10 FREE Inversion Worksheets
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FREE Inversion Worksheets

When introducing inversion to your students consider using a worksheet from this page. There are 10 inversion worksheets in this section which may be an indication of how popular the topic is in ESL classes; that is to say, it is rather uncommon. This worksheet has some examples of inversion that you may choose to use in your classes but is not a stand alone worksheet or activity. If you decide to include inversion in your course, please feel free to upload your worksheets and activities for other busy teachers to use. You can also check back later to see if new worksheets have been posted.
Inversion is an unusual arrangement of words in a sentence that results in a more dramatic statement with the same overall meaning. As this is a rather complex topic, it is certainly optional and should be reserved for advanced learners and those who are especially interested in linguistics. Be sure to tell students the purpose of this structure as well as the fact that alternate sentence structures can be used to convey the same meaning. The level of your students will be a primary factor in determining whether or not to introduce inversion.

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3.7 out of 5, rated by 3 teachers

GRAMMAR TIP:What Is Inversion?
In linguistics, grammatical inversion is any of a number of different distinct grammatical constructions in the languages of the world. There are three main uses in the literature which, unfortunately, have little if any overlap either formally or typologically: syntactic inversion, thematic inversion, and feature inversion. The first and most widely noted kind of inversion occurs when a noun or adpositional phrase is shifted from its default postverbal position to one before the main verb of the clause. In English, such syntactic inversion typically comes in two varieties: locative inversion and nonlocative inversion.
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Source: Inversion on Freebase, licensed under CC-BY
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• » Inversion
It presents a hard subject with clear explanation and suitable example sentences. It highlights important points and shows ways how to invert the sentences in the right method. Exercises part, whi ...
12 Views 38,258 Adv
Emphatic Structures

Emphatic Structures

• » Inversion
It shows various ways of making structures more emphatic. How emphatic structures can be made with "What " or "It was " or other structures. The explanations are explicit and also examples are pro ...
6 Views 26,052 Adv


This worksheet is useful for intermediate and advanced students. it is just to introduce the topic. The white letters can't be seen in the white board, so you can use them as revision as well. So ...
14 Views 58,895 IntAdv
Grammar Tenses Graphic Organizer

Grammar Tenses Graphic Organizer

Grammar tenses, as any other type of information, can be learned a lot more easily when the information has already been processed by someone else. I'm using this template to help my less successf ...
11 Views 23,647 ElemPre-IntInt
Compare and Contrast Signal Words

Compare and Contrast Signal Words

A long and comprehensive list of  compare contrast signal words categorized by grammatical function. It helps students to use although, however, similarly and both..and correctly. You can gi ...
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Inversion of the Subject Worksheet

Inversion of the Subject Worksheet

• » Inversion
This is a worksheet for revising inversion of the subject. Recommended for intermediate students who are asked to look at the example, reword the sentences as shown and make the necessary t ...
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Inversion Presentation

Inversion Presentation

• » Inversion
This is a concise theoretical presentation of a grammar subject: Inversion. It can be used by upper-intermediate, advanced or proficient students for revising. A practice Inversion worksheet wi ...
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FCE Use of English Exercise

FCE Use of English Exercise

Exercise for an FCE prep, following the Cambridge test style of questions. They are random questions, very useful when you are creating a test or a mock exam. As you know, possibly the exercises a ...
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Inversion Practice Worksheet

Inversion Practice Worksheet

•, Inversion
A short, simple worksheet aimed at Intermediate students to practice inversion. Various key phrases are used so students can practise a variety of structures. Its main use is for extra practice, a ...
25 Views 57,067 IntAdv


• » Inversion
All types of inversion with short examples in a table.
29 Views 37,305 Adv

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