33 FREE Email English Worksheets

FREE Email English Worksheets

Email English is an interesting topic for most ESL classes and is especially useful for business English students who may be required to write emails in English for work. Before starting this topic, get a sense of the extent to which students use email and English either at work or in their personal lives. Busy teachers have submitted 33 worksheets on this topic. You can use this worksheet in a lesson about polite business letters for your adult upper-intermediate students. A thorough introduction of the topic and key vocabulary would be necessary before attempting this assignment. In the first section, students have to rearrange words to form accurate sentences while in the second section, students rewrite a business letter in a more formal and polite way. Business English students will appreciate the importance of politeness especially when it comes to emails which can often be misinterpreted. That worksheet focuses on business emails but there are others that would be appropriate for younger or non-business students too. To view them, simply look through this section and download ones that look interesting; all of the worksheets are free and printable so do not feel obligated to use the first one you see.

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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

ESL Pals
  This intermediate ESL digital marketing lesson is perfect for your B1-B2 students to discuss the topic of digital marketing and explore each area in detail, including SEO, email, social, ...
1 Views 19,189 IntAdv
Enquiry and Offer - Gap Texts and Link Texts

Enquiry and Offer - Gap Texts and Link Texts

• » » Email English
In this worksheet you find a letter of an enquiry and a letter of an offer. In the first exercise students fill in the missing words in enquiry and offer by terms given bellow the text /solution ...
1 Views 26,151 Pre-IntInt
Useful Expressions For Business English

Useful Expressions For Business English

Albert Learning
Learn expressions used in a formal set up. If you want to be a pro at business English, these expressions will help you. Make use of these English expressions in a meeting or a business environme ...
1 Views 44,248 IntAdv
Formal and Informal Emails Format for FCE and CAE

Formal and Informal Emails Format for FCE and CAE

Viviane Moraes
•Email English,
I made this worksheet for my FCE and CAE students. It develops the structure of letters and emails required in these exams, and gives an organised overview of the language to be used. Page 2 is ma ...
13 Views 106,763 AdvExam
Formal Email Writing

Formal Email Writing

This handout's purpose is to provide writers with formal phrases, in order to be able to write formal emails. This could be both given to teenagers to practice their writing, but also to busi ...
15 Views 134,111 Exam
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How To Write an Email

How To Write an Email

•Email English,
This powerpoint shows step by step on how to write an email. It may seem simple but every step is there. I created this powerpoint for my secondary school learners in a rural area. Their level of ...
20 Views 82,443 All
Formal Titles in English - Powerpoint Presentation

Formal Titles in English - Powerpoint Presentation

I made a very informal and funny presentation to show my students titles and how to address people properly. I hope you all like it, and please, modify it as you like. For this presentation, I add ...
12 Views 33,681 BegElemPre-Int
Quality Issues

Quality Issues

Students will use their writing skills to write emails about quality problems. The company makes flat-screen televisions and their are various emails that need to be written in order to solve the ...
8 Views 28,850 IntAdv
Writing Emails

Writing Emails

This worksheet goes over writing formal, informal or neutral emails. There is a table with expressions that can be used in those emails. The students will then read two emails and find the grammar ...
28 Views 114,276 IntAdv
Emails and Phone Numbers (Business Cards)

Emails and Phone Numbers (Business Cards)

This is a follow-up for my "At a party: meet new people" worksheet. I created 18 fake business cards based on the same celebrities so that my students can work on exchanging phone numbers and emai ...
12 Views 39,435 BegElem
Business Writing Essentials

Business Writing Essentials

•, Email English,
This is a detailed presentation about business writing. Including formal letters and emails; correct usage of punctuation, spelling, number usage, layout guidelines, salutations and valedictions. ...
15 Views 44,965 IntAdv
Correspondence Dominos

Correspondence Dominos

• » » Email English
This is a game of dominos. There are 16 words used in business correspondence, either letter or email, and their descriptions written on domino cards which you have to then cut out. The students s ...
11 Views 21,143 IntAdv
Capital Letters in Formal Writing

Capital Letters in Formal Writing

•, Email English,
Help your students to identify where to use capital letters in writing formal correspondence. This worksheet includes a reminder of the main rules about capital letters, followed by a rewriting ex ...
15 Views 40,305 Pre-IntIntAdv
Cancel Trip to Europe- an E-mail to a Penpal

Cancel Trip to Europe- an E-mail to a Penpal

•Email English,
The students are required to write an e-mail to a penpal in 50 words. The e-mail is to explain why their long-awaited trip to Europe is cancelled. The student needs to choose one of the three choi ...
8 Views 19,267 Pre-IntInt
Letters of Applicaton

Letters of Applicaton

It has 2 parts: a reading part, in which students have to read and show understanding by answering questions, and the writing part,  which gives students an opportunity to use what they have ...
13 Views 25,317 Int
E-mail of Complaint

E-mail of Complaint

• » » Email English
What is a letter of complaint and what is it written for? Who is your target audience and what is the style of your letter? Some useful phrases and linking words are listed. Worksheet  pract ...
17 Views 47,066 IntAdv
Writing a Corporative Email

Writing a Corporative Email

• » » Email English
Tips on how to write a clear, to the point corporate email. This worksheet also brings dictations, listening and reading activities. Designed for false beginners students. Interactive worksheets t ...
17 Views 40,339 ElemPre-Int
Business Vocabulary Test

Business Vocabulary Test

•, Email English, ,
This is a short test on business vocabulary and expressions. It consists of two exercises: in the first one you have to match the words to make collocations, and in the second one you have to comp ...
16 Views 48,462 ElemPre-Int
Business Writing Help - Invitations (for Polish students)

Business Writing Help - Invitations (for Polish students)

•, Email English,
It is a great help for people who use business writing in everyday working situation. This gives you more frequently used business writing phrases and its translation to English language. Variety ...
5 Views 14,827 All
Business Writing Help - Meetings (for Polish students)

Business Writing Help - Meetings (for Polish students)

•, Email English,
It is a great help for people who use business writing in everyday working situation. This gives you more frequently used business writing phrases and its translation to English language. Variety ...
7 Views 18,549 All
Business Writing Help - General (for Polish students)

Business Writing Help - General (for Polish students)

•, Email English,
It is a great help for people who use business writing in everyday working situation. This gives you more frequently used business writing phrases and its translation to English language. Variety ...
6 Views 11,656 All
WebLish Worksheet

WebLish Worksheet

This worksheet can be helpful and useful for teenagers. It is about different words and letter combinations which are used in the Internet, on-line games, SMS and chats. Teenagers can learn someth ...
13 Views 18,600 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam


•, Email English
A reading comprehension text with questions intended to first year learners in Algeria. It includes comprehension; text exploration and writing. I hope it would be useful.
16 Views 23,908 Int
Let's Talk About E-mail

Let's Talk About E-mail

• » » Email English
This is a worksheet to talk to your students about E-mail. It contains some questions about e-mail, its place in communication and some tips to write an e-mail. The questions can be discussed in p ...
17 Views 29,863 Pre-IntIntAdv
How To Write Emails In English

How To Write Emails In English

This is a PowerPoint presentation describing some basic rules when writing formal/informal emails in English, introducing some common phrases and things to avoid. It also includes two examples of ...
39 Views 88,168 IntAdv

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