151 FREE Clauses Worksheets

FREE Clauses Worksheets

Here you can find 151 worksheets that deal with the topic of clauses. This section is also divided into subsections which can assist you in locating the right activity for your students. This worksheet is for pre-intermediate students who need more practice using time clauses. All the teacher’s notes and materials are included for this fifteen minute practice activity so it is easy to include in your lesson plan. There are other worksheets about clauses too and since they are all free and easy to print, you may as well look at several different ones before deciding what would be best for your students. If you have your own worksheets on clauses, you can upload them to the website for other teachers to use.
There are different types of clauses that students will learn throughout their English studies. It is important to focus on one or two types of clauses at a time so that students do not become overwhelmed by the difference structures and uses. Certain clauses can be introduced in lower level classes while others are best saved for more advanced students. What you include in your course will obviously be greatly influenced by the level and age range of your students.

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  • Elementary (29)
  • Pre-Intermediate (68)
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  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (49)
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  • Suitable for All Levels (5)
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Relative Pronouns Worksheet

Relative Pronouns Worksheet

This is a worksheet for revising relative pronouns at elementary level. There are 3 activities in which students are asked to complete the sentences with who or which, write definitions following ...
22 Views 41,285 ElemPre-Int
Forming Adjective Clauses / Relative Clauses

Forming Adjective Clauses / Relative Clauses

This PowerPoint presentation helps students understand forming adjective clauses / relative clauses in an easy way where animation was used. It helped most of the below average EFL students in my ...
10 Views 26,269 All
Song Worksheet: As Long As You Love Me by Back Street Boys

Song Worksheet: As Long As You Love Me by Back Street Boys

This worksheet helps students to learn relative clauses and some conjunctions such as "as long as" It is enjoyable for intermediate and upper intermediate levels. You can write on youtube "As lon ...
6 Views 17,239 IntAdv
Car Parts

Car Parts

The aim of this worksheet is to provide vocabulary dealing with cars and their parts. The first exercise deals with the exterior and the second one with the engine and its parts. It can be used wi ...
8 Views 16,709 Int
Song Worksheet: Stand By Me [Playing for Change]

Song Worksheet: Stand By Me [Playing for Change]

Perfect Song to talk about Human Values! This song is played by a group of street singers from almost all countries put together by a producer. Today, they have CDs, DVDs and have concerts all ov ...
3 Views 14,955 BegElem
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Adjective Clause

Adjective Clause

It is very important to speak or write effectively in English. One of the ways is by using adjective clause. This exercise is about how to combine 2 sentences by using adjective clauses. Before g ...
6 Views 18,389 Pre-Int
Football Quiz

Football Quiz

It's a power point presentation about football. In the beginning,there are some questions to be discussed in pairs or in groups. Right after, there's a quiz about football world, this activity can ...
11 Views 21,370 Pre-Int
Just Rephrasing (+ key)

Just Rephrasing (+ key)

This worksheet consists of 30 sentences to practise rephrasing involving linking word, passive voice, reported speech, if clauses. The students have to rewrite the sentences. They can make the nec ...
15 Views 24,394 IntAdv
Linking Words Table

Linking Words Table

In this table, I tried to categorize all connectors and show their usages. Teaching kinds of sentences is really a hard task. By using this table teachers can show their Ss how to connect sentence ...
11 Views 20,956 Pre-IntIntAdv
Categories and Classification

Categories and Classification

A worksheet for Japanese students. There are instructions in Japanese and some Japanese definitions for various English words. The worksheet contains two exercises: 1. connect the English and Japa ...
2 Views 6,768 Pre-Int
Children for Whom School Means Nothing

Children for Whom School Means Nothing

Good reading activity with comprehnsion questions. Teachers can use as a wram for further discussion of truancy as a school problem. I used this as a reading activity with my students and they enj ...
12 Views 15,861 Pre-Int
TOEFL Worksheet: Clauses

TOEFL Worksheet: Clauses

This is an easy way to understand how a clause is made up, and shows how they are tested on TOEFL exams. A brief description of a clause if given. Then a short explanation on main and subordinate ...
3 Views 16,436 AdvExam
Word Search: Public Places

Word Search: Public Places

Public Places (Vocabulary Building). Students are challenged to find public places in the wordsearch. Then, they have to write their findings. This wordsearch is definitely suitable to beginner le ...
2 Views 11,232 Elem
Relative Clauses [for Spanish Students]

Relative Clauses [for Spanish Students]

This is a worksheet that provides good practice for relative clauses. With explanations in Spanish to understand every single relative pronoun and some practice. First to distinguish between some ...
5 Views 9,447 IntAdv
Song Worksheet: Lautar by Pasha Parfeny

Song Worksheet: Lautar by Pasha Parfeny

The worksheet is based on a cheerful song "Lautar" by a Moldovan singer Pasha Parfeny, who took part in Eurovision Song Contest 2012 in Baku. The worksheet contains blanks and explanations or exer ...
3 Views 6,113 Pre-IntInt
Defining Relative Clauses Worksheet

Defining Relative Clauses Worksheet

A worksheet for intermediate students on defining relative clauses. There are 2 different activities in which students are asked to fill in the gaps with a relative pronoun and join the sentences ...
10 Views 31,555 Pre-IntInt
Song Worksheet: The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script

Song Worksheet: The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script

Worksheet about the song of The Script. Students will listen to the song and fill in the blanks and then you can discuss the song with the students and talk about the relative clauses and the firs ...
8 Views 23,466 Pre-IntInt
Achieve Your Dream

Achieve Your Dream

An inspiring worksheet for pre- intermediate to intermediate learners using an advertisement for a reading comprehension test which may serve as a summative evaluation. This paper encoloses compre ...
12 Views 15,502 Pre-IntInt
Defining Relative Clauses

Defining Relative Clauses

This ws consists of 2 exercises to revise defining relative clauses. In the 1st one, the students have to fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronoun or adverb. In the 2nd one, they are giv ...
21 Views 51,104 Pre-IntIntAdv
Clauses Worksheet

Clauses Worksheet

• » Clauses
A worksheet on mixed clauses: adjective, adverb or noun clauses. If it is an adjective or adverb clause, students will need to tell which word it modifies. Contains answers at the end of the work ...
8 Views 43,856 Int
Warm-up Cards (Like, Love, Hate + Clauses)

Warm-up Cards (Like, Love, Hate + Clauses)

• » Clauses
Can be used as a warm-up exercise if your class is devoted to the "like, love, hate" topic, clauses or both. Each student in turns takes a card and must finish the sentence using clauses. Can be u ...
13 Views 22,579 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Movie Worksheet: Tim Burton's Corpse Bride (Clauses)

Movie Worksheet: Tim Burton's Corpse Bride (Clauses)

Worksheet to the Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. I gave it as homework to pre-intermediate students who practise using Present Simple and clauses. The last task with the summary was made during the cla ...
13 Views 16,307 ElemPre-IntInt
IF-Clauses (Types 1 And 2)

IF-Clauses (Types 1 And 2)

This worksheet consists of the rules for the first and second conditionals followed by an exercise (fill in the blanks). It also has a cartoon related to the same topic (if-clauses). You should pr ...
16 Views 34,416 Pre-IntInt
Paraphrasing: Clauses Worksheet

Paraphrasing: Clauses Worksheet

To revise paraphrasing exercises on Present simple, present continuous, present perfect, past simple and relative clauses. Suitable for students doing 4th year as a second language, or pre-interm ...
10 Views 39,652 Int
Inversion Practice Worksheet

Inversion Practice Worksheet

A short, simple worksheet aimed at Intermediate students to practice inversion. Various key phrases are used so students can practise a variety of structures. Its main use is for extra practice, a ...
25 Views 57,124 IntAdv

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