This page is one of four subsections of the articles category and focuses on worksheets about mixed articles. If your students need practice deciding when to use or not use definite or indefinite articles, this is the section you are looking for. There are now 48 worksheets that focus especially on this topic. For a straightforward worksheet look at this which consists of just eighteen practice sentences. It is pretty neutral in design so could even be used for adult beginners. Mixed article worksheets are a great way to test overall comprehension of articles because there is enough variety in the sentences that students have to really understand the rules of article uses to make correct choices. Practicing just definite or indefinite articles is a good starting point but do not move on until students can correctly decide to use a, an, the, or no article at all to complete sentences. This is something you should include in your beginner courses and if you introduce vocabulary with articles, for example a book, your students will be much better off.
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ESL Articles
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This lesson is for students at a pre-Intermediate level, who have mastered the basic language skills and are familiar with plural nouns, a/an, frequency, and time. Before starting thi ...
You must have heard of the advantages of plastic or cosmetic surgery, but are you aware of the disadvantages cosmetic surgery may present? This article highlights possible disadvantages ...
This worksheet consists four exercises to practise and help students differentiate between the use of the definite article "the" and the indefinite articles "a" and "an". It’s suit ...
A, an, some & any with Jamie Oliver's 1 cup pancake with answer key. 1. Task 1: Ss watch the video & fill in the blanks. 2. Task 2: Fill in the blanks with a, an, some, any. 3. Task 3: ...
This PDF is the one world quiz which both tests the general knowledge of your students, provoking conversations leading to the right answer. It has been adapted to test your students' knowle ...
This gives an overview of the use of articles, but not the myriad exceptions. It pretty much covers the presentation and gives a brief practice with some questions at the end. Add a w/sheet for p ...
This is a worksheet for French speaking learners to explain when to use a, an and the, as well as this and these, that and those. It's very basic but hopefully may be useful for some of busy ...
This revision worksheet provides students with practice and revision of the English articles (a/an/the). The teacher can print out the document as many times as he or she likes and present it in c ...
This worksheet is appropriate for reviewing and practicing articles "a", "an", "the" and "zero"articles. It contains a lot of questions to test students previous knowledge. It is suitable for elem ...
A fairly simple worksheet with an explanation at the start. After the explanation, page one has simple 'some' or 'any' gap fill exercises, and page 2 has a more advanced worksheet, with a few mor ...
This test deals with unit 6 - time prepositions in, on, at; used to; articles a, an, the and zero article, expressions for countable and uncountable nouns - few, a few, little, a little, much, man ...
A new worksheet to revise grammar points with advanced students. In this ws they will have to revise the use of articles and relative clauses. Thanks Phillip Martin for clipart. Key to the exercis ...
This is a worksheet for revising articles at pre-intermediate level. There are 2 different exercises in which students are asked to fill in the blank spaces with the correct article and choos ...
I created this worksheet after my students had read about the rescue of the 33 miners in Chile. The articles have been removed and the spaces need to be filled with indefinite, definite or no arti ...
A table summarizing the most characteristic uses and features of articles in English. Its size (just one page) allows students to compare and contrast the three English articles (definite, indefin ...
It is a set of 3 exercises to practise the definte and indefinite articles. Students are expected to fill in the blanks in the text with a, an, the where it is necessary. This worksheet is good fo ...
Speaking activity worksheet for practising different ways of expressing imaginary situations. It also can be used as a role-play activity or as a writing task. It is a good way for communication ...
Here you will find an excellent worksheet or a test for your students. It is intended to test English articles, that is a , an, the or the zero article. With open-cloze, circling and gap filling e ...
It is a multiple-choice test of grammar and vocabulary for 12-14 year old ESL learners. It tests Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Articles: a,an, the, some, zero article; Direct/Indirect speec ...
Summary of some general and more detailed usage and abusage of articles a/an/the and no article. These are only grammatical rules (without any exercises). The set is taken from 'Practical English ...
you can revise knowledge about articles and break famous stereotypes about Russia. It consits of three questions and 7 facts about Russian culture, nature, geography, language...Here you find answ ...
Used for practising Articles (a/the/no article). Good song! Download the MP3 or if you have internet access, show a youtube video of it. Also would be useful to pre-teach some vocab (about transpo ...
This is a worksheet for revising articles at elementary level. There are 4 easy activities in which students are asked to fill in the blank spaces with an, a or the. The answer key is included.
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Mixed Article?
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