145 FREE Quizzes and Hunts Worksheets
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FREE Quizzes and Hunts

The quizzes and hunts section of the site is full of fun practice activities for your students so hopefully this is what you were looking for. With 145 worksheets to choose from you are bound to find something your students will enjoy. Let’s take a look at one of the worksheets from this category. This is a fun quiz activity for intermediate learners. It is designed to test their knowledge of English but is so creatively laid out that it looks like a game complete with a secret message. There are many other activities to choose from so you should be able to find something for your students and if not, please upload your worksheet for other busy teachers to use.
Quizzes are not usually enjoyable for students as they are viewed as mini tests. Some of quizzes are just that while others, such as the example above, is actually just a fun exercise. Hunts, on the other hand, are always lots of fun but make sure not to overuse them so that they remain a special treat. You can use hunts as review activities like quizzes or simply to get your students in a good mood. There are usually certain low points in the school year where you just need to put a little extra into your lesson plans. These types of activities are sure to engage students by breaking away from the typical lesson structure and getting them more focused on learning English.

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Talking about Countables and Uncountables

Talking about Countables and Uncountables

•, Quizzes and Hunts
The word search using 'some, any, much, many' and a variety of uncountable and countable nouns. Useful to warm up or cool down after an associated lesson, or when your students need a break from a ...
3 Views 10,717 ElemPre-Int
Movie Quiz- PPT Activity

Movie Quiz- PPT Activity

•Quizzes and Hunts,
Activity aimed at motivating students to talk about films/movies while empowering their vocabulary as well as improving their speech. No one has to be a cinephile to get along with this activity. ...
18 Views 49,393 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Treasure Hunt - Places in Town

Treasure Hunt - Places in Town

•, Quizzes and Hunts
Fun way to practice places in town vocab as a warmer/cooler. I used flashcards from the Learn English Kids website. I put flashcards around the teaching center. Make sure they are hidden in places ...
5 Views 15,026 ElemPre-Int
American Slang

American Slang

•, Quizzes and Hunts, ,
I created this presentation as a supplement to a lesson from the text on slang in general. This PowerPoint is a "quiz." I had my students guess what they thought the meaning of the slang word/phra ...
22 Views 39,437 ElemPre-IntInt
The USA Quiz- .Doc

The USA Quiz- .Doc

•, Quizzes and Hunts
How much do you know about the USA? Complete the gaps with the  info about the US presidents, towns, culture etc., find the correct letter and put down the final question. Can you answer it? ...
7 Views 7,733 ElemPre-Int
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The USA Quiz

The USA Quiz

•, Quizzes and Hunts
How much do you know about the USA? Complete the gaps with info about the US presidents, towns, culture etc., find the correct letter and put down the final question. Can you answer it? It´s ...
10 Views 8,668 Pre-Int
The Human Body

The Human Body

•, Quizzes and Hunts
This is a short quiz about the human body, with some tricky questions. Students have to guess the sentence which is NOT true. You can use it as a game, or as a speaking activity and discuss the pr ...
3 Views 10,289 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
London Sights Quiz

London Sights Quiz

•, Quizzes and Hunts,
This is an unusual London sights quiz. There are 14 non-traditional pictures of London - buildings from rare points of view, black silhouettes or photos taken at nights. It´s quite difficult ...
23 Views 28,750 Pre-Int
English Language Quiz

English Language Quiz

• » Quizzes and Hunts
This quiz can be used at the English lesson as a warming-up exercise. The main aim is to check how much children are aware of the information about the English language. It is advisable to divide ...
14 Views 15,782 ElemPre-IntInt
Directions and Places Game

Directions and Places Game

This is a teaching tool that can be printed and laminated to keep for a useful resource. It includes a town map with streets (colour names), and shops, school etc. It has simple quiz cards to be u ...
57 Views 127,433 BegElemPre-Int
Foods and their Origins

Foods and their Origins

•, Quizzes and Hunts
Here is a power point presentation about foods. You can split the class in three groups. A type of food will be on the screen and, in groups, they have to discuss and dicover the food origin. I fo ...
10 Views 11,038 ElemPre-IntInt
Loch Ness Webquest

Loch Ness Webquest

• » Quizzes and Hunts
This worksheet is a webquest about Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. Students look up information on a website and practice their reading skills (scanning/skimming). The sheet is meant for intermedia ...
6 Views 11,218 Pre-Int
Christmas Competition [for Polish Speakers]

Christmas Competition [for Polish Speakers]

•, Quizzes and Hunts,
This is a test that I gave my students to check their knowledge on British and American Christmas traditions as well as the most popular films and songs about Christmas. To prepare the test I used ...
6 Views 6,326 Int
Quiz: How Fashionable Are You?

Quiz: How Fashionable Are You?

•, Quizzes and Hunts
This is a funny quiz to test the importance students give to fashion and their looks. A good way to express their opinion on the influence fashion has on our lives and the value others give to u ...
25 Views 53,804 Pre-IntInt
Jeopardy! Final Game for an Elementary Course

Jeopardy! Final Game for an Elementary Course

It's a presentation created to review the whole material of an elementary course before students get to writing their final test. The presentation contains an interactive game "Jeopardy!" I think ...
39 Views 52,237 Elem
Make or Do?

Make or Do?

•, Quizzes and Hunts
After explaining some expression using Make or Do, the teacher presents the text attached. She/He gives the students some minutes to complete the text. When they finish, the teacher corrects on th ...
11 Views 11,235 Pre-IntIntAdv
Movie Worksheet. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Movie Worksheet. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Movie worksheet about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It contains some comprehension activities of some of the scenes of the movie (from the beginning to minute 37, when the children and their ...
12 Views 45,966 ElemPre-Int
Taboo Card Game II

Taboo Card Game II

Over a hundred printable Taboo Game cards with template for beginner and intermediate students. The objective of the game is for a player to have his/her partner(s) guess the word on his/her card ...
79 Views 374,635 ElemPre-IntInt
Passive Voice Quiz

Passive Voice Quiz

•, Quizzes and Hunts
With this quiz you can test your students and you could know what they learned about present simple passive, in your lessons. Also you can test some vocabulary about materials. It contains five it ...
21 Views 33,200 Elem
Halloween Ghoulish Crossword

Halloween Ghoulish Crossword

•, Quizzes and Hunts, ,
I created this crossword puzzle for my Grade 1 son and elected to make it available anyway because it is so sweet. It is a very simple Halloween themed puzzle, with a focus on elementary English ...
8 Views 18,285 ElemPre-Int
Theatre Terms - Matching

Theatre Terms - Matching

•Quizzes and Hunts,
This worksheet will help students better understand the terms used in theatre. Students match the word to its corresponding definition. Terms and definitions include: SETTING SCENE SOUND CLI ...
13 Views 44,762 BegElemPre-IntInt
Mixed Quiz for 6th Grade

Mixed Quiz for 6th Grade

• » Quizzes and Hunts
This quiz contains general subjects of the 6th grades. You may use it to determine if the students get the subjects. We used it at the beginning of the first term for 7th grades to determine their ...
5 Views 6,011 Elem
'Emotions' Vocabulary Quiz

'Emotions' Vocabulary Quiz

•, Quizzes and Hunts
Quiz your learners for fun, or as a formal, graded assessment; 14 common emotions (afraid, angry, bored, etc.). Multiple choice questions - "Many people feel (emotion) when they .... " with four ...
36 Views 99,687 Int
Fun Facts

Fun Facts

•, Quizzes and Hunts,
This worksheet can be used with fast finishers to keep them focused, as well as the whole group of Ss. The task is to match two parts of sentences to make logical phrases. All of the 13 sentences ...
27 Views 18,934 Elem


It's a short reading passage about a koala for young learners of English. There are two versions of the text. A shorter and less complicated one and a little bit more detailed and complex one. Bot ...
11 Views 15,110 BegElem

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