Welcome to the numerals and dates section of Busy Teacher. Here you can find 338 related worksheets that cover these topics at a variety of learner levels. This worksheet has several activities that have been used to help beginners practice cardinal numbers. These games can all be played as a class or in groups; the rules are simple but playing certain games like Buzz can be tricky so you may need to adapt the game to suit your students better. There are also study guides, activities, and of course date exercises you can download from this section too.
These basic topics are introduced and covered in beginner courses but to start out with, students will be dealing with a small amount of material such as cardinal numbers and months of the year. Students may need some short review exercises from time to time to refresh their memories and of course more complex numbers such as very large numbers, percents, and anything with a decimal point should be covered with intermediate students. Students in business English courses may need more practice with this specific topic than the regular English learner so be aware of the needs of your students. Saying and comprehending numbers and dates can be challenging for students; they often find these topics complex and difficult even if they prove that they have a good understanding of the material by performing well on various exercises. Be flexible and assure your students that you can give them as much practice as they want or need.
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If you are about to teach the topic Seasons and Weather this worksheet is just for you! There are three pages, and you can practice everything connected with these topics. "TO BE, CARDINALS, ORDI ...
Worksheet on countables/uncountables, some/any, few/little, How much... is there?/How many... are there?, a lot of, many/much. I help the students describe the first fridge with vocabulary previou ...
Three simple excercises for practising numbers in class. Made specifically for teaching individuals rather than groups but can be used in both ways. The second excersise can be adjusted; students ...
This game is excellent speaking and listening practice for beginning students of all ages. Students should have been introduced to numbers from 1-20 and multiples of 10 up to 90. Students should ...
Test for beginner students with exercises like practicing the verb be, possessive pronouns, present simple, numbers, this/that, these/those, names of countries and nationalities. Exercise types: ...
Pupils are expected to be able to read calendar. There are three main activities in this worksheet, which are answering questions based on a Calendar, fill in the blanks using preposition in and o ...
This a colourful boardgame, suitable for elementary students, for teaching cardinal numbers from 1 to 100. It is played in groups or pairs with dice and counters. When students land on a square t ...
Here´s a set of colourful and bright flashcards for beginners or elementary students on cardinal numbers from 1 to 100. They can either be used as classroom posters or as flashcards for any ...
This worksheet is called 'Number Words to Spell' and it is also available for free at http://www.lauracandler.com/. This compact one-pager conveniently lists all numerals 1-20, 30-100, as well as ...
It's a basic worksheet on how to tell the time in the way students find most difficult. It has helped my students a lot. I usually have them do a writing follow-up such as write down the time betw ...
This is a worksheet to review days of the week, months of the year, ordinal numbers and dates vocabulary. It includes a study sheet followed by 4 activities in which students find out the missing ...
This is a boardgame to review or learn ordinal numbers. Students advance on the board with dice. When they land on a square they are asked to make a sentence using the picture clue. This game is ...
Try to guess what there is in the box. Here your students will find the answer to this question, using ordinal numerals and also simple words like: pen, book, dog, crocodile, house, computer, flow ...
This simple worksheet (black-and-white) will help to revise vocabulary: animals, numbers and also plural. I recommend it for elementary students (especially for kids). Numbers: from 1 to 7. Animal ...
A fun board game to review ordinal numbers. Students advance on the board and say the number or make a sentence using the picture clue provided on the square where they land. Recommended for elem ...
This is a simple vocabulary worksheet on ordinal numbers in which students fill in the blanks with the missing vowels. Recommended for elementary students.
This is a PowerPoint presentation for children on cardinal numbers (1-10). Including animations and sounds that children have fun with while learning the new vocabulary. This game is recommended ...
Word Jumbles activity for lower levels dealing with ordinal numbers. Students must figure out what the mixed word is, write it on the line provided and then match the words with the pictures.
Here is a worksheet with some exercises to practise cardinal numbers (1 - 100). The first page can be used as classroom poster or a study sheet, on the second page there are three exercises in whi ...
A PowerPoint Presentation for beginner level learners on asking and answering questions about age and cardinal numbers. Students read and listen to the question and the answer, then they click o ...
It's a worksheet to practice numbers, prices, how much, food, desserts, main course, salads, seafood, etc. Students should work in pairs.
St A: "How much is the blueberry pie?" St.B: " It' ...
This is a card game based on the version of the game called UNO. It deals the cards to two or more players to be run out of cards (they have to get rid of the cards that match the same color or le ...
This is a teacher led dictation. The teacher will read a number of classroom objects while students will draw and write the correct number and color in the box.The level is 1st or 2nd grade and us ...
A word search for the days of the week, months of the year and the four seasons. List of words used in this word search: SATURDAY, AUTUMN, JULY, WINTER, MONDAY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, FRIDAY, ...
[attachment=4165] This is an easy worksheet about numbers suitable for beginners. The letters of the words are all mixed up, students have to figure out what the word is and write it on the blank ...
15 57,833ElemPre-Int
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Numerals and Dates?
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