In this section, you can find worksheets that combine the past simple and present perfect tenses. Once students learn a new tense, in this case probably the present perfect, review other tenses that might be confused with it so that students can learn the subtleties of each tense that they may not have noticed the first time around. These worksheets can help you conduct such reviews more efficiently and also save you time planning lessons. There are currently 120 worksheets in this section. Lets take a look at one of them. This popular worksheet has sixteen sentences that students have to complete with either a past simple or present perfect verb. It is creatively organized and includes subject matter that students may be interested in such as facts about famous people. For even more ideas on how to teach the difference between these tenses, take a look at the article posted on this page.
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This is a worksheet to revise the use of these two tenses: past simple and present perfect. There are six different tasks. Positive sentences, negative sentences, and questions. The last ...
This worksheet lets students review the use of present perfect for unspecified time in the past and contrasts it with the use of past simple for a specific point in the past.
In this exe ...
Use this worksheet to practice a little bit with your students when to use simple past or present perfect. Video is available on youtube. There are some tasks to activate knowledge and at the e ...
Board game with travel related vocabulary, including questions using present simple, past simple, and present perfect. This can be used with multi-cultural students or students who are familiar wi ...
This is a simple crossword designed for elementary / pre-intermediate / intermediate students. It has been designed to help students learn the differences between past simple and present perfect, ...
After listening to the song "Castle on the Hill," students must complete activities related to the song. Activities include filling in the blanks with the correct words and verb tenses, as well as ...
This tense chart was made with law enforcement-related example sentences, otherwise it is a normal chart :) I have been teaching law enforcement English for 9 years now, and I made this chart for ...
Present perfect vs past simple exercises with key. It can be used as an exercise during the lesson or as homework. It checks if a student can use 'has' instead of 'have' and the third form of irre ...
I have created this worksheet to compare the basic use of all the twelve tenses. A simple phrase of "writing emails" has been used in each tense. At the same time, a simple timeline is provided fo ...
This PDF includes some speaking cards for practicing the present perfect tense. Put the students into pairs or small groups and have them work together and share their experiences. It is designed ...
This worksheet is focused on the differences between past simple and present perfect simple. There are fill in the gaps and correct the mistakes exercises. Students discover the differences betwee ...
This worksheet provides a more in-depth practice into the difference between present perfect and simple past. It is best to pre-teach the grammar before doing this worksheet and my slide show for ...
This slide show is to be used as a contest for the class. Students can get up to 3 answers wrong to win a prize. Students must read the prompts and decide if they should respond using the simple p ...
My point is grammar. I love creating different grammar tasks. This time I’ve decided to come up with something special for checking my students’ grammar. There are 45 sentences, some ...
This is a worksheet where you can practice the use of the present simple and present perfect tenses using Beyonce song called "I was here". This activity will take at least 1 hour to be completed. ...
This is a worksheet to practice story tenses: past simple, past perfect and past continuous. It suits intermediate level. It includes two tasks. The first task includes 5 sentences to be complete ...
This workesheet is aimed to practice the present perfect. There is a short reading about the origin of the band. Students are supposed to listen to the song and circle the correct verb form - simp ...
A perfect worksheet to use if you haven't seen your students in a while. Use the questions as a conversation guide. Feedback can be given when required. It could also be used as a get to know each ...
This is a review game for the present perfect tense, both in its form and in comparison with the simple past. You should review these tenses briefly before starting, as well as time tags with both ...
This power-point presentation is helpful to teach present perfect vs past simple and also present perfect with for and since and make questions with how long. It's appropriate for pre-intermediate ...
These two worksheets review mixed past and future tenses using two stories. They both feature examples at the top of each to help the student figure out in which instance each tense should be used ...
It's an activity practising the use of the present perfect and past simple tense in dialogue form. Students start off with a sample dialogue. They have to match questions and answers. Then t ...
Students will rewrite each sentence using a different verb tense. A past, present, and future worksheet. Research tells us that studying verb tenses is a great way to learn the fundamental aspects ...
This song by the Lumineers is the one I like to use as an introduction to work with mixed present and past tenses (simple, present and continuous). There is also some vocabulary work include ...
It is a listening activity based on Ed Sheeran's song, and I used it with both adults and teenagers,as the lyrics are meaningful and easy to understand. It is really useful to revise irregula ...
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Past Simple vs. Present Perfect?
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