68 FREE Money Worksheets

FREE Money Worksheets

As much as we say it’s not polite to talk about money, we always seem to feel like talking about it. And that’s actually good news for your ESL class, because the subject money can provide opportunities to use English number vocabulary, comparatives like “less than” and “more than,” and even practical vocabulary like that associated with making a sale or opening a bank account. Plus, it’s a topic that just about everyone knows a little something about!

You might even be planning a special unit themed around money - and if so, BusyTeacher.org’s 68 money-themed worksheets are here to help. These worksheets use the topic of money to teach a wide variety of ESL concepts, from reading and math to speaking and writing. But these 68 worksheets aren’t just for money-themed units - they’ll make an interesting addition to any class, and can help you mix up the activities you offer in between board work sessions.

Working with some level-one ESL beginners? BusyTeacher.org’s 68 money worksheets include plenty of activities covering basic money-related vocabulary, simple comparatives, and other topics for early-stage learners. Got a mid-level class who love to talk? We’ve got money-themed paragraphs and quotes that are sure to spark some passionate discussions. Want to mix things up with a game? We’ve got simplified versions of classic board games like Monopoly, as well as money-themed crosswords and other fun activities. We’ve even got worksheets based on popular songs whose lyrics refer to money.

If you’re not sure where to start with all these resources, one good place is with our top ten most popular money worksheets. You can also search for any keywords you’d like in the search box at the top right - or you can browse BusyTeacher.org’s whole collection of money worksheets below. You can get a quick glimpse of each one in its thumbnail image - and our handy “Quick View” feature also makes it easy to pop out a larger image of each worksheet’s first page, so you know exactly what you’ll be getting when you download it.

We’re able to provide such a diverse range of worksheets thanks to the contributions of ESL teachers like you, all over the globe, who’ve created these worksheets themselves, tested each one in their own classrooms and made them available here, for free. That’s right - you don’t have to pay a penny, or even register on this website, to download, print, and reproduce any of the worksheets you find here. It’s all free for the taking. But if you’ve got as worksheet of your own that you’d like to share with the community, we’d love for you to click the “Submit a worksheet” button at the bottom of this page, and send it our way.

So what are you waiting for? Take a look at the 68 money worksheets that BusyTeacher.org has to offer. We’re sure that each one of them will be a big hit in your classroom, as it’s already been a hit with ESL classes around the world!

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The Question on Everyone's Mind - CNN Article and Exercises

The Question on Everyone's Mind - CNN Article and Exercises

I adapted (shortened and changed 2-3 words) a CNN article about the conception of work in the US to be used a basis for discussing cultural norms related to work in an ESL classroom. The first pag ...
14 Views 13,913 Pre-IntInt
Money Sayings

Money Sayings

» Money
This is a simple worksheet about money. If students search for the words and put them into the sentences, they get sayings related to money that you can discuss with them. Even if the task seems t ...
8 Views 15,145 All
Maths Printable - Doubling the Cost

Maths Printable - Doubling the Cost

Maths printable for primary/elementary children. This worksheet is all about doubling the cost and can be used when teaching students about money. Students are asked to work out the cost of two i ...
2 Views 12,823 Elem
Song Worksheet: Ka-ching by Shania Twain

Song Worksheet: Ka-ching by Shania Twain

This might not be the latest song, but I like the lyrics very much anyway. It is a song about our obsession with shopping, when we buy things we don't even need just to feel happier. The song con ...
8 Views 26,279 Pre-IntInt
Money Crossword

Money Crossword

I couldn't find a suitable crossword related to money vocabulary so I made one myself. Hope it is helpful. I use it mostly with my pre-ints and they take up quite some time to complete it as some ...
24 Views 48,069 Pre-IntInt
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How Many Coins Make $1.00?

How Many Coins Make $1.00?

» Money
The worksheet has realistic pictures of both sides of a penny, nickel, dime and quarter. The questions ask how many cents is each coin worth and how many of each coin equals $1.00. This worksheet ...
2 Views 15,118 BegElem
Clothing: Sizes and Price Tags

Clothing: Sizes and Price Tags

Five worksheets practicing the practical skill of reading clothing price tags. What do all the numbers mean? Which ones are important to understand? These five worksheets give repetitive practi ...
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Reading Meat Labels

Reading Meat Labels

, , Money
These worksheets teach the very practical skill of reading the labels on meat packages. What do all the numbers mean? Use the first worksheet to walk students through reading meat labels for weig ...
5 Views 12,791 Elem
Vocabulary: Money and Finance.Intermediate Word Search

Vocabulary: Money and Finance.Intermediate Word Search

» Money
This is a workheet to use either before the Money and Finances Intermediate wordsearch so that learners create a good idea of what vocabulary items they are looking for in the wordsearch or after ...
8 Views 20,723 IntAdv
Song Worksheet: More by Madonna

Song Worksheet: More by Madonna

This worksheet helps to revise much/many/few/little. The song is taken from the movie "Dick Tracy". Many of my students watched the movie and know the song but few understood what is it about. S ...
2 Views 8,321 Pre-IntIntAdv
Supermarket Ad: Information-Gap Activity

Supermarket Ad: Information-Gap Activity

Student 'A' receives "Tom's Supermarket Handout 'A'." - Student 'B' receives "Tom's Supermarket Handout 'B'." Without looking at each other's handout, they should describe their supermarket ads to ...
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Business Vocabulary Test

Business Vocabulary Test

This is a short test on business vocabulary and expressions. It consists of two exercises: in the first one you have to match the words to make collocations, and in the second one you have to comp ...
16 Views 48,499 ElemPre-Int
US Money Worksheet

US Money Worksheet

» Money
This worksheet helps students recognize the name and amount of common US currency. Students begin by drawing on their prior knowledge and working in pairs or small groups to identify the names an ...
13 Views 44,914 BegElemPre-Int
British and American Currency

British and American Currency

Pictures and vocabulary pertaining to both the British and American monetary system. There is also a short worksheet to go over some of the vocabulary dealing with American coins. I also recomme ...
14 Views 17,995 Pre-IntInt
Movie Worksheet: The Money Pit

Movie Worksheet: The Money Pit

A worksheet about the movie "The Money Pit", with a listening exercise and some questions to be answered by the students. This is a movie that most of students love to watch during class and have ...
5 Views 24,035 Pre-Int
Functions of Money

Functions of Money

» Money
This worksheet is about the functions of money. Students are given the descriptions of three major functions of money (Medium of exchange, Store of value, Unit of account). The task is to match fu ...
7 Views 25,647 Adv
Shops and Shopping Boardgame

Shops and Shopping Boardgame

Shopping boardgame for two or more players to practise vocabulary for shopping, shops and money, food, clothes, pets etc. Also some simple grammar including the verb 'to be' and plurals, and some ...
36 Views 72,879 ElemPre-IntInt
End of the Year Party Webquest

End of the Year Party Webquest

This a WebQuest designed for students who have been taking at least three years of English. I have included only the teacher's page which includes the website where you will be able to find the re ...
8 Views 13,297 ElemPre-Int
The New American Dream

The New American Dream

, Money
This is a worksheet I use in conversation classes when speaking about money. The students can watch the video online at home. Grammatically, I get the students to underline the different tenses an ...
4 Views 11,082 IntAdv
POSTER: British Money

POSTER: British Money

This poster can be used at beginner, elementary or pre-intermediate level if you are teaching about going shopping in Britain or creating dialogues at the cafe and restaurant as well as talking ab ...
7 Views 17,528 BegElemPre-Int
Price Dictation Exercise

Price Dictation Exercise

Did he say $.15 or $.50? Numbers can sound very similar. This dictation exercise requires students to listen carefully and circle the price that was dictated. The second part gives students pra ...
8 Views 24,777 Elem
Global Issues PowerPoint Presentation

Global Issues PowerPoint Presentation

A powerpoint presentaion that I have used with students who are studying issues like famine, hunger. Good to learn new vocabulary and also a speaking activity at the end, where the students imagin ...
16 Views 32,160 Pre-IntInt
Second Conditional Song Worksheet: If I Had A Million Dollars by Barenaked Ladies

Second Conditional Song Worksheet: If I Had A Million Dollars by Barenaked Ladies

Use this worksheet to teach/review second conditional with the song If I had a million dollars by Barenaked Ladies. There are three exercises for your students to practise the second conditional. ...
10 Views 29,099 Pre-Int
Money Crossword Puzzle

Money Crossword Puzzle

This is a crossword puzzle based on the vocabulary included in Unit 11, Cash in Hand, of Premium Level B2 course published by Person Longman. It can be used as a revision exercise at the end of th ...
6 Views 17,294 Adv
Money Makes The World Go Round: Money Vocabulary Worksheet

Money Makes The World Go Round: Money Vocabulary Worksheet

, Money
A vocabulary worksheet. There are some basic expressions connected with the topic Money. Students have to find the described word or expression. The worksheet is appropriate for intermediate, uppe ...
16 Views 20,401 IntAdvExam

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