For worksheets about restaurants and cafés, look no further. This is the page that has all 77 of the worksheets related to this topic. Many of the worksheets on this page are to help teachers conduct role plays because they can be a lot of fun and are good for practicing dialogues similar to those students may encounter in real life. This worksheet has six pairs of role-play cards that students use to have mini-dialogues about particular issues. In class, you will need to cover all the necessary vocabulary and sentence structures that are required prior to starting this activity. For a short exercise, give each pair of students just two cards but for a longer one, give each pair of students all twelve cards and make sure they take turns being the customer. At the end of the activity, students can share the result of their conversation or model part of their conversation for the class. This might not be the best activity for your class so take a look at the other available worksheets before deciding which one to use.
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This worksheet was used to present and practise food vocabulary and appropriate language at a restaurant. There is a picture of different kinds of food and drinks with their corresponding names to ...
Vocabulary preparation and practice for simple roleplays about complaining in a restaurant. First students translate some common sentences. Then they put a few short conversations in the correct ...
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