338 FREE Numerals and Dates Worksheets
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FREE Numerals and Dates Worksheets

Welcome to the numerals and dates section of Busy Teacher. Here you can find 338 related worksheets that cover these topics at a variety of learner levels. This worksheet has several activities that have been used to help beginners practice cardinal numbers. These games can all be played as a class or in groups; the rules are simple but playing certain games like Buzz can be tricky so you may need to adapt the game to suit your students better. There are also study guides, activities, and of course date exercises you can download from this section too.
These basic topics are introduced and covered in beginner courses but to start out with, students will be dealing with a small amount of material such as cardinal numbers and months of the year. Students may need some short review exercises from time to time to refresh their memories and of course more complex numbers such as very large numbers, percents, and anything with a decimal point should be covered with intermediate students. Students in business English courses may need more practice with this specific topic than the regular English learner so be aware of the needs of your students. Saying and comprehending numbers and dates can be challenging for students; they often find these topics complex and difficult even if they prove that they have a good understanding of the material by performing well on various exercises. Be flexible and assure your students that you can give them as much practice as they want or need.

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  • Complete Beginner (173)
  • Elementary (235)
  • Pre-Intermediate (95)
  • Intermediate (38)
  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (12)
  • Exam Level (4)
  • Suitable for All Levels (3)
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Introduce Yourself [for Spanish Speakers]

Introduce Yourself [for Spanish Speakers]

Basic activity for the first class. Ss are asked to complete a text with some personal information. They have tips in Spanish to help them understand the main vocabulary. It is a writing exercise, ...
7 Views 30,426 Beg
On This Day - Calendar Activity

On This Day - Calendar Activity

This is meant as a one-off vocabulary and past tenses practice lesson. The calendar is filled with on-this-day facts with one item blacked out. In groups the students put the removed words back, u ...
4 Views 15,429 Pre-IntInt
Ranking - Ordinals and Superlatives

Ranking - Ordinals and Superlatives

This worksheet combines ordinal numbers with superlative adjectives using a space theme. Students must rank planets by finding data from a table of planet information, and write sentences e.g. Mar ...
10 Views 22,711 Pre-IntIntAdv
Review for Little Kids

Review for Little Kids

It's a written review for little kids to practice the vocabulary of wild animals, feelings, numbers up to 5 and the prepositions in and on. It was designed for 3-4-year old students, like a final ...
5 Views 9,923 Beg
Bingo Numbers 1-10

Bingo Numbers 1-10

Bingo cards to practise numbers from 1 to 10. These can be used to refresh the pronunciation of numbers as well as to add fun in our classrooms. You can be the one who controls the bingo or you ca ...
5 Views 30,563 Beg
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Numbers up to 100

Numbers up to 100

This worksheet is about numbers from 10 to 100. Pupils practise their spelling. There are five activities, an easy listen and repeat, a crossword puzzle with tens and three other fun activities, p ...
20 Views 34,429 ElemPre-Int
Numbers from 11 to 20

Numbers from 11 to 20

This worksheet is about the numbers from 11 to 20. There is a wordsearch, pupils have to find the numbers. They also have to write the numbers and finally they have to read and write a hidden mess ...
7 Views 16,919 Elem
Number Circles

Number Circles

This worksheet was developed to reinforce and practice number facts to do with 2. The spaces at the bottom of the sheet are to record whether the number is odd or even, or whether it is a prime nu ...
3 Views 6,651 Elem
Emails and Phone Numbers (Business Cards)

Emails and Phone Numbers (Business Cards)

This is a follow-up for my "At a party: meet new people" worksheet. I created 18 fake business cards based on the same celebrities so that my students can work on exchanging phone numbers and emai ...
12 Views 39,491 BegElem
Large Numbers

Large Numbers

This worksheet will help your students practise large numbers. I particularly like the last activity because it is about wild endangered animals. There is also a pair work and students have to swa ...
26 Views 46,654 ElemPre-Int
Cardinal Numbers Elementary Worksheet

Cardinal Numbers Elementary Worksheet

This is a pretty simple worksheet for teaching or revising cardinal numbers at elementary level. There are 3 different activities in which students are asked to write the numbers in the words foll ...
5 Views 29,669 Elem
Information Cards 2 - Ask and Answer

Information Cards 2 - Ask and Answer

This is the second of a set of 3 information cards I made for students age 7-8, so they can mix and speak to each other. Each student takes a card and they ask each other about the information on ...
11 Views 30,308 BegElemPre-Int


A simple worksheet regarding numbers. It has everything a students needs in order to learn about cardinal and ordinal numbers. There are no activities, but the teacher can find his way to mak ...
15 Views 25,504 Beg
Days and Dates Questionnaire 2014

Days and Dates Questionnaire 2014

This worksheet lets the students practice finding days of the week and dates on a one year calendar. This worksheet is useful in teaching cardinal and ordinal numbers. It is designed for EFL stu ...
5 Views 29,394 Elem
Listening and Writing: Large Numbers

Listening and Writing: Large Numbers

This worksheet aims to visually teach students how to listen for and understand large spoken and letter-written numbers. It is recommended for a teacher to do a few on the whiteboard and say some ...
6 Views 24,641 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Maths Puzzles

Maths Puzzles

This PowerPoint presentation is fun to use when revising numbers and calculations. I have found that the students in my classes enjoy the activities very much as it changes the usual dynamic of te ...
3 Views 9,033 ElemPre-Int
Toys Bingo and Reading for Young Learners

Toys Bingo and Reading for Young Learners

A simple Toys Bingo for kids, you can use the same pictures as counters, and in my opinion bingo is always good and fun for revision or ice-breaker. As a follow up you can ask the students to spea ...
4 Views 12,500 Beg
Word Search (Numbers 1-20)

Word Search (Numbers 1-20)

This is a word search that contains cardinal numbers hidden in it. Beginners should circle or mark the words which are requested. This is a simple exercise, but useful for students in order to rai ...
13 Views 19,447 BegElem
Song Worksheet: The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars

Song Worksheet: The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars

A fun activity for beginners. I use this worksheet with my 9-10 year old starters and they love it. Listening activity set out into 5 different activities - vocabulary, dates, fill in the blanks ( ...
12 Views 35,542 BegElem
Learning the Dates Game

Learning the Dates Game

Each student gets a date. They must organize themselves in a line from the oldest to the most recent date. Check their order by asking each student to read out their date in the proper format (De ...
8 Views 31,079 ElemPre-IntInt
Large Number Writing Practice

Large Number Writing Practice

This worksheet was created to help students write out numbers from small to large. Some of my students were having issues with larger numbers and remember how to spell. I put this together with ...
5 Views 20,843 ElemPre-Int
Test Your Kids

Test Your Kids

Brief test to check some grammar points of your elementary students. Personal information questions in a club or a spa situation, colours, animals, the weather, cardinal numbers up to 100. Multipl ...
8 Views 18,709 Elem
Your Number

Your Number

Practicing numbers may be funny and amazing. What is a better way of practicing than using 'crazy' phone numbers? This worksheet will guarantee your students liven up moments. Students must walk a ...
6 Views 11,225 BegElem
TV Schedule Gap-fill Activity

TV Schedule Gap-fill Activity

A typical gap-fill activity, aimed at young learners (9-10 y-o.). There are 3 worksheets. The first one can be used as a warm-up activity, to revise the vocabulary (telling the time, days of the w ...
7 Views 18,807 Elem
Telephone Number Shout Out

Telephone Number Shout Out

A great way to practice numbers that gets the whole class buzzing. This game can be used for different levels of all age-groups. It never fails to be a favourite among my students. The teacher sta ...
2 Views 10,745 All

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