For worksheets about restaurants and cafés, look no further. This is the page that has all 77 of the worksheets related to this topic. Many of the worksheets on this page are to help teachers conduct role plays because they can be a lot of fun and are good for practicing dialogues similar to those students may encounter in real life. This worksheet has six pairs of role-play cards that students use to have mini-dialogues about particular issues. In class, you will need to cover all the necessary vocabulary and sentence structures that are required prior to starting this activity. For a short exercise, give each pair of students just two cards but for a longer one, give each pair of students all twelve cards and make sure they take turns being the customer. At the end of the activity, students can share the result of their conversation or model part of their conversation for the class. This might not be the best activity for your class so take a look at the other available worksheets before deciding which one to use.
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This NYC tipping guide is taken from the research of, original available here I used the chart to start a discu ...
This is an elementary level worksheet I use with my adults learners. This particluar one has a look at countable and uncountable nouns; the use of some, any and a; the past simple tense of regular ...
This is a simple but funny activity I use with my intermediate students, but it can be adapted to almost all levels. There are 5 different prompts with some information about the character's likes ...
I developed this task for basic students to work on functional language when eating at a place. Througout the task ss will work on vocabulary, be exposed to authentic English, understand a movie s ...
A (visual) listening activity with a movie trailer (Ratatouillle). For pre-intermediate learners (teenagers or adults) and activities for the 3 phases (pre-listening, listening, post-listening). L ...
Vocabulary practice about food and drinks. Students have to complete this game of happy families, by drawing pictures of the words written in red. Then they can start playing the game in groups of ...
This is a Powerpoint presentation to introduce some Burger Foods, like french fies, soda, mustard, etc to begginers. This presentation has pictures and the food's names. You can use thi ...
This is a study sheet about vocabulary and food expressions that are used in a restaurant, when ordering and talking about food in general and taste. It is a great practice and help to use wh ...
A simple worksheet to revise how to order food, and basic dialogues while eating out -how to take orders, make choices and express disatisfaction. I'm using this with adults that wish to travel (a ...
These are three people´s opinions about the restaurant called "Captain's table". This reading is good for elementary students practicing simple past. They can also find some adjectives which ...
This is an activity that I prepared for my upper intermediate and advanced students and it was very successful. Students will practice listening, vocabulary, speaking and then create a role play. ...
This fill-in the gap exercise devoted to the topic "Cooking and Eating Out" can not only enrich your students' vocabulary but also provide you with an opportunity to continue the topic insight wit ...
This is an exercise which accompanies the restaurant menu from the worksheet "What Would You Like to Order?" While role playing,one student places the order,the other one is writing it down.& ...
Variety of items to choose from the menu created for improvement of students' speaking skills. Excellent to practice modals and food while role playing the restaurant scene. One student ...
While watching this documentary about fast food companies and the effect of their food in our bodies, students were really surprised and interested in the topic. The activities were done while wat ...
This WS is about a dialogue in a restaurant which can be done in the 4th grade. The students need to fill in missing words and also put the sentences in the correct order. It can be used to ...
This is a conversation in a cafe,a teacher cuts it into stripes and students have to make a conversation, it is from FACE2FACE elementary - 4C .Then they listen to the conversation and check ...
Students have to make a menu - there is a choice of food and drink, I wanted to change the lesson and I took it from the lesson 4C (Face2Face elementary), you have to preteach the unknown vocabula ...
As I have four conversation classes (Level A2+ -B1+) getting them to speak is sometimes a problem.I try to keep my sheets a bit controversial in order to engage their interest.They enjoy speaki ...
This is an article suitable for business classes to improve their reading skills. It is about the past and future of Starbucks. It includes a vocabulary matching exercise and some comprehension qu ...
Bingo game, designed for adults, focusing on some common and not-so-common kitchen vocabulary. Especially good for students with an interest in cooking or who work in a restaurant/kitchen. Upload ...
A Power Point presentation introducing possible trouble with dishes while dining in a restaurant (cold, oversalted, undercooked...). The final slide deals with some conclusion phrases: Could you ...
A list of sections in the restaurant (in the dining room, in the toilets, in the kitchen, in the bar), there is the word and then the explanation in Spanish. This is a very interesting list for st ...
This is the 4th in a series of role plays designed to review "useful" english found in the textbook used for 2º Programa at a Bilingual High School in Spain. The role plays are designed to no ...
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Restaurants and Cafes?
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