47 FREE Dictations Worksheets
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FREE Dictations Worksheets

Dictations – Listen Carefully!

You have reached the Dictations section of Busy Teacher. Here you can see 47 free worksheets to use in your classes. When you find one that is appropriate for your students, simply download and print these ready to use activities. This dictation worksheet, for example, has a gap fill exercise and the teaching materials for an activity that will help students practice listening and writing. It also can be used as a review of letter structure. Due to its content, you can use this worksheet when you discuss politely accepting and declining invitations too. For additional practice, just have students check the answers aloud as a class. You may be covering a different topic but there are other worksheets to check out and you can save this one for an appropriate time.
Dictation is being used less frequently in ESL classrooms but it can be an excellent way for students to practice listening and writing. You can use these exercises to test spelling of specific vocabulary words and the punctuation of target structures. When combined with reading and speaking exercises, you will have a lesson that appeals to all different types of learners.

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What Are Dictations?
Dictation is the transcription of spoken text: one person who is "dictating" speaks and another who is "taking dictation" writes down the words as they are spoken. For speakers of French, la dictée is a school exercise that aims at testing the mastery of orthography and grammar. Since many features of French grammar are distinguished in writing but not in speech, this can be a challenging task. Certain dictées became famous for their difficulty or their interest, like those of Prosper Mérimée and Bernard Pivot. In several countries of the world (including Switzerland, France, Belgium, and Canada), the dictations are the subject of structured championships, similar to English spelling bees. In South Korea, badasseugi (Hangul: 받아쓰기) is a school exercise for children in the lower grades of elementary schools.
Freebase CC-BY
Source: Dictation on Freebase, licensed under CC-BY
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Superstitions Shouting Dictation

Superstitions Shouting Dictation

Tom Leventhall
, Dictations
This activity was specifically designed for chap 10 of the Empower Advanced book, but can be used for any upper intermediate or advanced group. After completing the shouting dictation, students ca ...
1 Views 24,571 Adv
Home Idioms Shouting Dictation

Home Idioms Shouting Dictation

Tom Leventhall
, , Dictations
This is a shouting dictation designed to practice a number of "home" idioms. Students begin with the shouting part of the activity then proceed to a matching-type activity where they match they i ...
1 Views 24,960 Adv
Dictation Practice Sheet

Dictation Practice Sheet

, Dictations
This worksheet is useful for practicing some vocabulary items and alphabet letters A-K. Hope you find it useful in your classes. It's appropriate for early beginner students. 
5 Views 61,982 Beg
Icebreaking Dictation

Icebreaking Dictation

corinne hoffert
I use this activity at the beginning of the school year to make a revision of the basics: ame, age, expression of love and dislike, conjugation, etc.. Students usually love it. First I introduce t ...
16 Views 59,191 Int
Letters A-N

Letters A-N

, , Dictations
I have designed this worksheet for practicing alphabets (A-N). Have your students write the letters to complete the words. Hope you find in useful.
5 Views 32,052 Beg
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Dictation (Celebration)

Dictation (Celebration)

, , Dictations
This worksheet is helpful for practicing spelling celebrations and food related vocabulary items, and it helps to improve students writing skills. This is appropriate for young learners and beginn ...
3 Views 38,522 BegElem
Dictation (Toys)

Dictation (Toys)

, Dictations
This worksheet is helpful for practicing spelling toys related vocabulary items, and it helps to improve students writing skills. This is appropriate for young learners and beginners. Hope you fin ...
2 Views 26,336 BegElem
Dictation (Food)

Dictation (Food)

, Dictations
This worksheet is helpful for practicing spelling and it improves students' writing skills. This is appropriate for young learners and early beginners. Hope you find it useful.
5 Views 36,667 BegElem
Dictation Animals

Dictation Animals

, Dictations
This worksheet is helpful for practicing spelling animals related vocabulary items, and it helps to improve students writing skills. This is appropriate for young learners and beginners.  ...
4 Views 29,130 BegElem
Alphabet A-N

Alphabet A-N

, Dictations
This is a worksheet for practicing dictation for letters A-N. It is appropriate for absolute beginners. Have your students  look at the pictures and write the words. Hope it helps.
4 Views 25,023 Beg
Alphabet A-O

Alphabet A-O

, Dictations
This is a worksheet for practicing dictation for letters A-O. It is appropriate for absolute beginners. Have your students look at the pictures and write the words. Hope it helps.
6 Views 17,363 Beg
Picture Dictation

Picture Dictation

This worksheet is for pupils of different ages. Your ss revise their knowledge of the cardinal numbers and animals, and directions. Your pupils need paper that has squares on it. You dictate the ...
13 Views 57,256 ElemPre-IntInt
Alphabet A-U

Alphabet A-U

, Dictations
This is a worksheet for practicing alphabet (A-U). It includes a dictation task. Hope it works well!
7 Views 19,896 Beg
Facts about UK

Facts about UK

Andreea P
This is a worksheet that can be used when teaching about UK. It has some general information about the country. Ss work in pairs, each of them having a different worksheet (A and B). Without looki ...
9 Views 30,285 Pre-IntInt
Dictation, Jobs

Dictation, Jobs

, Dictations
This is a dictation worksheet for jobs in which students are asked to write the missing letters. It is designed for elementary level. Hope it helps.
9 Views 48,708 Elem
Dictation/ Food

Dictation/ Food

, Dictations
This is a dictation worksheet for food in which the students are asked to write the missing letters. It is designed for elementary level. Hope it helps.
9 Views 29,957 Elem


, , Dictations
Here is a worksheet for a dictation about colors. It is useful for students who've just learnt how to write colors. There are some missing letters to complete the words. This worksheet can be done ...
6 Views 22,809 Elem


» Dictations
This is a power point for dictation practice in the format of game.  There are some missing letters to complete by students and an applause for the correct answer.  This can be good for ...
11 Views 23,048 Elem
The House

The House

Worksheet for primary school. This is a worksheet about the parts of the house. Item I: reading. Item II: complete the graphic organizer according to the reading. Item III: match the names with ...
5 Views 19,947 Beg
CVC Running Dictation

CVC Running Dictation

» Dictations
This is a very simple activity for young learners that focuses on decoding CVC words and having students interact with each other. Pair the students and tell them that one student will have to wri ...
1 Views 16,742 BegElem
Song Worksheet: Alternative Christmas Song Dictation

Song Worksheet: Alternative Christmas Song Dictation

This is a fill in the gaps dictation exercise for intermediate students. One of the songs contains a swear word (Santa stole my girlfriend) so you might want to delete that one if not age-appropri ...
4 Views 16,260 Int
American Headway Pre-Intermediate Listening Practice

American Headway Pre-Intermediate Listening Practice

Extensive listening practice for American Headway pre-intermediate level. The file provides the link where audio tracks are available for download. For each track I wrote the related questions. Ex ...
13 Views 25,342 ElemPre-Int
American Headway Elementary Listening Practice

American Headway Elementary Listening Practice

Extensive listening practice for America Headway Elementary. The file provides the link where audio tracks are available for download. For each track I wrote the related questions. Exercises range ...
5 Views 26,224 Elem


Students are given a card with the name of a country and a hobby. These cards are on the second page of the worksheet and can be laminated or just printed and cut on cardboard. They ask and answer ...
6 Views 29,016 BegElem
A Scary Story (with PPT)

A Scary Story (with PPT)

, Dictations
This presentation I use as a warm-up for topics 'Strange creaturers', "Strange encounters' or 'Second conditional'. You tell the story to your students using the presentation. Students try to gues ...
12 Views 27,322 Pre-IntIntAdv

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