66 FREE January Worksheets for Your ESL Classes

FREE January Worksheets

Welcome to our January worksheets category where every ESL teacher will find tons of free printable January worksheets. Everything you see here is free and can be downloaded and used in your English lesson. Whether you're looking for a simple crossword or something more complex for a higher level learners - we got everything! Please let us know about your experience using our worksheets by coming back and leaving a comment, or simply rathing the worksheets you have tried with your classes. We would also appreciate if you could contribute, too - by submitting your own January worksheets!

66 January Worksheets!

Our focus in the January worksheets section is primarily on winter, winter vacation, New Year’s Day and the Chinese New Year. We have 66 free January worksheets that can be used in ESL classrooms around the world. Here is a simple worksheet for elementary learners on winter vocabulary. You can use it to introduce or practice new words and then conduct a related practice activity afterwards. Some busy teachers have had success combining this worksheet with the dominoes game also available in this section. Weather obviously varies a great deal from place to place but you can also adapt this worksheet to talk about the January weather in your location in order to make it more suitable for your students.
In January it may be hard to keep students focused especially if they have had a long winter holiday so remember to be patient and allow their enthusiasm to structure some of your activities. Give them the opportunity to talk about the things they are interested in during your class period so that they are not whispering about them whenever you turn your back. Do not underestimate the importance of sharing information about holidays, vacations, or traditions. These things have a very meaningful place in your students’ lives so they would get a lot from being able to discuss them. It is also interesting to see how various families observe holidays differently. You can even share your experiences if students are calm enough to listen.
Happy Teaching in January!

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Winter Activities

Winter Activities

There are 15 slides in this PPT with 15 different winter activities. Students have to look at the picture and choose the correct option. They can learn or revise vocabulary related to winter activ ...
20 Views 36,485 ElemPre-Int
Word Search - Burns Night

Word Search - Burns Night

All of the words that are hidden in the grid are associated with the celebration Burns Night. There are 15 words for students to find. This word search can be used as an extra resource when teachi ...
5 Views 14,037 Elem
Acrostic Poem - Burns Night

Acrostic Poem - Burns Night

Acrostic poem - Burns Night. Students are asked to write an acrostic poem about Burns Night. Start each line with a word or phrase that starts with the letter on that line. This resource can be us ...
4 Views 10,678 Elem
Reading Comprehension - Burns Night

Reading Comprehension - Burns Night

Scots all round the world celebrate Burns Night with a Burns Supper to celebrate the life of the poet Robert Burns. The suppers are held on or near the 25th January, Burns' birthday.This read ...
8 Views 19,011 Elem


Students have to match some pictures with some words related to winter, find some other words in the word search, and complete a text about winter. The worksheet can be used for teaching and revis ...
51 Views 46,037 ElemPre-Int
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Burns Night Introduction

Burns Night Introduction

This worksheet introduces pupils to Burns Night, when and how it is celebrated in Scotland. Pupils can test their knowledge of Scotland, there is a quiz containing ten questions about Scotland and ...
9 Views 16,767 Pre-IntInt
Burns Night

Burns Night

•, January
This worksheet is about a festival in Scotland in January. It introduces students to Burns Night, when and how it is celebrated in Scotland.There are vocabulary games. Pupils have to situate Scotl ...
13 Views 19,645 Elem
Australia Day Reading

Australia Day Reading

The worksheet entitled 'Australia Day' has been prepared in order to get the students familiar with Australia and its regions. It may be used in the classes devoted to culture as well as mastering ...
14 Views 33,614 Pre-IntInt
New Year's Resolutions Using

New Year's Resolutions Using "Will"

This three-page worksheet explains the tradition of making New Year's resolutions. It also introduces the grammatical structure for making promising using "will". There are plenty of examples and ...
15 Views 43,863 ElemPre-Int
It's Cold in January

It's Cold in January

Students create new words using the letters in "It's cold in January" There are seven columns for them to complete. The new words can be from different categories or related to a specific topic (i ...
12 Views 14,762 Pre-IntIntAdv
Winter Fun (Mingling Activity)

Winter Fun (Mingling Activity)

Hello, I created a worksheet to practise winter activities and Present Simple tense. It is a simple mingling activity. Hope you'll enjoy it! Your students will practise asking questions and also ...
9 Views 19,376 Elem
January Holidays Calendar

January Holidays Calendar

• » January
This is a poster to decorate your classroom. Here you can find some US holidays that are celebrated in January. Of course, most of them are for fun. My students like such posters very much. Almost ...
10 Views 17,685 Pre-IntIntAdv
Happy New Year: Gerund or Infinitive

Happy New Year: Gerund or Infinitive

This is my first worksheet to share. It is a review/ lesson for infinitive/gerund use. The students will first see the use of various verbs followed by either gerund or infinitive in the context o ...
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A New Year Letter [Correct the mistakes]

A New Year Letter [Correct the mistakes]

This is an actual worksheet for developing reading and writing skills. Students are to read and correct the mistakes. It helps to teach children to be honest, kind and attentive to people. It is v ...
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How Many Words Can You Write With These Letters?

How Many Words Can You Write With These Letters?

Students create new words using the letters in "Happy New Year". There are seven columns for them to complete (words with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and six letters). The words can be from different categorie ...
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Song Worksheet: Let It Snow by Frank Sinatra [For Russian Speakers]

Song Worksheet: Let It Snow by Frank Sinatra [For Russian Speakers]

This worksheet includes all necessary materials for successful learning of the song "Let it snow" by Frank Sinatra: tasks (fill in the gaps, matching) and illustrated vocabulary cards. You may al ...
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Spot The Differences

Spot The Differences

Find the difference in the two pictures of Frosty, the snowman, taken this winter. Complete the sentences with the given vocabulary. Students read the statement, find the corresponding information ...
33 Views 33,027 BegElem
Clock Coloring Page

Clock Coloring Page

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13 Views 17,380 Pre-Int
Weird New Year Traditions

Weird New Year Traditions

There are 10 weird New Year superstitions descriptions with pictures. Give the pictures to the students first and let them guess (make their own) superstitions. Then give them true stories random ...
36 Views 38,394 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
New Year Resolutions Worksheet

New Year Resolutions Worksheet

A short reading and writing activity where the kids will first read some clues and then use their own imagination to write about their own New Year resolutions. It can be then followed by a speaki ...
30 Views 54,919 Pre-IntIntAdv
New Year Resolution List

New Year Resolution List

•, , January
This is a worksheet dealing with teenagers who want to make resolutions for the New Year 2012. There are examples of what they can write in their resolutions for the next year.This activity would ...
23 Views 37,833 ElemPre-Int
New Year Wordsearch Puzzle

New Year Wordsearch Puzzle

•, January
This is a 2-page worksheet on New Year vocabulary. It includes a picture dictionary which can also be used as a study sheet followed by a word search puzzle. The activity is available in both col ...
17 Views 42,633 ElemPre-Int
New Year Flashcards

New Year Flashcards

This is a set of high quality flashcards for teaching or revising New Year related vocabulary: countdown, fireworks, midnight, party, noise makers, calendar, friends, champagne, confetti, etc. Ha ...
26 Views 35,158 ElemPre-Int
New Year Crossword

New Year Crossword

This is a picture crossword for teaching New Year related vocabulary. Students are asked to complete the crossword puzzle and them match the words with the pictures. The activity is flexible enou ...
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New Year Matching Activity

New Year Matching Activity

•, January
This is a pretty easy matching activity, suitable for elementary students on New Year related vocabulary. Students are asked to read the words and then match them with the pictures. The activity ...
21 Views 35,756 ElemPre-Int

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