Ordinal numbers are slightly more challenging for students so for more practice consider using one or more of the 56 ordinal numbers worksheets on this page. It is important to relate ordinal numbers to their cardinal counterparts especially when the connection is not obvious for example one and first. Here is a jumbled words activity where students practice spelling ordinal numbers and matching the words with the numbers. The worksheet is cute and would be good for groups of young students; for high school or adult students, you may want to choose a different design or a different worksheet altogether. If you successfully used an activity to teach students cardinal numbers, you may decide to use the same one to practice ordinal numbers too. For more teaching ideas, take a moment to read the article How to Teach Ordinal Numbers and if you have time, upload any worksheets you have on this topic to this page so that other busy teachers can learn from you.
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This is an entry test I used to evaluate first year middle school students on numbers, school objects, colours, basic questions, such as: How are you? How old are you? Students have to fill in the ...
My friend Alicia is good at preparing her own materials. This school year she wants to start teaching concepts well to her students since books always confuse students and rarely contain all the i ...
This worksheet is a big test for a slow learner. It has vocabulary (jobs, school stuff, numbers, family), subject prononuns exercises, possessive pronoun exercises, different types of sentences -s ...
It is a basic test about verb to be, prepositions of place and cardinal and ordinal numbers. It can be used as a previous test or as a review.It is suitable for elementary learners. You can also ...
This worksheet will make your students to have some ordinal numbers practice. Ask your students to make pairs, and give Student A a copy of the worksheet for Student A, and Student B a copy of the ...
This is a domino worksheet prepared for beginners who learnt to be, nationalities, numbers and some other very basic words. What they need to do is to pair all the pieces, so that domino is comple ...
It's a pair work exercise to go over vocabulary dealing mainly with numbers (time - money - ordinal numbers) but also question words. After the pairwork exchange, you can evaluate the students or ...
These are two dice for teaching or revising ordinal numbers related vocabulary at elementary level. Students are asked to to roll both dice and then make a sentence by using the picture clue pro ...
There is often confusion in the pronunciation between numbers 13-30, 14-40, 15-50, 16-60, 17-70, 18-80, 19-90. This worksheet demonstrations how the stress of the word is very important in clari ...
This is a ppt about The Very Hungry Caterpillar. It is an interactive story which allows the teacher to teach animals, food, counting. I have also used this when teaching the life cycle of animals ...
This board game is based on NEF beginner. The things which are being practised are: 1-10, countries - flags, nationalities - a person and a flag, to be - making full sentences positive, negative a ...
This is a worksheet for practising high numbers. To practice hundreds, thousands, millions. In the first exercise, the children will read out dates (ordinal numbers and year). In the next excercis ...
This can be used as a class activity or as a revision test. This worksheet includes - Verb To Be , Auxiliary (Do/Does), Numbers, Preposition of place, Possessive ('s), Professions, Present Simple, ...
For low level learners working on calendar and/or holidays I hope this reading will provide a reasonable challenge. The main focus is reading comprehension using WH questions as well as Yes/No qu ...
I used this worksheet with my younger students after eliciting and practicing the ordinal and cardinal numbers. I also worked with the time and played "Time battleships" game to review telling the ...
It is suitable for young children who start learning English late. It contains both grammar and vocabulary exercises. It is in English but you can translate the directions to your students on how ...
This PPT is to teach them how to say the date in English. Each page has a date to read out, but don't stop there - ask them to read out another on the same page. Page 14 can be printed out and u ...
This worksheet has been created to provide writing practice to 5th graders. Contents: - classroom stationary - numbers from 1-20 - addition (numbers written in words) - Subtraction - one magic sq ...
I made this worksheet to make pupils revise ordinal numbers and dates easily. It consists of completing the charts and there is some homework as well. This worksheet can be completed together wit ...
It's a listening worksheet about how the orange juice is made. Students need to complete missing words and numbers. It's an active listening with visual help. It's a practical use of language that ...
This is a set of flashcards for teaching cardinal numbers. There are 10 flashcards with numbers from 1 to ten and 1 classroom poster. Recommended for beginners.
Exercises to be used after watching the pilot of episode of Pan Am series. I suggest the use of subtitles in english and some activity to practice vocabulary first (which is not includded) It coul ...
This is a 2-page worksheet for teaching ordinal numbers. The first page is basically just a picture dictionary which can also be used as a classroom poster and the second page has a simple activi ...
This worksheet is about cardinal and ordinal numbers that are in two columns so that it helps students to learn them all by heart. It is very useful because sometimes students don't make the conne ...
This is an evaluation test. Students must read the text and do exercises on the comprehension of the text. Then they have to complete blanks on several subjects, like activities, Possessive Determ ...
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Ordinal Numbers?
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