286 FREE Role Playing Games Worksheets
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FREE Role Playing Games

Sometimes the same old exercises and games get a little too boring for your class - and that’s normal. The learning process requires some switching up from time to time. Too much repetition and structure make it much harder for students to absorb and work with a new language - but a relaxed and playful environment lets them know it’s safe to play around with what they’re learning, and use their grammar and vocabulary in new and creative ways.

Some teachers aim to address this problem with games like “hot seat” and “telephone” - and there’s nothing wrong with those games, in and of themselves. But repeating the same games every few days will bore students quickly, and make them feel like even the “fun” aspects of your classroom are still too rigid to really engage them. This is why new ESL teachers often find themselves looking for games and activities that break through those worn-out routines and breathe some fresh air into the class atmosphere.

If that’s where you’re stuck, why not help your students switch up their identities a little? BusyTeacher.org’s 286 free role playing game worksheets will help bring your students out of the everyday, and put them in all kinds of situations that’ll challenge them to use their language skills in unusual ways. Our community of ESL teaching experts has done all the hard work for you - each worksheet provides clear and complete directions on how to set up and manage a role playing activity, so you’ll be ready to go as soon as you print it off.

These 286 worksheets offer role playing activities of every shape and size. Some put the students in various roles to act our common real-life situations - while others invite them to imagine voyages to foreign cities, challenge them to take on different jobs, or even cast them as characters in movies and fictional stories. From everyday dialogues to far-flung adventures, you’ll find a role playing activity for any occasion among the 286 worksheets we have to offer.

What’s more, BusyTeacher.org’s worksheets cover an abundance of ESL levels and topics. Whether you’re practicing basic sentence structure with students around levels two and three, or pushing for fluency with advanced students at level five, we’ve got a worksheet for you. In fact, many of the 286 worksheets you’ll find here can easily be adapted for a variety of levels. And the topics they focus on range from pronunciation to grammar to vocabulary - and beyond.

How can you be sure that these worksheets will work in your classroom? Because every single one of them was created by an ESL teacher like you, and used successfully in a classroom somewhere in the world. All the worksheets on BusyTeacher.org are contributed by our community of hard-working ESL teachers all over the globe - and they’ve made their resources available to you for free. That’s right - you don’t have to pay, or even register, to download, print, use, or duplicate any of the worksheets on this site.

Have a worksheet you’d like to share with our community? Just click the “Submit a worksheet” button below. Or browse the list in thumbnail view until you’ve found a role playing worksheet you can’t wait to use. It’s all easy with BusyTeacher.org!

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  • Suitable for All Levels (14)
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4.4 out of 5, rated by 28 teachers

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Firing Someone

Firing Someone

Discussion based activity for upper intermediate/advanced students. They should read the information and then discuss the pros and cons of each candidate and reach a joint conclusion. Afterwards, ...
8 Views 13,652 AdvExam
Have You Got Any Bananas, Please?

Have You Got Any Bananas, Please?

, , , Role Playing Games
This worksheet is for low level young learners practising questions with Have you got any …, please? and giving short answers 'Yes, I have. No, I haven't.' as part of a shopping role-play. ...
15 Views 28,177 BegElem
Explain Yourself

Explain Yourself

Role Playing Games,
One of my favourite speaking activities, for teenagers and adults. Over the top, incredible situations (i.e: I saw you in your pyjamas on the roof, or walking a monkey in the park) ; students have ...
25 Views 36,738 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
International Travel

International Travel

Presentation in Power point on international travel. Introduces new vocabulary and discussion questions as well as short assignments. New vocabulary is introduced at the beginning comprised main ...
18 Views 30,972 Pre-IntInt
Romulus and Remus - Subject and Object Pronouns

Romulus and Remus - Subject and Object Pronouns

Starting from the legend of Romulus and Remus, this exercise allows students to revise the use of subject and object pronouns. It offers a drama activity first and then goes back to grammar with t ...
6 Views 14,476 Elem
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Giving Advice Phrases and Situations (Healthy Lifestyle)

Giving Advice Phrases and Situations (Healthy Lifestyle)

, , Role Playing Games
This worksheet contains different phrases for giving advice and short role play situations for using them while talking about Healthy Lifestyle. Divide the ss into 2 groups. Cut out the situations ...
33 Views 119,709 ElemPre-IntInt
Crime Mystery

Crime Mystery

Who is the criminal? An engaging jigsaw reading comprehension mystery. It is an excellent role play reading best for upper-high intermediate who find working in groups an enjoyable activity. The i ...
13 Views 45,650 Adv
What's Your Alibi? Role Play (Past Simple vs Past Continuous)

What's Your Alibi? Role Play (Past Simple vs Past Continuous)

Any kind of “Alibi” game is perfect for practicing past tenses (esp past simple and past continuous). Make up any story that something was stolen at the party at 10 pm last night. You ...
39 Views 179,170 ElemPre-Int
Murder Mystery

Murder Mystery

, Role Playing Games
This worksheet is loosely based on Agatha Cristie's "The Mystery of Hunter's Lodge". The aim of the discussion is to find out who the murderer is. There are six suspects and three detectives, thou ...
24 Views 64,899 Pre-IntInt
Travel Agent/Customer Gap-fill Exercise/ Role-play

Travel Agent/Customer Gap-fill Exercise/ Role-play

In this worksheet, students have to pick the appropriate word to fill the gap in this conversation between a travel agent and customer. Can also be used as a role-play activity. Target language/mi ...
17 Views 75,128 Pre-IntInt
Collection of Games

Collection of Games

My master thesis was 'Developing speaking skills with the help of games'. I have collected a lot of games connected with my master thesis. The collection contains structure,  pronunciation, s ...
48 Views 44,335 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Movie Worksheet: NCIS - Become a Detective

Movie Worksheet: NCIS - Become a Detective

It is based on the episode of "Light Sleeper", Season 3 Episode 14. It basically starts with two Korean women that have been killed. Turns out they, and the Korean who found them all married US ar ...
7 Views 33,674 IntAdv
Christmas Problems

Christmas Problems

, , Role Playing Games
Speaking activity. 'Imagine you are a radio presenter, Marie, and you have a programme to give your listeners some advice. This week- Christmas special! Welcome your listeners, tell them about the ...
10 Views 12,549 Pre-IntIntAdv
Diverse Role Play Ideas

Diverse Role Play Ideas

, , , Role Playing Games
In this worksheet there are seven different role play ideas for students to perform in the classroom. They were designed to work in pairs, but some of them can also be used in groups so that you c ...
27 Views 83,011 Pre-IntIntAdv
Halloween Charades

Halloween Charades

, Role Playing Games
 Instructions: Play in teams of five ss and see which team can get the most correct guesses from their classmates’ pantomimes. We give students’ team who are playing pantomim ...
4 Views 13,982 Pre-Int
Increasing Interest in Listening and Speaking

Increasing Interest in Listening and Speaking

» Role Playing Games
The lesson plan is intended for students who are not familiar with disasters vocabularies and it develops their listening and speaking skills. I have always noticed their lack of proficiency in s ...
4 Views 8,076 Adv
Sports- Pairwork

Sports- Pairwork

, Role Playing Games
Ideal for English conversational classes. Tell the students to sit back to back. Student A is the reporter. Student B is the runner. Student A will speak being a runner. Student B w ...
9 Views 17,625 Int
Write and Present the News

Write and Present the News

, Role Playing Games
I had some students that wouldn't speak at all so I invented this. I have used it for all levels (from teenagers up) and it is always good fun. Give students around 30 minutes to work together in ...
22 Views 35,582 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Movie Worksheet: Fawlty Towers - Worksheet & Role Plays

Movie Worksheet: Fawlty Towers - Worksheet & Role Plays

This is an activity that I prepared for my upper intermediate and advanced students and it was very successful. Students will practice listening, vocabulary, speaking and then create a role play. ...
6 Views 17,594 Adv
Role Play

Role Play "In the Office"

, Role Playing Games
The worksheet is devoted to developing speaking skills at different levels. It concentrates at making suggestions, using such tenses as past simple, present simple and present continuous. It might ...
18 Views 36,183 All
Movie Worksheet: The Secret Millionaire

Movie Worksheet: The Secret Millionaire

, Role Playing Games,
This is an advanced level lesson based on the television programme The Secret Millionaire. Due to the issues involved this is recommended for older teenagers or adults. Students watch an episode o ...
18 Views 20,232 AdvExam
Suggestions - Going to the Drugstore (Speaking Activity)

Suggestions - Going to the Drugstore (Speaking Activity)

This worksheet contains several pictures of all kinds of medicines for you to print and cut, I usually paste them in foami or craft foam to give more resistance and strength or the material of you ...
14 Views 28,208 ElemPre-IntInt
Daily Conversation For Vietnamese Students

Daily Conversation For Vietnamese Students

, Role Playing Games
I prepared this Power Point lesson for my Vietnamese students who wanted a lesson in 'daily conversations'. It is a dialogue that can be used as a play or as a simple lesson on how male and femal ...
8 Views 11,707 ElemPre-Int
Lottery Funding Interviews

Lottery Funding Interviews

, Role Playing Games
This worksheet can be used to set up a role play between Lottery funding representatives and representatives of charities who want funding.Prior to this,they have been given or invent their charit ...
7 Views 11,513 IntAdv
Group Discussion Self-Evaulation Form

Group Discussion Self-Evaulation Form

» Role Playing Games
This is a form that students can use to evaluate their own performance in a group discussion. It can be used from pre-intermediate onwards but is best suited for intermediate and above. It would h ...
7 Views 20,675 Pre-IntIntAdv

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