Aim: Discussion, expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing
Activity: Political Nightmares - Interviewing and discussion
Level: Advanced
• Split students into two groups - a group of journalists and a group of politicians.
• Give each student a copy of one of the interview notes. Each students should be assigned one role as wither a Journalist or a Politician (i.e., Environment Minister, Foreign Minister, etc.)
• Ask students if they have any questions on the explanatory notes.
• Give students ten minutes to prepare for the interview.
• Have students break up into pairs and conduct the interview.
• Circulate around the classroom helping students and taking notes on common language problems.
• Begin the activity follow-up by going over some of the more common mistakes made by students.
• Finish the activity as a class by asking each pair to argue one of the points in front of the rest of the class. Ask other students to comment on the arguments presented.