307 FREE Modern Technology Worksheets
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FREE Modern Technology Worksheets

Since modern technology plays an important role in our lives, you should include the topic in some of your lessons. There are 307 free, printable modern technology worksheets to choose from that focus on technology and you can even narrow your search as there are several subsections. This is a nice worksheet designed to introduce some SMS abbreviations to your students. It would be an especially good exercise to do with intermediate level high school students because they will be able to relate to the content of the worksheet the best. By asking your students for their opinions, you can engage them in the material more than if you only ask them to answer multiple choice and true or false questions. If this is not a good fit for your ESL class, consider using one of the other available worksheets.
The extent to which you cover this topic in your course will depend a lot on your students. If you are teaching at a school with limited resources where none of your students have cell phones or personal computers, some basic vocabulary will probably be sufficient while if these things play a pivotal role in the lives of your students, they will be of more importance. You can talk about the amount of time students spend using different pieces of technology with any level learner and should consider asking advanced students to explain both the advantages and disadvantages of technological advances.

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  • Pre-Intermediate (157)
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  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (115)
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  • Suitable for All Levels (16)
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Stablecoins: What are they and how do they work?

Stablecoins: What are they and how do they work?

  This worksheet helps students to develop listening comprehension. It includes vocabulary focus, interactive (business) vocabulary exercises, listening for general comprehension, listenin ...
1 Views 6,216 Adv
INFLATION: Main Causes and Types

INFLATION: Main Causes and Types

  This worksheet helps students to develop listening comprehension. It includes vocabulary focus, vocabulary exercises, listening for general comprehension, listening for details, gap-fill ...
1 Views 8,439 IntAdv


  This is a new worksheet with a video (PowerPoint converted into a video) called "Drops." The video contains a poem. There are exercises to complete the poem, plus, there are some extra e ...
1 Views 7,379 Pre-IntInt
The History of Valentine’s Day

The History of Valentine’s Day

  This worksheet helps students to develop listening comprehension. It includes vocabulary focus, listening for general comprehension, and details based on the short videos. Students learn ...
1 Views 10,571 IntAdv
Changing face of tourism – Tourism today

Changing face of tourism – Tourism today

  The worksheet is based on a video that explains trends and changes in the tourism industry. Students learn what nations travel the most, what destinations are the most and the least popu ...
1 Views 6,683 Pre-IntInt
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Unusual Art

Unusual Art

  This lesson for teen Pre-Intermediate students revises, (or introduces, if using another coursebook) types of art from Own. It encourages students to share their opinions on art. The les ...
2 Views 13,138 Pre-Int
Sunset Worksheet

Sunset Worksheet

This worksheet is about ´Sunset.´ It contains a video, a poem, and seven exercises, including Find the answers, Fill in the missing words, Complete the words, and Match the picture ...
1 Views 11,454 ElemPre-Int
The History of Christmas Decorations

The History of Christmas Decorations

The video-based worksheet helps pre-Intermediate students to explore traditional US Christmas decorations. The tasks rely on images and matching strategies. The video-based assignments aim to ...
1 Views 11,713 Pre-IntInt
Business English – How to Ask for a Raise

Business English – How to Ask for a Raise

  The worksheet helps students to develop speaking and listening skills in business and/or professional settings. Video-based tasks introduce common strategies with tips on ways employees ...
1 Views 10,065 Pre-IntInt
The History of Bonfire Night. Guy Fawkes Night

The History of Bonfire Night. Guy Fawkes Night

This worksheet helps students to develop listening comprehension. Students learn about the history of Guy Fawkes Night with the help of short videos. The worksheet includes vocabulary focus, a ...
1 Views 9,692 Pre-IntInt
Past Simple Tense: How Kamala Harris Went From Prosecutor to Vice Presidential Candidate

Past Simple Tense: How Kamala Harris Went From Prosecutor to Vice Presidential Candidate

  This grammar practice and listening worksheet focuses on the use of the Past Simple tense. The video helps students to check their answers. They observe the use of the tense and practise ...
1 Views 34,894 Pre-IntInt
Smart Home Explained

Smart Home Explained

  This worksheet introduces the concept of the smart home. The tasks are based on the video that explains what new devices are available and what benefits or drawbacks they have. Students ...
1 Views 33,610 Pre-IntInt
Covid-19 and the Economy

Covid-19 and the Economy

  The worksheet is based on the video that discusses the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on global economy. The tasks focus on vocabulary and collocations that allow students to discuss econom ...
1 Views 27,066 Pre-IntInt
Fake Reviews

Fake Reviews

Oleg Mazurenko
  Students watch and listen to a video about how to spot fake reviews. They listen for details and fill in the necessary information and match keywords to their synonyms/definitions. They ...
1 Views 8,425 IntAdvExam
Vaccines: What's in a vaccine and what does it do to your body?

Vaccines: What's in a vaccine and what does it do to your body?

  This worksheet includes listening and speaking and helps students to develop listening comprehension. It includes vocabulary focus, listening for general comprehension, listening for det ...
1 Views 13,276 Pre-IntInt
NATO: Brief History and Mission

NATO: Brief History and Mission

  The task is based on the video explaining the key functions of NATO today and introducing the history of the organization. Vocabulary assignments focus on collocations and dependent pre ...
1 Views 10,448 Pre-IntInt


  This listening activity introduces the vocabulary of IT and computing. The audio presents the basic quantum computing concepts together with the possible prospects and challenges of thei ...
1 Views 6,298 Adv
APPEARANCE: 7 Curious Facts Your Appearance Says about You

APPEARANCE: 7 Curious Facts Your Appearance Says about You

  The video-based worksheet deals with the topics of appearance and its possible influence on character. Students work on the vocabulary units that describe the facial structure, namely no ...
1 Views 11,049 Pre-IntInt
Queues and Queuing (video worksheet)

Queues and Queuing (video worksheet)

Tom Leventhall
  This worksheet goes along with the Guardian video "The psychology of queuing and how to beat them." Students begin with a vocabulary match, watch the first two minutes of the video for a ...
1 Views 5,676 IntAdvExam
Prayer – Vocabulary Worksheet

Prayer – Vocabulary Worksheet

  Watch the video and complete the questions on this simple worksheet. It contains several exercises: fill in the blanks, choose the correct word, find the synonym and match the pictures t ...
1 Views 3,769 ElemPre-Int
Describing Appearance

Describing Appearance

  The worksheet helps students to explore the connection between appearance and personality. The activities are based on a video that demonstrates what facial features can tell us about pe ...
1 Views 7,783 Pre-IntInt
The Word

The Word

  This is a video with an interesting poem. Students watch the video and complete the exercises: Circle/choose the correct adjectives, verbs, letter words, etc. It contains 7 exercises and ...
1 Views 5,575 Elem
Who decides what art means? Part 2

Who decides what art means? Part 2

  The worksheet helps students to develop listening comprehension. It includes pronunciation focus, gap-filling and multiple choice assignments based on the short videos. Students think ab ...
1 Views 4,094 Pre-IntInt
Who decides what art really means?

Who decides what art really means?

  This worksheet helps to develop students’ listening skills and personal impressions. It introduces the vocabulary of art and art criticism. The assignment contains tasks such as li ...
1 Views 5,570 Pre-IntInt
Ladybird Poem Video Activity Worksheet

Ladybird Poem Video Activity Worksheet

  There are 9 exercises  in this is a new video and a poem about the ladybird. Watch the video, read the poem and complete the exercises. Circle the adjective, fill in the missin ...
1 Views 6,475 ElemPre-Int

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