80 FREE Brainteasers Worksheets
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FREE Brainteasers

If you are looking for a challenge you are in the right place. Brainteasers sometimes force students to think about situations a little differently so here you can find 80 worksheets including quizzes, puzzles, and riddles. This brainteaser worksheet has a simple riddle that is not really related to ESL but that your students might enjoy if you structure it as a short reading and speaking activity where students have to read the riddle and also present their answers to the class. The answer is posted as the first comment and is really quite clever. If you think that perhaps another type of activity would be better for your class, there are many more to choose from. If the preview does not give you a clear enough idea of the worksheet, simply download it onto your computer and look over the whole thing.
Brainteasers can be fun for students and are definitely challenging but unless there is a direct connection to ESL, try to keep these activities short so that students can maximize their time studying more common, everyday topics. On the other hand, some would argue that brainteasers help students with their problem solving and logic skills which are both very important for learners of any age. To help you decide whether or not brainteasers are right for you class, try one out and see how your students react. If they are enthusiastic about solving puzzles then you should feel free to include them in some of your lessons but if students struggle, give up, or become frustrated consider other activities instead.

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111 Riddles and Brainteasers

111 Riddles and Brainteasers

111 riddles and brainteasers for children and adults. Particularly good in an EFL setting. The language is safe for children. I usually start off a lesson with a riddle. It can help with behaviou ...
28 Views 60,469 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Word Associations Game 2

Word Associations Game 2

Here is another game for your students. Instead of telling them what they are going to do in the class, why don't you let them guess? It is a great way to start a lesson. It makes them think about ...
9 Views 11,288 Pre-IntInt
Word Associations Game 1

Word Associations Game 1

Word associations game is very popular in my country. Split your students in two teams. Each team in turn chooses a field and tries to find the solutions to the columns and the key word that conne ...
18 Views 15,379 Pre-IntInt
Song Worksheet: Bob by

Song Worksheet: Bob by "Weird Al" Yankovic (Palindromes)

It's a .pdf because sometimes the .doc version messes up a little. If you want a .doc version to edit it, let me know! First page: the lyrics to the song (you can easily find the video on YouTube ...
3 Views 13,664 Pre-IntIntAdv
Fairy Tales Jigsaw

Fairy Tales Jigsaw

Fairy Tales Jigsaw Puzzles I am sending herewith a few images from fairy tales which can be used as a jigsaw puzzle activity. They have been sent in PPt format. The first slide contains the ...
7 Views 16,986 ElemPre-Int
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The Brainstorming Game

The Brainstorming Game

» Brainteasers
A speaking game to brainstorm various vocabulary groups. Cut out the individual cards and put them face down on the desk. Students take turns to pick a card and name the requested words/expression ...
17 Views 23,711 Adv
Fun Facts

Fun Facts

This worksheet can be used with fast finishers to keep them focused, as well as the whole group of Ss. The task is to match two parts of sentences to make logical phrases. All of the 13 sentences ...
27 Views 18,934 Elem
Photos as Food for Thought

Photos as Food for Thought

Wouldn’t it be nice to see just how much your students are imaginative and creative? These photos can be used to provoke critical thinking. Pre-intermediate students can practise past tenses ...
23 Views 16,718 Pre-IntIntAdv
Word Hunt

Word Hunt

It is a worksheet to use at the end of the year and test students about their vocabulary in English. My students loved it. Hope you will enjoy it!! Students can play in two and the teacher reads t ...
15 Views 29,640 All
Memory Game

Memory Game

» Brainteasers
This game is a warm up activity for elementary level students.The worksheet consists of a set of pictures of animals and objects. Make copies of the worksheet according to the number of groups in ...
11 Views 12,694 ElemPre-Int
Mind Puzzles

Mind Puzzles

Mind puzzles are great warmers, aren't they? They are intriguing. They stimulate your brain cells. Why don't you try these ones with your students? Let them ask as many questions as they can think ...
16 Views 15,051 IntAdv
Kitchen Verbs Word Search

Kitchen Verbs Word Search

Brainteasers, , ,
Easter is approaching and many of us will present some traditional recipes to our students. But first let's make sure they know necessary vocabulary. This worksheet represents a fun way to revise ...
15 Views 33,514 Pre-IntInt
30 Different Ideas for Conversation Classes

30 Different Ideas for Conversation Classes

In this worksheet, I share some of the ideas I always use for conversation classes. The ideas are presented into 30 different topics concerning the subject of the class or the grammar lesson, such ...
49 Views 57,365 BegElemPre-IntIntAdv
The Riddle That Will Make Your Students Speak =)

The Riddle That Will Make Your Students Speak =)

First of all I ask 2-3 students to read the text. then let them try to guess. as soon as the answer is found i work with them a second activity with the same riddle. I some of them to retell the a ...
38 Views 71,199 Elem
Family Relations Quiz

Family Relations Quiz

It's a short reading quiz for students with lower level of English vocabulary and skills. Students mainly have to find some particular information about the characters in the passage, then they mu ...
36 Views 48,727 BegElem
Shapes Worksheet

Shapes Worksheet

This worksheet is very useful for beginners to practice the given topic. You can ask your students to write the construction "this is a ..then about the shapes attributes. It is a great practice. ...
11 Views 35,029 Elem
Shapes: Listening and Speaking

Shapes: Listening and Speaking

This is a very useful worksheet to practice shapes through listening and speaking. Teacher's words: Listen to the teacher's instructions and blacken the circle needed. e.g. TASK 1: BLACKEN the va ...
13 Views 17,138 Elem
Story Prompts [495 Story Elements: Settings, Characters, Situations, Objects, Times]

Story Prompts [495 Story Elements: Settings, Characters, Situations, Objects, Times]

A categorised index of 495 story elements including: settings, characters, situations, objects, and times. Ideal for prompting writing exercises and class discussions. Can easily be used section ...
77 Views 45,163 Pre-IntInt
Einstein's Enigma

Einstein's Enigma

I used Einstein's famous Enigma as a base for exchanging information and presenting ideas or 'brainwaves' in small groups. The discussion must be entirely in English. It's great when the students ...
27 Views 24,857 Int
Taboo Game

Taboo Game

A simple game of taboo. An even number of players from four to ten sit alternating around in a circle. Players take turns as the "giver," who attempts to prompt his or her teammates to guess as m ...
28 Views 65,567 Pre-IntInt
Tools and Materials Word Search

Tools and Materials Word Search

» Brainteasers
In this elementary word search your learners will need to find words related to tools and materials. List of words used in this word search: CEMENT, HAMMER, SAW, NAIL, SPANNER, HACKSAW, TAPE, SHO ...
2 Views 10,289 Elem
I Spent The Night In The...

I Spent The Night In The...

» Brainteasers
It's a vocabulary activity about places. The worksheet contains a game to do with the help of a dictionary. It is a coding activity. Students must decode the secter messages with the help of a su ...
10 Views 7,069 Pre-IntInt
False Friends Game (for Spanish speakers)

False Friends Game (for Spanish speakers)

» Brainteasers
I got the format from this site, which said it was totally editable, so no accusations of plagiarism, please!? I've adapted it to different levels for my own use, but I think this particular versi ...
11 Views 32,069 Pre-IntIntAdv
Halloween Word Search

Halloween Word Search

, Brainteasers,
The topic of this word search is Halloween. It is a very good activity with dozens of Halloween words to find. As a variation, split your students into two teams and give them this handout. Which ...
19 Views 21,569 Elem
Compound Words

Compound Words

Write a word in the blank between each set of words. The trick is that the new word must complete a compound word both to the left and to the right of it. The first one has been done for you.  ...
15 Views 15,030 ElemPre-Int

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