145 FREE Quizzes and Hunts Worksheets
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FREE Quizzes and Hunts

The quizzes and hunts section of the site is full of fun practice activities for your students so hopefully this is what you were looking for. With 145 worksheets to choose from you are bound to find something your students will enjoy. Let’s take a look at one of the worksheets from this category. This is a fun quiz activity for intermediate learners. It is designed to test their knowledge of English but is so creatively laid out that it looks like a game complete with a secret message. There are many other activities to choose from so you should be able to find something for your students and if not, please upload your worksheet for other busy teachers to use.
Quizzes are not usually enjoyable for students as they are viewed as mini tests. Some of quizzes are just that while others, such as the example above, is actually just a fun exercise. Hunts, on the other hand, are always lots of fun but make sure not to overuse them so that they remain a special treat. You can use hunts as review activities like quizzes or simply to get your students in a good mood. There are usually certain low points in the school year where you just need to put a little extra into your lesson plans. These types of activities are sure to engage students by breaking away from the typical lesson structure and getting them more focused on learning English.

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  • Suitable for All Levels (4)
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Around The World Dishes - Internet Searching

Around The World Dishes - Internet Searching

Use this worksheet in a computer lab to practice Internet search skills. Students need to find the name of the country that goes with each flag and then find the famous dish associated with the co ...
6 Views 11,354 Int
Art Appreciation Quiz

Art Appreciation Quiz

• » Quizzes and Hunts
This worksheet can be given as a quiz after an introduction to the basic elements of art and art styles. The worksheet should be used with pre-intermediate to intermediate ESL students. The teache ...
6 Views 13,249 Pre-Int
Comparison of Adjectives - PPT Game

Comparison of Adjectives - PPT Game

•, Quizzes and Hunts
A short Power Point game for practising comparison of adjectives that can be used right after grammar presentation. Students can practise both regular and irregular comparison. My students loved i ...
27 Views 61,325 ElemPre-Int
Healthy Habits Word Search

Healthy Habits Word Search

•Quizzes and Hunts,
It's an excellent warm up. This crossword is about personal care items.  Enjoy it..
8 Views 22,579 BegElem
Short Quiz

Short Quiz

This is a short quiz for an ESL English course I gave this June in Summer school. This worksheet contains types of sentences: declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory. It also has a ...
8 Views 12,937 BegElemPre-IntInt
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European Union

European Union

•, Quizzes and Hunts
Activity: Whose flag is this? Show Ss different countries flags and ask ‘Where are they from?’ Alternatively show them using a ppt. Ask Ss ‘What is this country famous for?’
7 Views 9,308 ElemPre-IntInt
Scotland Webquest

Scotland Webquest

•, , Quizzes and Hunts
A webquest about basic facts of Scotland: geography, population, historical facts, famous personalities, bands and singers, etc. Kids are asked to answer questions and complete sentences thanks to ...
12 Views 16,527 Pre-IntInt
Webquest On Advertising

Webquest On Advertising

This is a webquest on advertising which will guide your students through the process of designing a webquest. In this worksheet your students will read about propaganda strategies and techniques. ...
7 Views 15,694 IntAdv
Grammar Auction

Grammar Auction

•Quizzes and Hunts,
20 sentences, some of which are grammatically correct and some of which aren't. Put ss into groups and give them the sheet; give them some time to look at the sentences and decide which are correc ...
10 Views 53,176 ElemPre-Int


• » Quizzes and Hunts
These riddles that can be used as homework to keep students' motivation between classes. It is perfect to teach vocabulary 'on demand' and also to make them think in English out of the classroom. ...
7 Views 9,729 All
Quiz: Titanic, the movie (with answers)

Quiz: Titanic, the movie (with answers)

• » Quizzes and Hunts
Since we're commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Titanic tragedy, after doing a quiz on the historical facts (available on this website in my publications), I made up this quiz on the movie, ...
7 Views 15,870 Pre-IntIntAdv
Quiz on the Titanic (the real, historical one!) [WITH ANSWERS]

Quiz on the Titanic (the real, historical one!) [WITH ANSWERS]

• » Quizzes and Hunts
Since we're commemorating the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, I thought it would be interesting to talk about the real events, (using worksheets found here!) and as a warmer, I de ...
4 Views 10,568 Pre-IntIntAdv
Betting Game: Tense Revision

Betting Game: Tense Revision

Betting game is similar to grammar auction. Students need to decide whether the sentences are correct or wrong and bet between 10 and 100 points on each sentence. This one is designed for revising ...
36 Views 59,852 Pre-Int
1001 Arabian Nights Vocabulary Word Search

1001 Arabian Nights Vocabulary Word Search

• » Quizzes and Hunts
This activity is part of a series under the 1001 Arabian Nights theme. Here students look up for the words in the grid. The teacher should not limit the class to the wordsearch, though. It's alway ...
4 Views 10,504 ElemPre-IntInt
Personality Quiz: Are We Alike?

Personality Quiz: Are We Alike?

This is a fun way for SS to practice the present simple with how much / how many, some / any and a /an. You can use it as a war-up or as a follow-up/review activity. Alternatively, assign the exer ...
17 Views 12,778 Elem
Giving & Receiving Gifts Culture Quiz

Giving & Receiving Gifts Culture Quiz

This is a multiple choice quiz on the traditions of giving and receiving presents in different countries. It contains 8 questions with 4 possible answers to each (only 1 is correct!) Answers inclu ...
14 Views 24,026 ElemPre-Int
Shopping Treasure Hunt

Shopping Treasure Hunt

Good idea for shopping trip. Also good for new students to help them navigate around a new town and get to know it. Students have a list of objects e.g. a pair of glasses. Students have to write t ...
10 Views 18,318 Pre-Int
The USA: Matching Pairs

The USA: Matching Pairs

•, Quizzes and Hunts
This is a realia quiz testing geography, politics, literature, history etc. of the USA. Cut up the 2 sheets according to lines; the students should join the matching pairs. Adjust t ...
10 Views 6,947 Adv
The Body: PowerPoint Quiz

The Body: PowerPoint Quiz

This is a powerpoint game where questions are asked about the human body and the students have to answer the questions. it can be done in teams to make it more fun. I created it especially for Spa ...
16 Views 20,154 Pre-IntInt
Christmas Quiz

Christmas Quiz

•, Quizzes and Hunts,
A 20-word-multiple choice Christmas quiz. There are 20 pictures & 20 sentences to complete by choosing one of the three options given. It's a good way to revise vocabulary but also learn about ...
29 Views 58,425 Pre-IntInt
Shapes: Listening and Speaking

Shapes: Listening and Speaking

•, , Quizzes and Hunts,
This is a very useful worksheet to practice shapes through listening and speaking. Teacher's words: Listen to the teacher's instructions and blacken the circle needed. e.g. TASK 1: BLACKEN the va ...
13 Views 17,143 Elem
Dinosaur Quiz

Dinosaur Quiz

This is a general knowledge activity for kids to practice different question forms about the past in a fun way. It includes "wh-" questions (which, what), the past of "can" (could), "how long" and ...
20 Views 16,631 Pre-IntInt
Pass The Word!

Pass The Word!

•, Quizzes and Hunts,
This is an adaptation of the famous tv show "Pasapalabra". It has been prepared to divide the class into 3 groups. The teacher reads the definition of a word starting with each letter of the alpha ...
49 Views 25,467 ElemPre-IntInt
London Quiz Part 2

London Quiz Part 2

•, Quizzes and Hunts,
This is the second part of my London quiz. Students will have to write the names of the places of interest in London in the boxes and then put the correct letters from the boxes in the boxes at th ...
14 Views 16,233 ElemPre-IntInt
UK Quiz [PowerPoint Presentation]

UK Quiz [PowerPoint Presentation]

•, Quizzes and Hunts
You can use this quiz while covering the topic of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of 16 questions including culture, geography, famous sites, famous people. I ...
30 Views 39,923 ElemPre-IntInt

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