This page of worksheets about fruits and vegetables is one of the many subsections of the food and drinks category. Hopefully this is what you are looking for. There are now 135 worksheets in this section. This popular worksheet has cute images and clever introductions for six fruits and six vegetables. You may want to adjust the introductions to better match the vocabulary your students have already learned. These pages would make excellent mini-posters for your classroom once you have started studying this topic in class. You might also choose to use the images and text to create a worksheet for students to complete. The majority of worksheets are completely editable which makes it easy to adjust any activity you choose or copy sections from multiple worksheets to create your own. For more worksheets about fruits and vegetables, please take a look at the rest of the section. If you already have worksheets on this topic, take a moment to upload them so that other busy teachers can learn from you.
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This simple reader/worksheet booklet is for complete beginners with little or no English. Colors are introduced as well as simple sentence structures. It can be used by teachers who have ...
This engaging song is for an A2 level. Pete the cat wears white shoes, and when he steps into fruits his shoes change color. Children link the words to the pictures, then listen to the s ...
This worksheet contains 29 realistic vegetable flashcards. It is made with online flashcard maker. The following vegetable flashcards include: radish, turnip, beet, celery, ca ...
This worksheet contains 20 realistic fruit flashcards. The following fruit flashcards include mango, orange, peach, persimmon, pineapple, pomegranate, pear, plum, grapes, guava, banana, app ...
This worksheet is based on 'Peppa Pig' cartoon episode. It was made to revise modal verb CAN. It may be used to speak about fruits and vegetables, quantity and shopping. It will take about 30 mins ...
The following worksheet consists of two pages. The first page has a table label with the groups of food. Students have to fill each group with drawings, the second page has a food pyramid and it h ...
This worksheet was made to revise meals of the day, fruit and vegetables, present simple, quantity of food (some; a glass/cup/bowl /piece of smth.), the "Would you like some...?" questions and pos ...
I have designed this PDF for the vocabulary booster part of Top Notch Fundamentals B. It includes the following topics: fruit and vegetables, musical instruments and outdoor activities. First ...
A set of 18 colorful vegetable flashcards,which can be used for teaching new words, conversation cards, oral test, group work, classroom posters, etc.. It contains pictures of tomatoes, caul ...
For kids who love Peppa Pig to revise fruit names and practise listening skills. Since certain names (e.g. gooseberry, blackberry, blueberry) might be troublesome, it is useful to remind them befo ...
This is a game thought for elementary/beginner students who already know some fruit & vegetable vocabulary. They are warned that the loser of this game (or the winner, depends on their interes ...
Presented as a powerpoint it teaches a student to visuallise, pronounce and name colours and count a variety of fruits. Can be printed for students with 3 slides on a page worksheet wit ...
This Powerpoint presentation is useful for memorising fruit vocabulary. The students have to keep the pictures and the names of the fruits in mind, because they have to decide which one is missin ...
The presentation consists of 9 new flashcards with fruit and vegetables: avocado, coconut, raspberry, grapefruit, grape, pineapple, peach and plum and instructions to practice the new vocabulary. ...
It is a song worksheet about eating healthy food. Students have to listen to the song and fiil in the missing words which are given in the worksheet. You may find the song on You Tube by the same ...
'Going shopping' includes vocabulary, image reading, speaking and writing activities that can help you better explain the content to your students. This PPT is created specifically for Thai s ...
Anglophenia - the famous youtube series which you all love. This time we talk about what various vegetables are called in the UK and the USA. You know the drill, watch the video carefully and the ...
This power-point presentation is appropriate for teaching quantifiers a, an and some, it includes some slides with which you can check their understanding. It also contains food related vocabulary ...
This is a fruit and vegetable domino game. The children need to match the fruit or vegetable to the description. It can be played as a relay race. The children need to hop to the first card, rea ...
This worksheet is for children. It includes some fruit that children can color. I used it with beginner level children and they enjoyed it very much. We started by saying the names of the fruit an ...
This is a worksheet with an ironic poem about what a person eats on each day of the week. It can be used to study days of the week, food (mainly vegetables and fruit), usage of "some" with plural ...
This ppt provides you with hidden pictures of fruit - the kids move away the parts of a "curtain" and try to guess the name of a fruit as soon as possible. You can use it as a team game - which te ...
I used this mini test with my French pupils in order to check their memory. I do that from time to time because they tend to forget what they've learnt when the big test is over. They can colour t ...
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