BusyTeacher.org says, “We’ve got 195 reported speech worksheets just for you!” And once you’ve tried some of them in your classroom, we’re sure you’ll agree with thousands of other teachers all over the world, who’ve said, “BusyTeacher.org is a great site for ESL resources!”
All cheesiness aside, reported speech can be a little confusing for some ESL students, but it’s simple to teach if you have the right tools. Just about every language involves some form of reported speech - so once your students get the general idea, they should be off and running with any activities you give them. The question is, how can you make sure you give them a solid foundation in English reported speech?
By starting with BusyTeacher.org worksheets, of course! When you use some of these 195 worksheets along with the more rigorous exercises in your textbook, your students will quickly gain experience in all the ways English can be used to report speech. Then it’s time to turn them loose on some of the fun activities and games you’ll find on this page, so they can start using reported speech in sentences and descriptions.
It doesn’t matter if you’re teaching basic reported speech to ESL level-one beginners, or practicing advanced reported speech with your level-five students - you’ll find worksheets here that are perfectly adapted for your students’ skill and experience. And whether you want to quiz them with some fill-in-the-blank or multiple-choice worksheets, help them analyze reported speech in English-language movies and TV shows, or get them up and active with some reported speech games, BusyTeacher.org has got the right worksheets for you.
Working through a special themed unit? We love that! We’ve got worksheets based on work and school vocabulary, animals, cartoon characters, emotions, movies, and much more. BusyTeacher.org even has worksheets that target specific aspects of reported speech, like direct speech, reporting verbs, and impersonal report structures. We’ve got a reported speech worksheet for everybody, from ESL beginners to advanced students; from classes full of kids to business English seminars.
Not sure where to start with our 195 reported speech worksheets? Try looking through the top ten most popular ones, or searching using the bar at the top of the page. Or if you’d prefer to just browse, all our worksheets are easy to preview as thumbnail images, or with our handy “Quick View” feature, which lets you get a one-click preview of each worksheet before you download it.
And just so you know, every worksheet you’ll find here is totally free to download, share, and duplicate. That’s thanks to our international community of ESL teachers, who’ve created each of these worksheets themselves, and tested them in their own classrooms. Want to say thanks? Why not share a worksheet of your own? Just click the “Submit a worksheet” button at the bottom of this page to get started.
BusyTeacher.org’s 195 reported speech worksheets await - so start scrolling! We’re sure your students will love the worksheets you find.
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In grammar, indirect or reported speech (also indirect discourse; Latin ōratiō oblīqua) is a way of reporting a statement or question. A reported question is called an indirect question. Unlike direct speech, indirect speech does not phrase the statement or question the way the original speaker did; instead, certain grammatical categories are changed. In addition, indirect speech is not enclosed in quotation marks. Person is changed when the person speaking and the person quoting the speech are different. In English, tense is changed.
When should you teach reporting verbs? This ESL lesson plan on reporting verbs is aimed at students with advanced proficiency levels (B2 level). To fully grasp the material, students mus ...
This intermediate ESL digital marketing lesson is perfect for your B1-B2 students to discuss the topic of digital marketing and explore each area in detail, including SEO, email, social, ...
The worksheet practices reported speech and reported questions using the comic section of the book called Manchester United by Kevin Brophy (Pearson Education Ltd., 2001.). Students have ...
This rubric can be used with oral speeches or presentations. It can be used to evaluate or as an assessment tool for oral speeches or presentations. You can give the amount of points th ...
These exercises help with practicing various aspects of indirect speech, ranging from statements with no change in tense, to questions in various tenses. They can be used for, for revisi ...
The purpose of this worksheet is to brainstorm your students previous knowledge or even to evaluate their knowledge after a grammar class about parts of the speech. Students will check understand ...
This worksheet has been designed in a simple way, keeping in mind the need of an average student. It covers all the essential rules required by a student to learn to understand the concept of Dir ...
This worksheet is about a joke about a blonde woman travelling to New York. Students are required to answer questions to check their undertanding of the joke, then they can role play the scene in ...
This is a fun video activity to practise using reported speech. Learners listen to cute kids speaking. Then they change the direct speech into reported speech (indirect speech). It can be do ...
Chart with the right use and examples of the most common reporting verbs and some useful practice. It also aims at students preparing for exams like the first certificate of English (B2 level) pro ...
I created this worksheet to have a little grammar revision with my students. It is dedicated to a new Marvel film "Captain America: Civil War". I like it a lot and learners enjoy discussing superh ...
Just a summary of structures used in the reported speech. Just a hint for our students when they have to face it. You can use it as a refresher or as a reminder when they practice this grammar. It ...
It is a very useful material about how to revise reported speech. It contains a sheet with theory, a sheet with exercises, one with tranformations and some flash cards with funny sentences for us ...
This power-point presentation is helpful for teaching reported speech in present, past and present perfect.It's appropriate for Pre-Intermediate and upper levels. Hope you enjoy!
I have prepared this one for teenagers. I often use the following link for making my own worksheets http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0583612/ There you'll find quotes, plot summaries, goofs. And there ...
Aimed at intermediate and above students, this worksheet consists of reading biografies of famous people who have overcome some adversities in their lives. It also has some vocabulary activities, ...
This is a game to pracice reported speech. Students have to take one "tell-card" and one "adverb" card and then say one or two sentences (about what is written on the card) emotionally, trying to ...
Activities to practise the reported speech based on a funny video from Steve Harvey's show where 100-year-old best friends share their thoughts on today's pop culture. At first, students answ ...
A powerpoint about how to turn direct speech sentences into indirect reported speech sentences. It contains the rules for normal sentences, questions, questions with question words, imperatives, a ...
It's just an exercise for intermediate and upper-intermediate students to practise reporting phrases using reporting verbs followed by gerund, infinitive and/or preposition. Hope this will be of s ...
This is a worksheet that can be filled in by intermediate students once they have watched the film "Wild target"; a British comedy. They have to find information about the film, actors, film direc ...
this PPT lesson is suitable to be used for a multicultural class. This one hour reading & speaking lesson introduce superstitions and is supplemented with a short group activity and presentati ...
This is a worksheet for teaching or revising reported speech at pre-intermediate level. There's a complete explanation followed by two different activities in which students are asked to rewrite t ...
Hopefully, this will be useful for you as a quick solution for practice or time-filling activity in an upper-intermediate (perhaps even intermediate) adult learner setting. The title is self-expla ...
A set of grammar tasks to revise different grammar points learned in the previous level (3): supply the right options of varied tenses and linkers+report 3 direct statements +change to passive voi ...
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Reported Speech?
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