224 FREE Future Simple Worksheets

FREE Future Simple Worksheets

The future simple is usually the third tense that students learn so it is a topic covered in classes for beginners. There are 224 Future Simple worksheets to choose from on this page and even more worksheets on tenses on the main tense page. The future simple is often the easiest tense for students to use once it has been introduced because sentences such as I will study tomorrow are constructed by simply adding the word will. Here is an example of a worksheet from this section. It is a fifteen minute pair activity for low level learners. After printing out the directions and cutting out the phrase cards, you will be ready for class. The activity is pretty straightforward and focuses not just on using the future simple but also on time clauses. If you already have worksheets for the future simple, take a moment to upload them so that other busy teachers can learn from you.

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Going to Board Game

Going to Board Game

This boardgame is aimed at elementary or pre-intermediate learners and is designed to provide an opportunity to practise expressing future intentions. Its use is self explanatory. It is a PDF fil ...
5 Views 23,630 ElemPre-Int
Movie Worksheet: Family Guy (Future Predictions)

Movie Worksheet: Family Guy (Future Predictions)

English Through Videos
This fun video activity is to practise future predictions. While watching a clip from the hit TV series Family Guy, learners have to make predictions about what they expect to happen next. Learner ...
9 Views 51,018 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam
Simple and Continuous Tenses Table

Simple and Continuous Tenses Table

Simple and continuous tenses scheme with examples (present, past, future, present perfect). It's a simple table aimed at revising and/ar learning present and progressive tenses (present simple and ...
4 Views 66,034 BegElem
Song Worksheet: Rude by Magic (Past Simple+Future)

Song Worksheet: Rude by Magic (Past Simple+Future)

Mariela Busleimán
It is a nice song to revise past simple, will and be going to. Sts are asked to complete sentences with the correct form of the verbs. There are regular and irregular verbs and contractions ('ll/ ...
6 Views 38,637 Elem
Fortune Teller- Future Tense Flashcards

Fortune Teller- Future Tense Flashcards

• » » Future Simple
You can print, laminate and cut out these flashcards. Put students in pairs. Distribute 10 cards to each student, out of these 10 a student chooses 6 and his friend reads the future for him/h ...
6 Views 31,693 Pre-Int
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Poem Activity: If by Rudyard Kipling

Poem Activity: If by Rudyard Kipling

Anastasia Melnikova
This is a poem worksheet with very interesting tasks for your students. The worksheet includes an original poem, the explanations of how to create a lesson and a short passage explaining the histo ...
20 Views 48,870 IntAdvExam
Adrian Mole's New Year's Resolutions

Adrian Mole's New Year's Resolutions

María J. Sierra
There is a pre-reading activity to practise vocabulary as well as a gap fill activity for students to do while reading the excerpt from the book The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾ ...
8 Views 47,549 Pre-Int
Song Worksheet: Chapel of Love

Song Worksheet: Chapel of Love

Easy song to review present tense, future with going to, and will, with a fill in the gap exercise. Also the use of "gonna" instead of "going to". Students have to look up the meaning of new vocab ...
2 Views 18,135 ElemPre-IntInt
Song Worksheet: Plush by Stone Temple Pilots

Song Worksheet: Plush by Stone Temple Pilots

I used this song in high school  to introduce a topic about relationships that can have a bad end, it's different from all new bands, singers and two versions of this song can be used: normal ...
3 Views 12,509 ElemPre-Int
Past and Future Mixed Tenses Review - Upper Intermediate

Past and Future Mixed Tenses Review - Upper Intermediate

These two worksheets review mixed past and future tenses using two stories. They both feature examples at the top of each to help the student figure out in which instance each tense should be used ...
12 Views 41,895 IntAdv
Song Worksheet: See You Again by Wiz Khalifa (Fast and Furious 7)

Song Worksheet: See You Again by Wiz Khalifa (Fast and Furious 7)

An emotional song from the latest episode of Fast and Furious, which is a final tribute to Paul Walker. It can be useful as a tense revision (mainly: past simple, future simple). Students have to ...
17 Views 45,070 ElemPre-Int
Verbs Board Game

Verbs Board Game

A board game with pictures and signs for positive, negative, yes or no question, and WH question sentences. Students just need to throw the dice and make sentences based on the pictures and signs. ...
10 Views 28,296 ElemPre-Int
Victory Day Worksheet [for Russian Speakers]

Victory Day Worksheet [for Russian Speakers]

I have prepared it for a clever boy of the 4th class (11 years old). There is a text divided in some fragments about the history of the Victory Day and Arctic Convoys. The vocabulary is translated ...
7 Views 15,855 ElemPre-Int
Changing Tenses

Changing Tenses

Benjamin Chapman
Students will rewrite each sentence using a different verb tense. A past, present, and future worksheet. Research tells us that studying verb tenses is a great way to learn the fundamental aspects ...
10 Views 19,416 ElemPre-Int
Audio for Adjectives, Tenses and Adverbs

Audio for Adjectives, Tenses and Adverbs

There are three tasks in this worksheet. The first exercise is taken from New English File Elementary "True False Show" but I have adapted it for children. They think, if the statements are t ...
6 Views 11,107 ElemPre-Int
Future Tenses Revision

Future Tenses Revision

The idea of the game is taken from the English Teaching Professional magazine, Issue 76 September 2011. I have adapted it, namely, the sentences on cards deal with the ways of expressing future. I ...
18 Views 51,267 IntAdv
Tenses Overview

Tenses Overview

A powerpoint that explains the grammar rules for all the different English tenses. It contains examples, spelling rules, and shows the students how to form the verbs in normal, interrogative, and ...
16 Views 21,316 Pre-Int
New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

•Future Simple,
This is a worksheet about New Year's resolutions. There are three activities including reading (Bart Simpson's resolutions), matching and writing. Students learn the vocabulary to talk about their ...
34 Views 82,068 Pre-IntInt
The Future Theory

The Future Theory

This is a simple and clear explanation of the tenses we can use in English to refer to future time. It is a power point with only six screens. You can use all of them or the ones of the tenses you ...
8 Views 21,748 ElemPre-IntInt
Tell Me about Yourself Board Game

Tell Me about Yourself Board Game

A good fun worksheet to be used as a warm-up activity, get-to-know-each-other activity or an enjoyable way to practice habitual actions and likes and dislikes using both present and past tenses. I ...
35 Views 95,953 Pre-IntIntAdv
Song Worksheet: Read All about It (Part III)

Song Worksheet: Read All about It (Part III)

A very inspiring video telling a moving story. Song activity: Gap filling. Skimming. Scanning. Grammar (tenses: presents, pasts, future). Lexicon (definitions, synonyms, antonyms). Speaking (class ...
5 Views 19,023 Pre-IntInt
Future- Going To

Future- Going To

•Future Simple,
A worksheet about the topic: future with going to. Students are given rules about this structure and there is a table with examples in the affirmative, interrogative and negative. Next students ar ...
9 Views 25,374 All
My Monument

My Monument

This is an example of a project that students can create to practice tourist information. Students need to invent a monument of their own creation and explain it to the class. They need to invent ...
6 Views 11,312 Pre-IntInt
Modal Verbs: Will, Won't Worksheet

Modal Verbs: Will, Won't Worksheet

• » » Future Simple
This is a pretty easy worksheet for teaching or revising modal verbs: will and won't at elementary level. There are 2 different activities in which students are asked to use will or won&rsquo ...
12 Views 52,617 Elem
Future Will/ Be Going to/ Present Continuos

Future Will/ Be Going to/ Present Continuos

•Future Simple, ,
It´s a power point presentation with the structure of future simple and  be+going to, (afirmative, negative, questions), it also explains when you have to use them and provide some exam ...
17 Views 26,367 ElemPre-Int

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