You have reached the eating habits section of Busy Teacher where you can find 78 worksheets related to this topic. Some worksheets focus on nutrition and the food pyramid while others explore discussion topics related to eating habits. Lets look at an example of what you can expect from this section. Here is an entire lessons worth of material for pre-intermediate adults. The first page has questions for a guided discussion about eating habits, the second page has a reading and comprehension article where students learn about a related issue in the UK, and then there are exercises to practice vocabulary, idioms, and using the words much, many, few, and little. The answer key and lesson plan are also included so it could not be any simpler to cover this topic in your own classes. Other busy teachers have highly rated this worksheet and hopefully you will too. If you are searching for a worksheet for a different age or ability level, look through the rest of the section or even the main food and drinks section to find the best one for your students.
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This lesson includes a link to a fun, animated video on YouTube that talks about Christmas dinner and popular food eaten in some countries around the world during this holiday season. Vi ...
This useful reader/worksheet is for very beginners both young and old who have absolutely no English. Print it as an A5 booklet and teach with the words, pictures and your actions a ...
This is a worksheet with a Ken Nesbitt's poem of the same name. It is a short funny poem that contains many verbs that refer to eating (nibble, gobble, etc.) The synonyms of eat are bold, and s ...
This fun and interactive lesson is linked to an animated video that was made specifically for teaching ESL/EFL students vocabulary and expressions to talk about food and eating habits. Perfect for ...
This is a presentation which helps to read the text about places to eat in Britain. The exercises will help to check the understanding of the text. Then students practice the vocabulary and speaki ...
The following worksheet consists of two pages. The first page has a table label with the groups of food. Students have to fill each group with drawings, the second page has a food pyramid and it h ...
How many names of fruits and vegetables do your students know? Using this worksheet, students can learn the names of different fruits and vegetables. To enhance the value of the worksheet, encoura ...
Listening is about possible reasons why fast food remains popular. Sheet 1 has listening for gist, and then supported listening with true or false questions. Optional discussion + writin ...
This worksheet can be used for revising food related vocabulary and for teaching adverbs: sometimes, usually, often, never. The students are asked to write down what they like / don’t like f ...
This is aimed at Korean L1 interference from directly translating the phrase 'eat deliciously' incorrectly, but maybe other non-native speakers make this mistake too. It contains alternative vocab ...
This is a transcript of an Expedia travel video with mouth watering pictures of the afternoon tea in London. A few vocabualry words are also included. Videos are great fun and an excellent learn ...
This worksheet contains a weird news taken from The Huffington Post. It is about an Italian chef who made a pizza diet. This could be an excellent opportunity to discuss the importance of having a ...
It is a song worksheet about eating healthy food. Students have to listen to the song and fiil in the missing words which are given in the worksheet. You may find the song on You Tube by the same ...
Based on the TedEd video "What is a calorie", this worksheet is great for CLIL teens who are taking science in English, as well as adults. The animation helps understanding, and the questions help ...
This ppt consists of diverse tasks for practising speaking (e.g. picture descriptions, role plays and a mock debate). It can be used for making B2 (or upper-intermediate) level learners speak. The ...
This is a Christmas Around the World worksheet that includes writing frames that students should fill in, after researching on the Internet or in books how different countries celebrate Christmas. ...
Use this worksheet to review food related vocabulary, meal times, adverbs of frequency and verbs have and eat. Students fill in the table with words and then write a small text below describing wh ...
It's a worksheet to work with the culture of Uruguay and Chile. It is useful to make comparisons or give opinions about both countries. It also talks about traditional foods, drinks, sports, music ...
A funny song about food and healthy diet. (14-year-olds +) 1) What's in the pictures? 2) Use a dictionary to match the definitions to the highlighted words. 3) Try to fill in the m ...
A funny song about food and healthy diet. (14-year-olds +) 1) what's in the pictures? 2) use a dictionary to match the definitions to the highlighted words 3) try to fill in the missing words (wit ...
This is a reading worksheet on the full English breakfast. It includes the following types of exercises:fill in with the titles of the paragraphs, T/F/Ns , table completion. Suitable for lower to ...
This is a reading comprehension worksheet describing some of the most popular American foods and providing reasons why brits would love them. Students have to read the text carelly and then mark t ...
This worksheet contains 7 questions about food. You can put the students into pairs/ groups and ask them to talk about the questions. It can be used either as a writing or speaking activity. Als ...
It's a PowerPoint for teachers to help them present their lesson efficiently. It goes side by side with students' course book. It's prepared by : Mr. Khaled H. Morcy ( ESL instructor ) @ ...
8 24,636BegElemPre-IntInt
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Eating Habits?
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