268 FREE Article Worksheets

FREE Article Worksheets

English language learners often forget when and where to include articles in their sentences but these words are important to master in order to achieve a high level of English. There are 268 worksheets that you can give your students for extra practice using articles and these are sorted into several different categories to make your search simpler. Here is a worksheet that practices not only articles but also countable and uncountable nouns. You will need to introduce and practice the material before completing the three activities outlined in this file. Students will enjoy the variety of games and the worksheet will enable you to evaluate their overall understanding of the material at the end of class or as a review activity at the beginning of the next lesson. There are more worksheets to choose from if this is not quite what you are looking for so take your time reviewing them.
Articles are often overlooked or misplaced by English language learners so it is important to give them sufficient practice with word order. Another way you can help students learn articles is to introduce nouns with a or an; instead of drilling book, consider using a book instead. This will help students when it comes to forming sentences because they will say “I want a book.” rather than the common, incorrect answer “I want book.” Other articles will obviously need to be introduced in a different way but getting students accustomed to using articles in sentences will make it easier for them later on in the course.

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ESL Articles
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3.7 out of 5, rated by 3 teachers

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Reading and Writing Practice: I've Got/I Haven't Got

Reading and Writing Practice: I've Got/I Haven't Got

This worksheet will help your little students to study the Have got/Haven't got grammar. Your kids can practise their reading and writing skills, see how plural and singular nouns are formed. You ...
10 Views 20,949 BegElem
Song Worksheet: If You're Going to San Francisco

Song Worksheet: If You're Going to San Francisco

Are you looking for some activity to practise the pupil's knowledge of definite and indefinite articles, pronous, use of nouns? Why not let them listen to a song. Give out the handouts and ask the ...
9 Views 28,624 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam
Occupation Powerpoint Presentation

Occupation Powerpoint Presentation

A power point presentation with pictures to teach occupations, the use of a/an, verb to be in the present tense (afirmative, negative and interrogative forms). The pictures illustrate the occupati ...
18 Views 25,934 Beg
Articles PowerPoint Game

Articles PowerPoint Game

This a fully animated PowerPoint multiple choice activity with audio for teaching or revising articles. Recommended for elementary students who are asked to the correct article to complete each s ...
42 Views 61,277 ElemPre-Int
Articles A/An plus This/These

Articles A/An plus This/These

This is a worksheet for students to practice the use of articles a/n and this/these. There are thirty different words to complete with a or an. There is also another exercise where students compl ...
12 Views 17,677 Beg
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Movie Worksheet: Gifted Hands (Ben Carson's Story)

Movie Worksheet: Gifted Hands (Ben Carson's Story)

It includes a set of activities for comprehension on the movie Gifted Hands: Ben Carson's Story. It can also be used as a practice test after watching the whole movie. The worsheet contains Gramma ...
11 Views 43,706 IntAdv
Articles in a Story

Articles in a Story

This is an Articles worksheet. You will find a short story which has the definite and the indefinite articles missing. There are some places where no article is required which is the challenging a ...
6 Views 76,347 Elem
Domino: Indefinite Articles → A / An

Domino: Indefinite Articles → A / An

The aim of the game: To practice the use of the indefinite articles. Rationale: When doing written exercises it is usually easier to add an article (if students know the rule well), because stud ...
29 Views 48,831 Elem
Overview of Articles

Overview of Articles

This is a worksheet for revising article. Recommended for intermediate students who are asked to fill in the gaps with the definite or indefinite article, one, possessive adjectives or no article ...
11 Views 20,875 Pre-IntInt
Short Quiz

Short Quiz

This is a short quiz for an ESL English course I gave this June in Summer school. This worksheet contains types of sentences: declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory. It also has a ...
8 Views 12,938 BegElemPre-IntInt
Sports Worksheet 2

Sports Worksheet 2

This worksheet uses sports vocabulary and the verbs associated with it such as: go swimming, play basketball and do judo. There are images of these sports. Next the student must list the equipme ...
8 Views 14,450 Pre-Int


I prepared this worksheet for my young learners and I wanted to share it with you. This is a worksheet about the articles A or An and The. Your students circle the correct forms and match with t ...
26 Views 77,469 BegElem
The General Service List (GSL) High Frequency Vocabulary

The General Service List (GSL) High Frequency Vocabulary

The General Service List (GSL) is a list of approximately 2300 words published by Michael West in 1953. The words were selected to represent the most frequent words of English and were taken from ...
8 Views 17,406 BegElemPre-Int
Articles - A, An and The

Articles - A, An and The

Use this presentation to introduce the concept of vowels and consonants. You could then go on to explain about articles. Rules are given to aid explanation. Print-outs can be used to make a chart ...
8 Views 10,915 ElemPre-Int
Song Worksheet: Video Games by Lana Del Rey

Song Worksheet: Video Games by Lana Del Rey

This worksheet is a combination of listening and speaking comprehension based on popular song 'Video games'. Students have to complete the gaps, match the sentences, answer the questions about vid ...
14 Views 14,799 Pre-IntIntAdv
Correct The Mistakes Competition PowerPoint

Correct The Mistakes Competition PowerPoint

I created this Powerpoint presentation as a competition between classes 6 and 7. The questions are taken from the students English books. The students like competing with each other and I hope you ...
30 Views 33,392 Elem
Song Worksheet: Californication by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Song Worksheet: Californication by Red Hot Chili Peppers

This worksheet is a combination of listening and speaking comprehension. The students have to complete the gaps with a/the/-, match the sentences, answer the questions about Hollywood and having ...
10 Views 25,601 IntAdv
Articles Intermediate Worksheet

Articles Intermediate Worksheet

This is a worksheet for teaching or revising definite and indefinite articles. There is a brief explanation at the top of the page followed by 3 different activities in which students are asked t ...
21 Views 76,373 Pre-IntInt
Song Worksheet: I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz

Song Worksheet: I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz

An amusing and simple activity using different kinds of definitions, clues, opposites to find out the missing words. It takes a little bit longer than the regular filling out activities we have be ...
5 Views 17,514 Int
Article THE Boardgame

Article THE Boardgame

It's a colourful board game. The worksheet can be used for most levels. It is useful for checking the students' level, can be used to practice usage of the definite article. With this boardgame st ...
12 Views 11,942 Pre-IntIntAdv
Personality Quiz: Are We Alike?

Personality Quiz: Are We Alike?

This is a fun way for SS to practice the present simple with how much / how many, some / any and a /an. You can use it as a war-up or as a follow-up/review activity. Alternatively, assign the exer ...
17 Views 12,779 Elem
Short Test For Beginners

Short Test For Beginners

Hi! This is a short test for beginners to revise different items. It is a short text with some comprehension, true or false statements+ justification questions and some grammar related to ...
11 Views 17,421 Beg
Alphabet Shopping Questionnaire/Vocabulary

Alphabet Shopping Questionnaire/Vocabulary

This worksheet practices question formation, "where do you...", "do you like...", food vocabulary, and "some" + noun. It is excellent for elementary level conversation classes and as a speaking a ...
11 Views 13,142 Elem
Articles Worksheet

Articles Worksheet

This is a worksheet for teaching articles. Students are asked to complete the sentences with: a, an, the or zero article. The worksheet is available in both colour and black and white version and ...
15 Views 60,303 Pre-Int
TO BE & A/AN Worksheet

TO BE & A/AN Worksheet

You can use it to practice all the forms of TO BE and a/an. There are pictures to illustrate the meaning of the sentences. There is an example to illustrate exactly what should be done. I use this ...
5 Views 16,401 Elem

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