338 FREE Numerals and Dates Worksheets
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FREE Numerals and Dates Worksheets

Welcome to the numerals and dates section of Busy Teacher. Here you can find 338 related worksheets that cover these topics at a variety of learner levels. This worksheet has several activities that have been used to help beginners practice cardinal numbers. These games can all be played as a class or in groups; the rules are simple but playing certain games like Buzz can be tricky so you may need to adapt the game to suit your students better. There are also study guides, activities, and of course date exercises you can download from this section too.
These basic topics are introduced and covered in beginner courses but to start out with, students will be dealing with a small amount of material such as cardinal numbers and months of the year. Students may need some short review exercises from time to time to refresh their memories and of course more complex numbers such as very large numbers, percents, and anything with a decimal point should be covered with intermediate students. Students in business English courses may need more practice with this specific topic than the regular English learner so be aware of the needs of your students. Saying and comprehending numbers and dates can be challenging for students; they often find these topics complex and difficult even if they prove that they have a good understanding of the material by performing well on various exercises. Be flexible and assure your students that you can give them as much practice as they want or need.

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  • Complete Beginner (173)
  • Elementary (235)
  • Pre-Intermediate (95)
  • Intermediate (38)
  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (12)
  • Exam Level (4)
  • Suitable for All Levels (3)
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Numbers to 100

Numbers to 100

The title of this worksheet is 'Numbers to 100'. This maths resource teaches students about sequences of numbers and 'one more than'. They must fill in all the missing numbers to 100 and then comp ...
7 Views 21,970 Elem
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

I used it with my young learners in order to provide practice on numbers and days of the week. They really enjoyed the worksheet. In addition it complemented a reading project based on Eric Carle' ...
9 Views 25,824 BegElem
General Test - Complete Beginners

General Test - Complete Beginners

This worksheet is a big test for a slow learner. It has vocabulary (jobs, school stuff, numbers, family), subject prononuns exercises, possessive pronoun exercises, different types of sentences -s ...
12 Views 17,300 BegElem
Revision for Elementary Students - Numbers, Colours, Articles and the Verb Can

Revision for Elementary Students - Numbers, Colours, Articles and the Verb Can

It is a worksheet with the set of exercises ready to use for elementary students. It includes numbers, colours, articles and the use of "can". It is a perfect idea for a revision lesson or a warm ...
9 Views 13,580 BegElem
Revision. Numbers.

Revision. Numbers.

Revising numbers: A worksheet to revise numbers from 0 to 10. Students draw lines from the numbers to the pictures. On the left side, the numbers are written in figures and on the right side they ...
4 Views 8,595 Beg
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Numbers 1 to 12

Numbers 1 to 12

It's a worksheet for beginners to practise numbers from 1 to 12, there are 3 activities in which pupils can practise their spelling, they have to write numbers shown on dominoes, they have to find ...
8 Views 17,221 BegElem
Numbers 1 to 20

Numbers 1 to 20

This is an easy worksheet for revising cardinal numbers from 1 to 20. The worksheet includes a wordsearch puzzle with a hidden message. The words are written next to the puzzle. The hidden message ...
10 Views 21,100 BegElem
Jungle Board Game

Jungle Board Game

I did this simple game for my kinder students, they enjoyed it a lot! You need a dice and some flashcards or pre-thought questions depending on the topic chosen. I took flashcards and just asked t ...
14 Views 16,550 Beg
Song Worksheet: 5 Little Monkeys

Song Worksheet: 5 Little Monkeys

This is a worksheet for beginners. You  show them or make them listen the song "Five little monkeys", which you can easily find on Youtube. The aim of this worksheet is to have students pract ...
5 Views 13,770 Beg
Events and Prepositions with Verb to Be

Events and Prepositions with Verb to Be

It is for beginners and it can be used as review also for the use of WH questions with verb 'to be' about different events, as well as the prepositions ' in, on, at'. First they must review the us ...
5 Views 9,068 BegElemPre-Int
Phonology - the Alphabet and Cardinal Numbers

Phonology - the Alphabet and Cardinal Numbers

The table shows  phonology of the alphabet  and cardinal numbers.I hope you find it useful. Present your students with the correct pronunciation of ABCs and cardinal numbers.  ...
18 Views 27,291 BegElem
Dates and Past Simple - Pairwork (Major Historical Events)

Dates and Past Simple - Pairwork (Major Historical Events)

Pairwork Speaking Activity - Major Historical Events. Cut out the cards to use for a pairwork activity – one person must say the date correctly and describe the event, the other must gu ...
11 Views 27,117 ElemPre-IntInt
The Flinstones

The Flinstones

This is a two pages worksheet for first year students. It is an easy reading comprehension worksheet about the Flinstones, then they have some clues to write a short paragraph about Bam Bam. They ...
10 Views 13,154 Beg
Numbers 1-10 Missing Letters Activity

Numbers 1-10 Missing Letters Activity

This is a very easy missing letters activity for teaching cardinal numbers at elementary level. Students are asked to look at the pictures and then complete the words with the missing letters.
10 Views 20,367 BegElem
Number Basics

Number Basics

Count and Spell English Numerals 1-10 With this PowerPoint presentation you can learn, teach or review cardinal numbers. Each slide in the presentation includes a number timeline. This presentat ...
4 Views 10,177 All
The Beach Trip - Basic Test

The Beach Trip - Basic Test

Children will be very happy to complete these easy exercises while teachers can know how well their young pupils learn the basic grammar concepts. Work with easy numbers, choose undetermined artic ...
10 Views 17,605 Beg
Bingo Game - Cardinal Numbers

Bingo Game - Cardinal Numbers

This is a Cardinal Numbers Bingo! Game prepared for elementary students. Children can play in pairs or in groups - one student chooses a folded card with a word written on it and the players who h ...
12 Views 34,444 BegElem
Basic English Test

Basic English Test

It is a basic test about verb to be, prepositions of place and cardinal and ordinal numbers. It can be used as a previous test or as a review.It is suitable for elementary learners. You can also ...
13 Views 15,267 ElemPre-Int
Introducing Yourself. Numbers 1 - 10

Introducing Yourself. Numbers 1 - 10

This worksheet will allow your students to practice the structures: I'm... / My name is/ I'm from... After working with the first ex., they can talk about themselves. Then they have a short , fun ...
4 Views 18,283 Elem
Numbers 1-10

Numbers 1-10

It's a nice poster showing numbers.I hope it will be useful.
8 Views 11,250 BegElem
Numbers PPT

Numbers PPT

This is a PowerPoint presentation for teaching cardinal numbers from one to ten at beginner level. Each slide is presented with cliparts and funny pictures for easy memorization. It's also good fo ...
11 Views 48,766 Beg
Numbers 1-10 Classroom Poster

Numbers 1-10 Classroom Poster

Here's a lovely classroom poster on cardinal numbers from 1 to 10 illustrated with pictures for easy memorization. There's also included a pretty easy wordsearch puzzle.
11 Views 10,727 BegElem
Vocabulary Game

Vocabulary Game

This game helps students to revise simple vocabulary ( e.g. parts of the body, vegetables,etc). It can also be used as an icebreaker on a first day class. Students and teacher complete each item. ...
18 Views 13,754 Elem
Follow Simple Instructions: Tick, Circle, Underline etc.

Follow Simple Instructions: Tick, Circle, Underline etc.

Worksheet - students have to follow simple instructions tasks, for eg. tick, circle, cross, or underline the correct answer, type the first letter of their names etc. They have to choose the corre ...
6 Views 19,487 BegElem
Where Are They? Ordinal Numbers Practice

Where Are They? Ordinal Numbers Practice

This worksheet will make your students to have some ordinal numbers practice. Ask your students to make pairs, and give Student A a copy of the worksheet for Student A, and Student B a copy of the ...
44 Views 52,064 BegElem

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