338 FREE Numerals and Dates Worksheets
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FREE Numerals and Dates Worksheets

Welcome to the numerals and dates section of Busy Teacher. Here you can find 338 related worksheets that cover these topics at a variety of learner levels. This worksheet has several activities that have been used to help beginners practice cardinal numbers. These games can all be played as a class or in groups; the rules are simple but playing certain games like Buzz can be tricky so you may need to adapt the game to suit your students better. There are also study guides, activities, and of course date exercises you can download from this section too.
These basic topics are introduced and covered in beginner courses but to start out with, students will be dealing with a small amount of material such as cardinal numbers and months of the year. Students may need some short review exercises from time to time to refresh their memories and of course more complex numbers such as very large numbers, percents, and anything with a decimal point should be covered with intermediate students. Students in business English courses may need more practice with this specific topic than the regular English learner so be aware of the needs of your students. Saying and comprehending numbers and dates can be challenging for students; they often find these topics complex and difficult even if they prove that they have a good understanding of the material by performing well on various exercises. Be flexible and assure your students that you can give them as much practice as they want or need.

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  • Suitable for All Levels (3)
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Numbers and Vocabulary Practice

Numbers and Vocabulary Practice

A simple worksheet for beginners to write the English word below the pictures. We were teaching time and some big numbers were an issue for my students i.e. thirty, forty-five, etc. So we decided ...
7 Views 10,186 ElemPre-Int
Basic Domino

Basic Domino

This is a domino worksheet prepared for beginners who learnt to be, nationalities, numbers and some other very basic words. What they need to do is to pair all the pieces, so that domino is comple ...
7 Views 12,358 BegElem
Numbers 1-12

Numbers 1-12

It's a good drill worksheet for complete beginners to practise numbers from 1 to 12. The students are expected to solve the puzzle (to find the numbers in the grid), to match the numbers and do so ...
7 Views 18,693 BegElem
Messages - Pair Work with Numbers

Messages - Pair Work with Numbers

It's a pair work exercise to go over vocabulary dealing mainly with numbers (time - money - ordinal numbers) but also question words. After the pairwork exchange, you can evaluate the students or ...
15 Views 18,968 Pre-IntInt
Numbers, Days of the Week

Numbers, Days of the Week

Writing activity: Write numbers in words.  Fill in the missing letters (days of the week). Write the jumbled words correctly (days of the week). It can be used as a writing and spelling tas ...
9 Views 36,585 BegElem
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Video Worksheet: Our Life In Seconds

Video Worksheet: Our Life In Seconds

This is a very easy listening activity. Students watch a short video called Seconds - and their task is to write down the numbers they hear. It is the length of a day, week, month, and our life ...
13 Views 15,242 ElemPre-Int
Song Worksheet: 93 Million Miles by Jason Mraz

Song Worksheet: 93 Million Miles by Jason Mraz

The activity is built around the song by Jason Mraz called "93 million miles". I thought it would be a nice idea to work with some general knowledge on the Solar System and then have students inte ...
14 Views 25,956 Pre-IntIntAdv
Ordinal Numbers Dice

Ordinal Numbers Dice

These are two dice for teaching or revising ordinal numbers related vocabulary at elementary level. Students are asked to to roll both dice and then make a sentence by using the picture clue pro ...
13 Views 21,394 BegElem
Pronunciation of Numbers

Pronunciation of Numbers

There is often confusion in the pronunciation between numbers 13-30, 14-40, 15-50, 16-60, 17-70, 18-80, 19-90. This worksheet demonstrations how the stress of the word is very important in clari ...
27 Views 38,121 Beg
Colour and Numbers

Colour and Numbers

This worksheet is useful for young children. It is a colour by number worksheet. This one is for children who started learning English as a second language. Here you can see if they have learnt th ...
18 Views 32,271 Beg
Colour By Number Worksheet

Colour By Number Worksheet

This is a coulour by number activity for teaching colours and numbers related vocabulary at elementary level. Students are asked to follow the directions to colour the picture.
12 Views 31,614 BegElem
Numbers 0-12

Numbers 0-12

Numbers from 0 to 12 with exercises. First, Ss see the numbers with text one by one. After that they see them all in one page. Finally, they see two kinds of exercises. The first one is flying num ...
5 Views 11,474 Beg
Alphabet & Numbers

Alphabet & Numbers

Numerals and Dates, ,
Template to help trace the complete Alphabet & Numbers from 1 to 10. Has sentences ruling with three lines to help kids achieve correct size and position of letters and numbers. Also has space ...
7 Views 15,435 BegElem
The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Interactive PPT

The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Interactive PPT

This is a ppt about The Very Hungry Caterpillar. It is an interactive story which allows the teacher to teach animals, food, counting. I have also used this when teaching the life cycle of animals ...
33 Views 43,938 BegElemPre-Int
Numbers Crossword

Numbers Crossword

This an excellent worksheet, useful to teach numbers to young learners. It has 2 activities (a crossword puzzle and a writing activity) that I hope you use and get as much fun as my students and I ...
8 Views 16,462 Beg
Snakes and Ladders: Numbers, To Be, Countries and Nationalities

Snakes and Ladders: Numbers, To Be, Countries and Nationalities

This board game is based on NEF beginner. The things which are being practised are: 1-10, countries - flags, nationalities - a person and a flag, to be - making full sentences positive, negative a ...
22 Views 96,836 BegElem
Who Is Who?

Who Is Who?

This worksheet contains a family tree with names and ages. There are two exercises that help practising the relations within a family. It uses both possessive adjectives and possessive 's. The fam ...
23 Views 59,525 BegElem
Food and Beverages: Colours

Food and Beverages: Colours

This is a lesson that will help F&B students (Beginner Level) identify colours and use them in their daily life at the restaurants and kitchen. The focus is on describing things by adding colo ...
4 Views 9,032 Beg
Calendar and Dates Worksheet

Calendar and Dates Worksheet

Numerals and Dates,
It's a PDF file that helps teaching how to say dates: days f the week, months. You can use it to review days of the week, months of the years, and cardinal numbers. It can be used with adults and ...
8 Views 35,423 BegElem
Numbers 1-10 Chant

Numbers 1-10 Chant

This is an easy chant which teaches students the numbers from one to ten. Put the cards on the board and teach them the chant. You can take the cards off one by one while students are repeating th ...
4 Views 15,474 Beg
High Numbers

High Numbers

This is a worksheet for practising high numbers. To practice hundreds, thousands, millions. In the first exercise, the children will read out dates (ordinal numbers and year). In the next excercis ...
18 Views 24,129 ElemPre-IntInt
Food Battleships

Food Battleships

You can use this worksheet when dealing with food, especially for little kids or beginner students. The purpose of this game is not only to work on vocabulary but also on numbers. You can even cha ...
11 Views 14,093 BegElem
Beginner/Elementary Revision Test

Beginner/Elementary Revision Test

This can be used as a class activity or as a revision test. This worksheet includes - Verb To Be , Auxiliary (Do/Does), Numbers, Preposition of place, Possessive ('s), Professions, Present Simple, ...
22 Views 23,762 Elem
Beginner Level Halloween Reading

Beginner Level Halloween Reading

For low level learners working on calendar and/or holidays I hope this reading will provide a reasonable challenge. The main focus is reading comprehension using WH questions as well as Yes/No qu ...
18 Views 45,929 BegElem


The exercise is designed to practise a variety of numbers. It is also for practising small numbers (0-100), larger numbers (1000000), fractions and percentage. It is editable, so you can easily ad ...
10 Views 16,697 ElemPre-Int

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