksheet: Describing Pictures, Infographic

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous, , ,
This is an infographic I made for a short video on how to describe pictures in English. It talks about the vocabulary and grammar for a great picture description. I think any level could use it es ...
8 Views 45,904 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam
Tenses Chart for the Police

Tenses Chart for the Police

, , Present Simple vs. Present Continuous,
This tense chart was made with law enforcement-related example sentences, otherwise it is a normal chart :) I have been teaching law enforcement English for 9 years now, and I made this chart for ...
1 Views 28,799 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Pictures

Present Simple vs Present Continuous Pictures

» » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
Write sentences using present continuous or simple present based on the pictures given. Add an appropriate adverb. Adverbs of frequency or time. Children take a look at pictures and write a sentence.
8 Views 74,385 Pre-Int
Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

» » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
Students must complete each sentence using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. They also practice the use of adverbs of frequency and other type of adverbs. They must put both the verb and ...
17 Views 106,586 Pre-Int
Present Simple vs. Present Continuous PPT

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous PPT

» » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
This is a power point presentation that illustrates the difference in use between present simple and present continuous forms. Most suitable for the Russian learners of English, it provides explan ...
8 Views 70,259 ElemPre-Int
All Tenses Comparison

All Tenses Comparison

, , , Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
I have created this worksheet to compare the basic use of all the twelve tenses. A simple phrase of "writing emails" has been used in each tense. At the same time, a simple timeline is provided fo ...
28 Views 65,059 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam
Movie Worksheet: Star Wars Stormtrooper (Daily Routine)

Movie Worksheet: Star Wars Stormtrooper (Daily Routine)

English Through Videos
, , Present Simple vs. Present Continuous,
This fun video activity is to practise using the simple present tense when describing daily routines. The video shows the daily routine of a Stormtrooper. While watching the video, learners are as ...
13 Views 48,762 BegElemPre-IntInt
Simple Present Simple and Continuous Presentation/ Explanation Powerpoint

Simple Present Simple and Continuous Presentation/ Explanation Powerpoint

Afni Yusuff
, , Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
Presentation of simple present vs present continuous Rules (affirmative, negative, interrogative). 
9 Views 49,663 BegElemPre-IntInt
The Present Simple Tense: A Complete Guide

The Present Simple Tense: A Complete Guide

, Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
A comprehensive guide to the present simple tense covering thirteen subtopics and including twelve practice activities. Teachers will be able to use it as a classroom resource and learners will be ...
11 Views 22,179 Pre-Int
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous Slide Show

Present Perfect Simple or Continuous Slide Show

, Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
This slide show demonstrates the difference between the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous tenses giving explainations, examples and illustrative pictures. There are also some e ...
9 Views 27,167 IntAdv
Song Worksheet: Girl from Ipanema by Frank Sinatra

Song Worksheet: Girl from Ipanema by Frank Sinatra

Janaina Florentino
Present Simple vs. Present Continuous,
In this Brazilian song you can practice translation, fill the gaps and the difference between present simple and present continuous. Very fun and enjoyable activity that might take around 1 hour t ...
8 Views 24,412 BegElemPre-IntInt
Every Day and Today

Every Day and Today

Rania Foka
» » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
This worksheet has been designed for elementary young learners, bearing in mind the difficulties they encounter in using the present simple and the present continuous tense in a single sentence. T ...
10 Views 31,041 Elem
What Are You Doing?

What Are You Doing?

, Present Simple vs. Present Continuous,
This worksheet is intended to work with present continuous. It has some contrast with the present simple, particularly in regard with collocations, but it's mostly about present continuous. I used ...
5 Views 30,096 ElemPre-IntInt
Present Continuous: What Are You Doing?

Present Continuous: What Are You Doing?

, Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
I prepared this worksheet for an elementary teen class (14-15 years old). I tried to make it as clear and comprehensive as posible, so that they could revise the theory as they were doing exercise ...
4 Views 23,943 ElemPre-IntInt
Present Simple or Present Continuous

Present Simple or Present Continuous

, , Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
These are 25 sentences where you should use the verbs given in brackets in proper tenses. Aimed at practising the difference between present simple and present continuous tenses. It's great to use ...
18 Views 105,639 ElemPre-IntInt
Present Simple and Present Progressive Usage Practice

Present Simple and Present Progressive Usage Practice

BusyTeacher Contributor
» » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
The objective of the worksheet is to practice 2 tenses: present simple and present progressive. I consider it a good grammar drill. Students have to choose the forms, find mistakes and correct the ...
8 Views 29,780 Pre-IntInt
Make Me Say This-Card Game for Present Simple and Continuous

Make Me Say This-Card Game for Present Simple and Continuous

» » Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
I created this worksheet in order to give my elementary students some practice of the difference between present simple and present continuous. In the first part of the worksheet there are two sim ...
7 Views 31,553 ElemPre-Int
Grade 7 Midterm Test

Grade 7 Midterm Test

hepi anesti
, , Present Simple vs. Present Continuous, ,
This is a complete worksheet for grade 7 midterm test. It covers several topics  such as simple present tense, present continuous tense, and simple past tense, preposition of time (in, on, at ...
14 Views 30,526 Pre-Int

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