66 FREE Politics Worksheets

FREE Politics Worksheets

You have found the politics section of Busy Teacher where you will find 66 related worksheets. There are a number of ways you can include this topic in your classes and the different worksheets available reflect that. This is one such worksheet. It has a number of activities that can help intermediate students learn about elections. The topics of the sample elections are a little basic so you might want to alter them a bit for classes with high school students or adults. There are other worksheets in this section that can help you address different aspects of politics.
This is another topic that is not suitable for everyone and will certainly ruffle some feathers if you plan to discuss a specific historical or current event. To avoid controversy in your classroom consider conducting an activity like the example above. A good time to look at the passive voice is when you are reading political articles because it is often used in them. Rather than place the blame squarely where it belongs by using the active voice, things are phrased differently to deflect the blow. “The President did this.” is totally different from “This was done.” where no one is accused of performing the action. Whether or not you decide to include this topic in your course, the worksheets are here and free for you to use at any time.

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Movie Worksheet: The Iron Lady

Movie Worksheet: The Iron Lady

A short biography of M. Thatcher for some students might not know her with a very easy exercise on vocabulary and questions for post watching discussion. The aim is to get intermediate and higher ...
8 Views 14,767 Int
Business English Worksheet: Corporate Ethics

Business English Worksheet: Corporate Ethics

This worksheet discusses corporate ethics (i.e. whether big companies act in an ethical manner) in the context of the Durban climate summit. Students discuss their opinions on the matter, listen t ...
7 Views 13,279 Adv
Waiting for Superman Worksheet (Documentary)

Waiting for Superman Worksheet (Documentary)

This workshop is for students who have seen the documentary "Waiting for Superman". This documentary is about public education in the United States and how it is handle by the goverment. The works ...
4 Views 17,164 Adv
Movie Worksheet Invictus in Pictures

Movie Worksheet Invictus in Pictures

This worksheet comprises 5 pictures, each representing a scene in the film Invictus. 5 groups of students (take more photos of other scenes if you need more groups) get 1 picture and 6 questions t ...
6 Views 15,182 IntAdvExam
Movie Worksheet: Invictus

Movie Worksheet: Invictus

Invictus - Plot: Nelson Mandela, president of South Africa, decides to use the upcoming Rugby World Cup games to re-define South Africa and encourage coloured and white South Africans to cooperate ...
7 Views 44,290 IntAdv
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The Occupy Movement Video Lesson

The Occupy Movement Video Lesson

It's a video lesson about the Occupy Moviment with listening and conversation activities. Intermediate and on levels. Students discuss the political scene in the world and learn about this movemen ...
6 Views 6,124 IntAdv
Politics Worksheet

Politics Worksheet

• » Politics
It's a kind of vocabulary exercise which can improve the foreign students' knowledge about political systems in the US & UK. There are some words provided in boxes above each part. The student ...
10 Views 12,563 Pre-IntInt
Breaking News: SOPA

Breaking News: SOPA

These past days we have heard and seen on the news about SOPA. This worksheet will help you to have a debate with your students about this issue and see the importance of the internet. You can als ...
6 Views 9,822 IntAdv
20th November: Elections Day in Spain

20th November: Elections Day in Spain

A video about the 20th November in Spain together with an exercise to work with the vocabulary about elections and politics followed by some discussion points. A great opportunity to work with adv ...
8 Views 8,459 Adv
Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street

An ESL worksheet for Intermediate students, to learn more about the Occupy Wall Street Movement and simple past/present perfect. This worksheet refers to an article taken from the New York Times. ...
9 Views 10,320 Int
Song Worksheet: War by Bob Marley

Song Worksheet: War by Bob Marley

I did a lesson on Bob Marley's war song. I asked the students to listen to the song and then identify the singer. I then gave them a snap shot of his biography. I asked them to listen to the song ...
6 Views 17,193 Pre-Int
US Government [for RU speakers]

US Government [for RU speakers]

This worksheet describes the political system of the USA. Students will speak about it using active vocabulary and scheme below. (Political words and word combinations are given for Russian learne ...
15 Views 9,559 IntAdv
UK Political System [for RU speakers]

UK Political System [for RU speakers]

This worksheet describes the political system of the United Kingdom. Students can try to speak about it, using active vocabulary and scheme below. (Political vocabulary is given for Russian learne ...
16 Views 14,875 IntAdv
ABC investigates Sarah Palin's Book Censorship

ABC investigates Sarah Palin's Book Censorship

This is something I use in the computer lab, so the students can first do some quick research on the internet, then individually listen to the parts of the video they have most difficulties with. ...
6 Views 5,192 Adv
Video Worksheet: Obama in Brazil (March 2011)

Video Worksheet: Obama in Brazil (March 2011)

This is a great activity to use with different levels (you can adapt) focusing on comprehension of a real reporting made by Al Jazeera channel. The U.S. President visits Brazil and it's showed an ...
6 Views 8,838 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Class Based on President Obama's Speech in Brazil

Class Based on President Obama's Speech in Brazil

This activity is catered for intermediate students and up. It explores the speech given by American president Barack Obama during his visit to Brazil. It was delivered in the Rio de Janeiro munici ...
5 Views 11,134 IntAdv
Next World Leader

Next World Leader

This is for conversation practice. The students have to vote for the next leader of the world from a selection of character proiles. They do not know that they are real people until the end, when ...
8 Views 6,633 IntAdv
Talking about Barack's Life

Talking about Barack's Life

It's a worksheet about Obama's life, where your students will discuss the President's actions using 'since' and 'for' - according to the reading comprehension. They are going to compare the presen ...
19 Views 14,206 Pre-Int
Listening Activity: Obama's Speech on Bin Laden's Death [WITH VIDEO]

Listening Activity: Obama's Speech on Bin Laden's Death [WITH VIDEO]

• » Politics
Three listening activities on Obama's speech on Bin Laden's death: in the first exercise students have to rearrange sentences, in the second one they will have to look for some words which contain ...
3 Views 9,045 Pre-IntIntAdv
Culture: The House of Lords

Culture: The House of Lords

This is a short fact file about the House of Lords. It can be used in culture lessons about British politics. Either hand it out to all pupils, or let them compose their own questions to it in sma ...
9 Views 8,723 ElemPre-Int
Reading Worksheet: Ronald Reagan

Reading Worksheet: Ronald Reagan

This worksheet is a reading worksheet about Ronald Reagan. Students have to read some facts from his life and do three tasks. First they are to choose the correct answer, the second task is to dec ...
7 Views 17,810 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam
Song Worksheet: Wind of Change by Scorpions (WITH VIDEO)

Song Worksheet: Wind of Change by Scorpions (WITH VIDEO)

The lyrics celebrate the political changes in Eastern Europe at that time – such as the Polish Round Table Agreement and fall of the Berlin Wall, the increasing freedom in the communist bloc ...
10 Views 20,487 AdvExam
Election Lesson Plan

Election Lesson Plan

This amazing 5-page worksheet is a lesson plan for a fun lesson about elections. It contains a reading text about the nature of an election, election graphing activities, an election vocabulary wo ...
15 Views 35,262 IntAdvExam
American Elections Lesson Plan

American Elections Lesson Plan

This is a comprehensive lesson plan on the American elections: it contains 4 pages with a reading piece, and a 10-question comprehension checking quiz with multiple choices. This lesson plan was k ...
4 Views 15,033 IntAdvExam
Political Nightmares Role Play

Political Nightmares Role Play

Political Nightmares  Aim: Discussion, expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing Activity: Political Nightmares - Interviewing and discussion Level: Advanced   Outline: • ...
14 Views 27,168 AdvExam

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