77 FREE Restaurants and Cafes Worksheets
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FREE Restaurants and Cafes Worksheets

For worksheets about restaurants and cafés, look no further. This is the page that has all 77 of the worksheets related to this topic. Many of the worksheets on this page are to help teachers conduct role plays because they can be a lot of fun and are good for practicing dialogues similar to those students may encounter in real life. This worksheet has six pairs of role-play cards that students use to have mini-dialogues about particular issues. In class, you will need to cover all the necessary vocabulary and sentence structures that are required prior to starting this activity. For a short exercise, give each pair of students just two cards but for a longer one, give each pair of students all twelve cards and make sure they take turns being the customer. At the end of the activity, students can share the result of their conversation or model part of their conversation for the class. This might not be the best activity for your class so take a look at the other available worksheets before deciding which one to use.

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Restaurant Role Play

Restaurant Role Play

Restaurants and Cafes,
This is a role play for paired students of mixed proficiency. One student plays a customer who finds a cockroach in their food while the other student plays the waiter. Depending on their speaking ...
42 Views 85,701 Int
Cooking PowerPoint Worksheet

Cooking PowerPoint Worksheet

, , , Restaurants and Cafes
This is a very simple power point for teaching or revising cooking verbs. Recommended for elementary students. BASIC cooking verbs and Utensils, for a basic RECIPE, useful to practice first and ...
32 Views 48,282 BegElem
Culinary and Catering Business

Culinary and Catering Business

I designed this presentation for one of my students who studies catering at a college in Russia. She needs good knowledge of English for her future job in this business, that's why we are trying t ...
7 Views 17,239 Pre-IntInt


Special occasions and celebrations might require a few words. Offer a toast in honor of someone or for an achievement. This worksheet promotes ideas for giving a toast. Ideal for simple public spe ...
15 Views 8,234 ElemPre-IntInt
Eating Out Worksheet: At The Restaurant

Eating Out Worksheet: At The Restaurant

, Restaurants and Cafes
This WS is to practise a dialogue in a restaurant; it is made for the 4th form in a secondary school; the pupils first fill in the missing words, then compare it with the teacher; you could ask th ...
19 Views 42,012 Pre-Int
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At the Restaurant Worksheet II

At the Restaurant Worksheet II

, Restaurants and Cafes,
This is a worksheet for teaching restaurant related vocabulary. There is a study sheet with restaurant vocabulary, useful words and phrases and food related adjectives followed by an activity in ...
42 Views 76,168 Pre-IntInt
Would You Like...? Eating Out Worksheet

Would You Like...? Eating Out Worksheet

, , Restaurants and Cafes
This worksheet contains several activities. The first one is a vocabulary activity; in the second one there are sentences which can be useful when going out for dinner or ordering food, and finall ...
18 Views 31,058 Beg
Let's Eat Out

Let's Eat Out

, , Restaurants and Cafes,
A colourful PowerPoint presentation that illustrates dishes that commonly appear on English menus, followed by dialogues between customers and waiter. After this we have a section on problems/comp ...
36 Views 24,783 All
Going Out For Dinner

Going Out For Dinner

, Restaurants and Cafes
This worksheet is about the use of the structure be going to. In this worksheet our students will learn how this form is used in affirmative, negative and interrogative structures. They will also ...
9 Views 12,301 Elem
At The Restaurant Worksheet

At The Restaurant Worksheet

» » Restaurants and Cafes
This is a picture dictionary which can also be used as a study sheet followed by a wordsearch puzzle for revising restaurant related vocabulary. The worksheet is available in both colour and blac ...
12 Views 24,923 Pre-IntInt
ABC Restaurant

ABC Restaurant

» » Restaurants and Cafes
An exercise focusing on brainstorming students to recall as many words as they can on the given topic. In this one it is "Restaurant" :) You can use it while revising the vocabulary on the topic f ...
7 Views 18,595 ElemPre-Int
Tortilla Recipe

Tortilla Recipe

, , Restaurants and Cafes
A good test to be devised after a unit about food and cooking. It includes a recipe completion, finding the second half of food collocations, using the right quantifiers and finally distinguishing ...
17 Views 18,844 Elem
Buying and Selling

Buying and Selling

Restaurants and Cafes,
Buying and selling, order eight dialogues of a conversation between a girl trying to buy an icecream and the seller. Also there's an activity where you have to write under a picture the name of th ...
24 Views 36,779 Elem
Imagine You're A Chef... [CREATIVE WRITING PROMPT]

Imagine You're A Chef... [CREATIVE WRITING PROMPT]

, Restaurants and Cafes,
Creative writing prompt: Imagine you're a chef. What type of restaurant would you open and why?
7 Views 17,785 All
Eating Out Worksheet

Eating Out Worksheet

, Restaurants and Cafes, ,
A warm up useful for preparing "In a restaurant" dialogues. At first, students create their own menus. They think of their own ideas or just use the ideas presented in the box. Then, they work wit ...
24 Views 30,725 ElemPre-Int
Explaining Dishes

Explaining Dishes

, , , Restaurants and Cafes
In this worksheet there is a series of photos of French dishes with the list of main ingredients (in French). The aim is to use expressions such as "it contains", "is made from", "consists of" to ...
13 Views 19,121 ElemPre-IntInt
A Chef's Life

A Chef's Life

, Restaurants and Cafes,
Reading worksheet about the daily routines of chef Matt Del'icious, a fictional character who tells us about the things he does everyday. There is a further exercise on comprehension which include ...
21 Views 17,669 ElemPre-Int
Life Style Articles For Upper Intermediate Learners

Life Style Articles For Upper Intermediate Learners

A collection of short articles mainly about life style issues such as luxury traveling, restaurants and spas all over the world. Great for upper intermediate learners who want to bring their langu ...
26 Views 36,406 IntAdvExam
At The Restaurant Crossword

At The Restaurant Crossword

» » Restaurants and Cafes
It's simple. They have to complete the crossword with vocabualry about the restaurant. First thing you do is give a list of vocabulary related to a "restaurant context" and then you tell your stu ...
10 Views 21,181 Pre-Int
Fast Food Worksheet

Fast Food Worksheet

, Restaurants and Cafes
This is a multiple choice exercise on FAST FOOD vocabulary. Words Included: biscuit, bread, butter, chips, salad, hot dog, pizza, hamburger, noodles, French fries, etc Suitable for elementary stu ...
21 Views 31,234 ElemPre-Int
How Much Is It? Menu Worksheet

How Much Is It? Menu Worksheet

It's a worksheet to practice numbers, prices, how much, food, desserts, main course, salads, seafood, etc. Students should work in pairs. Ex.: St A: "How much is the blueberry pie?" St.B: " It' ...
19 Views 35,873 Elem
Formal Letter of Complaint

Formal Letter of Complaint

, , Restaurants and Cafes,
A worksheet about how to write a formal letter of complaint. It contains a model letter in the form of a gap filling activity followed by a list of useful expressions students can use in formal co ...
23 Views 70,659 IntAdvExam
Adventurous Dining

Adventurous Dining

, Restaurants and Cafes,
The best of weird and wonderful dining. Tired of eating at the same boring restaurants? Looking for a change? Here are some restaurants that offer original menus, original locations, and original ...
26 Views 21,048 Pre-IntIntAdv
Making Complaints

Making Complaints

, Restaurants and Cafes
In some countries (especially the UK) people often complain. This worksheet provides a list of common reasons for people to complain. Match the complaints with the people you can complain to...
19 Views 33,606
In a Cafe

In a Cafe

, Restaurants and Cafes
Here are three menus for practicing food vocabulary, social expressions . There is a food section, drinks section and desserts section. There are no prices but they can be added. You can use this ...
23 Views 21,556 Elem

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